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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Pioneer DDJ-SZ vinyl mode on off[SOLVED]

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

Before on my DDJ SZ was toggling between on and off vinyl mode by pressing SHIFT and SLIP. After upgrade to ver. 8.2 is not working anymore.
Regards Tomas.

Inviato Fri 10 Jun 16 @ 4:57 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Is this the case for the factory default mapping or just with your own custom one ?

In Settings-->CONTROLLERS tab when you pres SHIFT+SLIP do you get the VINYL key or the SHIFT_SLIP in the Key Learn section ?
Map what you get there as vinyl_mode

Inviato Sat 11 Jun 16 @ 12:06 am
Thank you DJDad. That solved my problem.
Regards Tomas.

Inviato Sat 11 Jun 16 @ 5:04 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The default mapping is updated in the latest Early Access, with a fix on the SHIFT+SLIP. However, this probably applies to just the factory default mapping. See how its mapped in order to apply this to your custom mapping.

Inviato Mon 20 Jun 16 @ 2:37 pm

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