for VirtualDJ 8.2 Last Update : October 2017
The Reloop TOUCH is equipped with a built-in 7" TFT Multi-Touch Display, which offers all the features and information you may need in order to keep your eyes away from the computer's screen and focus on your mixing.
Choose the number of displayed Decks (2 or 4 Decks View), Audio or Video, browse your Music Library and Search with the On-Screen-Keyboard.
Reloop Touch is the first controller with a customized built-in Touch Display
Read further details in the following Chapters
Browser View
Settings View
Advanced Settings
Customize Display
The Deck Info element is offered in all Deck Views.
1Indicates the Deck number (1 to 4).
The Left side will display 1 (if the [DECK 3] button on the Reloop Touch is off) or 3 (if the [DECK 3] button on the Reloop Touch is on),
The Right side will display 2 (if the [DECK 4] button on the Reloop Touch is off) or 4 (if the [DECK 4] button on the Reloop Touch is on),
2Displays the Album Art of the track loaded to the Deck. Can be hidden from the Setting, to allow a larger space for the Title/Artist. 3Displays the Title or Title (Remix) of the track loaded to the deck, depending on the Title setting selection (see Settings). Tap to scroll the Title if too long and doesn’t fit in the area 4Displays the Artist of the track loaded to the deck. Tap to scroll the Artist if too long and doesn’t fit in the area
5Displays the Track’s Remain or Elapsed Time. Tap to view one or the other. The Time will start blinking when track reaches 30 seconds before its end (blink can be turned off from Settings)6Indicates the selected Master Deck (the one that all other Decks will sync to when [SYNC] is pressed on the Touch unit). Master Deck is automatically selected by VirtualDJ but can be manually selected as well, using the [SHIFT]+[SYNC] buttons on the Touch unit.7Displays the current BPM (Beats Per Minute) value of the track loaded to the deck.8Displays the selected % Range within the Pitch fader will move. The Pitch range can be selected with the [SHIFT]+[PITCH BEND] button on the Touch unit and applies to all Decks (global). Not offered in the 4 Decks Swap view9Displays the % Pitch value (how much in % the original tempo of the track is increased/decreased). Small Up/Down arrows may be displayed on the left side of the Pitch value indicating the direction that the Hardware fader needs to be moved, in order the Hardware fader to be linked with the Software one again. This can happen if [SYNC] is pressed from the Touch unit. Not offered in the 4 Decks Swap view10Displays the current musical Key of the track. The value form can be changed from the Settings. The Key of the track can be changed via the [XCODER] knob when the KEY mode is enabled. The value will be displayed with the same color as the Deck (blue, red, green or orange) if the current value matches the original Key of the track and in white with all other values. Not offered in the 4 Decks Swap view.11Indicates the selected Loop size in beats. It will be highlighted when a Loop is enabled. The size of the Loop can be adjusted from the [XCODER] on the Touch unit when the Loop Size mode is selected. The Loop can be triggered by pushing the [XCODER] on the Touch unit when the Loop Size mode is selected. Not offered in the 4 Decks Swap view.12Indicates the selected XCODER mode (Loop size, Key or CBG Width/Slide). The XCODER mode can be selected from the [MODE] button on the Touch unit..
13Displays the track’s progress and wave structure, along with Hot Cue markers and a play-head. You can tap within the area on the Display to navigate through the track, but for more accurate navigation use the [SHIFT]+[JOG] on the Touch unit.
14Jog display, indicating rotation and song progress (ring)15Indicates the Slip mode if enabled from the [SLIP] button on the Touch unit.16Displays the applied Gain dB value from the [GAIN] knobs on the Touch unit.17Indicates the pre-fader Deck Output Level (after the Gain apply and before the Volume Faders)
Video Effect and Transition on Master
18Displays the selected Video Transition. Tap this button to select a Video Transition (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [SHIFT]+[VIDEO TRANS ON] button on the left side of the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when a Video Transition is triggered manually via the [VIDEO TRNS ON] button on the left side of the Touch unit.19Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 2nd if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Video Transition. Use this area to adjust the Parameter value, but for more precise adjustments, use the [VIDEO TRNS FADER] from the right side of the Touch unit.20Displays the selected Video Effect on Master Video output. Tap this button to select a Video Effect (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [SHIFT]+[VIDEO FX ON] button on the right side of the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when a Video Effect is enabled via the [VIDEO FX ON] button on the right side of the Touch unit..21Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 2nd if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Video Effect. Use this area to adjust the Parameter value, but for more precise adjustments, use the [VIDEO FX FADER] from the right side of the Touch unit.Deck Effects
The Effects section of the Touch Display offers indications and controls for the Effects applied on the Left and Right selected decks. Both Left and Right deck Effects offer 2 modes. A Single FX mode with indication and controls for a Single Effect Slot (with more parameters) and a Multi FX mode with indications and controls for 3 FX Slots (with less Parameters but the ability to chain Effects)
The selection between the 2 offered modes can be done via the [SHIFT]+[MODE] buttons of the Touch unit and are deck independent (Left and Right decks can be on different modes)
Single FX mode
22Displays the selected Effect. Tap this button to select an Effect (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [FX2 ON] and [FX3 ON] buttons on the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when the selected Effect is enabled via the [FX1 ON] button on the Touch unit.
When [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit, the button will display the 1st Parameter Button of the selected Effect, which can be controlled via the [SHIFT]+[FX1 ON] button from the Touch unit.23Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 4th if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 1st/4th Parameters, use the [FX1] / [SHIFT]+[FX1] faders of the Touch unit.24Displays a Left arrow, indicating the action of the [FX2 ON] button (selects the previous available Effect). Tap this button to select an Effect (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [FX2 ON] and [FX3 ON] buttons on the Touch unit.
When [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit, the button will display the 2nd Parameter Button of the selected Effect, which can be controlled via the [SHIFT]+[FX2 ON] button from the Touch unit..25Displays a visual indication of the 2nd Parameter value (or the 5th if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 2nd /5th Parameter, use the [FX2] / [SHIFT]+[FX2] faders of the Touch unit.26Displays a Right arrow, indicating the action of the [FX3 ON] button (selects the next available Effect). Tap this button to select an Effect (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [FX2 ON] and [FX3 ON] buttons on the Touch unit.
When [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit, the button will display the 3rd Parameter Button of the selected Effect, which can be controlled via the [SHIFT]+[FX3 ON] button from the Touch unit.27Displays a visual indication of the 3rd Parameter value (or the 6th if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 3rd/6th Parameter, use the [FX3] / [SHIFT]+[FX3] faders of the Touch unit.Multi FX mode
28Displays the selected Effect for the FX Slot 1. Tap this button to select an Effect for FX Slot 1 (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [SHIFT]+[FX1 ON] button on the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when the Effect is enabled via the [FX1 ON] button on the Touch unit..29Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 2nd if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect of the FX Slot 1. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 1st/2nd Parameters, use the [FX1] / [SHIFT]+[FX1] faders of the Touch unit.30Displays the selected Effect for the FX Slot 2. Tap this button to select an Effect for FX Slot 2 (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [SHIFT]+[FX2 ON] button on the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when the Effect is enabled via the [FX2 ON] button on the Touch unit.31Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 2nd if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect of the FX Slot 2. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 1st/2nd Parameters, use the [FX2] / [SHIFT]+[FX2] faders of the Touch unit..32Displays the selected Effect for the FX Slot 3. Tap this button to select an Effect for FX Slot 3 (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made from the [SHIFT]+[FX3 ON] button on the Touch unit. The button will be highlighted when the Effect is enabled via the [FX3 ON] button on the Touch unit.33Displays a visual indication of the 1st Parameter value (or the 2nd if [SHIFT] is pressed from the Touch unit) of the selected Effect of the FX Slot 2. Tap this area to get the XY Pad Effect view to adjust 2 Parameters at the same time. For more precise adjustments of the 1st/2nd Parameters, use the [FX3] / [SHIFT]+[FX3] faders of the Touch unit.XY Pad Effect view
The XY Pad view is offered when the area displaying the Effect Parameters is tapped.
34Tap this button to close the XY Pad Effect view and go back to the default FX view35Offers an X / Y Axis Pad control to simultaneously adjust the Parameters of the selected Effect displayed on the X and Y Axis. By default the 1st Parameter will be displayed on the X Axis and the 2nd Parameter on the Y Axis. Tap and slide inside the Pad control area to adjust the selected Effect Parameters.36Displays the selected Effect. Tap to select a different Effect (a scroll menu will be offered). The selection can be also made via the [FX ON] button on the Touch unit, depending on the selected FX mode.37Tap this button to trigger (toggle or momentary depending on the [FX TEMP] mode) the selected Effect..38Tap this button to enable/disable the FX Temp mode. When enabled, the [FX ON] button will trigger the selected Effect momentary (while tapped) and/or while the XY Axis Pad area is tapped/slided. 39Tap these buttons to select the previous/next available Parameter for the Y Axis. These buttons will not be offered in the view, if the selected Effect has less than 3 Parameters.
The PADS section is available in the [2 DECKS]. [VIDEO] and [4 DECKS SWAP] Views of the Reloop Touch Display GUI
40Displays the selected Pad Page (operation mode) for the Pads. Tap this area to get a scrolling menu and select a different Page. The selection can be made from the Touch unit, using the [PAD MODE]+[PADS 1-8]41Displays the status (triggered or not) and the assigned value of each Pad, depending on the selected Pad Page. Tap a button to trigger the action assigned to the Pad (same as using [PAD 1-8] from the Touch unit)42Displays the value of the 1st Parameter of the selected Pad Page (if available). The 1st Parameter can be increased/decreased using the [PARAM]+[PAD1/PAD2] buttons on the Touch unit43Displays the value of the 2nd Parameter of the selected Pad Page (if available). The 2nd Parameter can be increased/decreased using the [PARAM]+[PAD3/PAD4] buttons on the Touch unit.Read further about Pads and Pad Pages at the VirtualDJ Operation Manual
46Displays the Video Preview for the Left and Right selected decks. Tap this area to show the Deck Video Preview in Full screen and tap again to return to the Video view.47Displays the Master Video Output. Tap this area to show the Master Video Output in full screen and tap again to return to the Video view48Displays the Video Crossfader position (can differ from the Audio Crossfader – controlled by the Touch unit)49Auto Video Crossfader mode. Tap this button to enable/disable the Auto V.CF mode. When enabled, the Video crossfader will automatically move from the very left position to a middle position and end to the very right position, depending on the position of the Audio Crossfader and Volume faders of the Touch unit, providing a smart video mixing.50Link Video Crossfader mode. Tap this button to enable/disable the Link V.CF mode. When enabled, the Video Crossfader will follow the position of the Audio Crossfader.
Tap the [BROWSER] button from the bottom Navigation section of the screen to select the Browser View (the button will blink if no track is loaded to any Deck)
Browser View with Mini Decks ELEMENT
51Tap the [BROWSER] button from the bottom NAVIGATION section of the screen, to select the Browser View. Tap the [BACK] button to return to the selected Decks View. The Browser View will be automatically offered if the [BROWSE] encoder or the [BACK] button are used on the Touch unit and will remain visible if no Browsing operation is performed for 5 seconds. This automatic behavior can be disabled from the Touch Settings View.52Tap the [MINI DECKS] button to show/hide the Mini Decks section at the top of the Browser view. The Mini decks offer information for the loaded tracks and will automatically display the Left and the Right selected Decks if a 2 Decks view is selected and all 4 Decks if the 4 Decks view is selected.53Tap the [A-] / [A+] buttons to decrease/increase the size of the font for all Browser Lists (Folders, Files and Sideview).54Folders Separator. This vertical area is used to separate the Folders List from the Files List. Tap the button with the folders icon to open/close the Folders List (and provide more width for the other Lists). Use the area above and below this button and slide to left/right to decrease/increase the width of the Folders List.55Sideview Separator. This vertical area is used to separate the Sideview from the Files List. Tap the button with the list icon to open/close the Sideview (and provide more width for the other Lists). Use the area above and below this button and slide to left/right to decrease/increase the width of the Sideview.MINI DECKS
Mini Decks – 2 Decks view
Mini Decks – 4 Decks view When the MINI DECKS button is enabled from the Browser view, the top section will display information about the tracks loaded to the Decks, providing the status and useful information to assist you selecting a track from Browser. However, the available height of the Browser will be limited.
The Left and the Right decks will be displayed automatically when the 2 DECKS or the VIDEO views are selected. All 4 Decks will be automatically displayed when the 4 DECKS view is selected.
The MINI DECKS offer Deck information such as the Title of the track, the BPM value, the Remain/Elapsed Time, a progress bar and VU meter.
When the MINI DECKS section is displayed, you may also load a track from the Browser, by dragging a track (from its Album Art) and dropping that to one of the Mini decks (same operation with the [LOAD] buttons of the Touch unit.
Browser View – Folders List This section offers the Folders List of the VirtualDJ Browser Slide up/down to browse through the folders (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a folder to select and open/close its subfolders. Read further details about the Folders List at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ Tap the button of the vertical separator to open/close the Folders List or slide left/right above or below this button to adjust the width of the List.
Browser View – Files List This section offers the Files List of the VirtualDJ Browser and displays the tracks of the selected Folder. Slide up/down to browse through the tracks (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a track to select and load it to a deck, either by using the [LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit or by dragging and dropping to a Mini Deck (if enabled). Read further details about the Files List at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ
Browser View - Windows On Screen Keyboard 56Tap this boxed area to reveal the OSK (On Screen Keyboard) to type and search for a track. See how the OSK can be offered in Touch Display Settings Chapter57Tap any of the Browser header fields buttons to sort the Files List ordered by that (same with [SHIFT]+[LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit). Tap and hold (similar to right-click) any of those Field header buttons to get a List with all the available Browser fields and select which ones you need to show in the Browser View.SIDEVIEW
Browser View – Sideview Lists This section offers the Sideview of the VirtualDJ Browser and offers 4 different Lists (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke and Sampler). Slide up/down to browse through the tracks (same operation with the [BROWSE] encoder of the Touch unit). Tap a track to select and load it to a deck, either by using the [LOAD] buttons on the Touch unit or by dragging and dropping to a Mini Deck (if enabled). Read further details about the Sideview Lists at the Operation Manual of VirtualDJ 58Tap one of the 4 available buttons to select a Sideview List (Sidelist, Sampler, Automix and Karaoke).59At the top of each Sideview List information and additional buttons will be displayed depending on the selected List.Note. By default, scrolling though tracks/folders is performed by 1 finger and dragging with 1 finger over the Album Art of the track (in case you need to load it or add/move it to the Sideview).
An alternative mode is available from VirtualDJ SettingsOPTIONS tab, via the multiTouchTwoFingerScroll setting. When set to Yes, scrolling through tracks/folders is performed with 2 fingers on the Touch Display and selection/dragging with 1 finger
60Tap the [SETTINGS] button from the bottom NAVIGATION section of the screen, to select the Settings View. Tap again to return to the selected Decks View61Tap this button to reset all settings to their default values62The Settings View offers 3 blocks of settings. Tap one of those buttons to select the Decks, Browser or Waves block of Settings.63Tap these 2 buttons to Zoom In/Out the selected Wave View.DECK SETTINGS
Tap the [DECKS] button in the Settings View to select the Deck Block of Settings
64Show Track’s Album Art. If set to Yes (default value), the Album Art of the Track will be displayed on the Deck INFO section of the Touch Display. When set to No, the Album Art will not be displayed on the Deck INFO section, providing more space for the Artist and Title of the track. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection..65Blink Time on End. If set to Yes (default value), the Elapsed/Remain Time on the Deck INFO section of the Touch Display will start blinking (from white to gray) when the track reaches 30 seconds before its end. If set to No, the Elapsed/Remain Time will not blink. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.66Key Display. If set to Note, the Key value on the Deck INFO section will be displayed in the musical notes form. (A#, Am, B# etc.). If set to Harmonic (default value), the Key value will be displayed in the Camelot form (8A, 12B etc.). If set to Numeric, the Key value will be displayed as a relative value compared to the original Key of the track (0 if the current Key matches the original, -1 if moved one semitone down, +3 if moved 3 semitones up etc). Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.67Track’s Title Format. If set to Title (default value), only the Title of the track will be displayed in the Deck INFO section. If set to Title (Remix), the Title will be displayed along with the Remix of the track in a form of Title (Remix). Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.68Pitch Un-Link Warning. If set to Yes (default value), Up/Down Arrows will be displayed next to the Pitch value on the Deck INFO section, if the Software and Hardware Pitch values don’t match (e.g. [SYNC] is pressed on the Touch unit, the software Pitch is moved to match the BPM value of the other Deck and the Hardware Pitch fader position is on a different position). If set to No, the Up/Down Arrows will not be displayed. ). Tap the corresponding button to make your selectionBROWSER SETTINGS
Tap the [BROWSER] button in the Settings View to select the Browser Block of Settings
69Browser Switch Mode. If set to Manual, the Browser View will be offered on the Touch Display only via the [BROWSER] button at the bottom Navigation section. If set to Auto (default value), the Browser View will be offered not only via the [BROWSER] button on the Touch Display, but also whenever the [BROWSE] or [BACK] buttons are used from the Touch unit and will automatically return to the Decks view, if a Track is loaded (via the [LOAD] buttons) or no Browsing action is performed from either the Touch Display or the Touch unit. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.70Browser View. If set to Grid (default value), the Lists of the Browser View (Folders, Songs and Sideview) will be displayed in boxes, offering an easier navigation/selection. If set to Auto, the Lists of the Browser View will be displayed in Lines or Boxes following the Main Browser View (List or Grid) on the VirtualDJ main GUI. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.71Browser List Line Height. Select the height that the Lines will have when the Auto Browser View is selected from the Touch Display Settings and the List view mode is selected from the VirtualDJ main GUI. The value 2.0 x (default) means double the height of the original. The setting has no effect on the Grid Display Browser View.WAVE SETTINGS
Tap the [WAVES] button in the Settings View to select the Waves Block of Settings
72Cue Markers Color. If set to Per Deck (default value), the Markers for the HotCues on the Waves and Progress Bars will get the color of the corresponding deck (blue for Deck 1, red for Deck 2 etc.) If set to Per Cue, the Markers for the HotCues will get a pre-defined color (depending on their number) or the one assigned from the POI Editor. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.73Number of Decks on Waves. If set to Auto (default value), the top Wave section of the Touch Display will automatically show 2 or 4 decks, depending on the Decks view. Will show 2 Decks (Left and Right) if the 2 Decks or the 2 Deck Video views are selected and all 4 decks if the 4 Decks view is selected. If set to 2 Decks, the Waves of the Left and Right selected Decks will be displayed regardless the selected Decks view. If set to 4 Decks, the waves of all 4 Decks will be displayed, regardless the selected Decks view or the loaded tracks. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.74Wave View. If set to Rhythm (default value), the Wave of the Decks at the top section of the Touch Display will be displayed in the Rhythm view. If set to Scratch, the Wave of the Decks will be displayed in the Scratch View. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection.75Waves Color. Select one of the 5 coloring types for the Waves. The selection affects both the Scratch Wave views and the Track’s Progress bar at the Deck INFO section. Monochrome is the default value. Tap the corresponding button to make your selection
If by touching the Display of the Reloop Touch affects your primary monitor, you need to declare which one of your monitors is a touch screen.
Open the Tablet PC Settings window.
From Windows Taskbar click on the Search button, type Tablet PC settings and select the provided result or find Tablet PC Settings from Control Panel All Control Panel Items Tablet PC Settings.
See also :
Click on the Setup button
Follow the on-screen instructions to define Reloop Touch Display as touchscreen.
It is advised to calibrate the Reloop Touch Display for more accurate operation.
Open the Tablet PC Settings window.
From Windows Taskbar click on the Search button, type Tablet PC settings and select the provided result or find Tablet PC Settings from Control Panel All Control Panel Items Tablet PC Settings.
Select the Touch Display from the Display List.
Click on the Calibrate button.
Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate the Touch Display
When the calibration is completed, select Save on the offered confirmation window
You may undo the calibration using the Reset button
The On Screen Keyboard will be offered if your computer has the Pen and Touch mode enabled (e.g. when your computer has a touchscreen already). In case it is not enabled or not offered, you will need to make the following adjustment.
Open the Touch keyboard Settings window.
From Windows Taskbar click on the Search button, type Touch Keyboard Settings and select the provided result or find Touch Keyboard Settings from Control Panel All Control Panel Items
Make sure the Typing setting is selected on the left side.
Scroll down to the Touch keyboard section.
Make sure the last setting is enabled.
Close the window.
If you tap on the Search box of the Browser view on the Touch Display but the On Screen Keyboard appears on the primary screen, grab the keyboard and place it at the Display Touch. The position will be remembered and the OSK will be displayed on the Touch Display from now on.
The Graphics User Interface (GUI) of the Reloop Touch Display is installed with the VirtualDJ Reloop Touch OEM from order the Reloop Touch GUI to appear on the unit's Display, you will need either to install the Reloop Touch OEM version of VirtualDJ from the link above (puts a RTOUCH.dat file in /Documents/VirtualDJ/Devices folder) or install this Add-on from .
If you wish to customize/modify the Display of the Reloop Touch, you will need to install the Add-on from the link above. A Reloop Touch file will be then installed to the /Documents/VirtualDJ/Skins folder, which you can modify as any other skin, or create your own.
Just keep the top and bottom parts of the
XML file like the following code.
<skin hidden="yes">
<window name="relooptouch" controllerWindow="yes" disableAccelmac="yes" controllerScreenWidth="1024" controllerScreenHeight="600" controllerScreenNameMac="Display" controllerScreenName="DisplayLink USB Device" width="1024" height="600" posx="0" posy="0" image="relooptouch" resize="false" shown="true">
The size of the Display is
1024 pixels width and
600 pixels height
It is also important to
keep the same name for the zip file skin, in order to override the default one. If you wish to revert to the Default Reloop Touch GUI, you will need to delete or rename your custom zip skin file.
You can
share your custom Reloop Touch skins with the VirtualDJ community by uploading at
For further Technical features and specifications, visit Reloop TOUCH
Product's Page
Hardware Integration Department 2017 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.
Step 1. Connections
Connect the Reloop TOUCH with your computer using the provided USB cable. Connect your Headphones to the front socket of the TOUCH and your amplifier/amplified speakers to the Master Out socket at the rear side using RCA or TRS 1/4" cables.
Connect the provided AD/DC Adapter at the rear panel and then connect its other end to an AC Power Outlet.
Power on the unit from the rear panel button.
Step 2. Drivers
For both
Windows &
Mac OSX : Install the Reloop TOUCH Display drivers from drivers are necessary to be installed in order the built-in Display to operate
Step 3. VirtualDJ
Install VirtualDJ Visit and enter the VirtualDJ
Keycode that came with your Reloop TOUCH.
Download and
install the VirtualDJ Reloop Touch PRO/OEM Edition from that page
Open VirtualDJ and login with your Account credentials.
Create an Account in case you don't have one.
Detection Window
Click to “Use Soundcard”. VirtualDJ will automatically create the necessary audio configuration. Speakers and Headphones need to be connected to the Reloop TOUCH in this case.
Click to “Change Skin”. in order the 4 Decks Default VirtualDJ GUI to be loaded
If you don't have a Pro Infinity or a Pro Subscription license click on the "Enter Keycode" button and enter the VirtualDJ PRO/OEM Keycode that came with your Reloop TOUCH
Click to OK
The unit is now ready to operate
S SHIFT. Hold this button down to access secondary functions of the Reloop TOUCH
The functionality of each button and knob per section (as shown in the image below) will be explained in detail in the next chapters
A. Mixer B. Browser C. Deck Controls D. Effects E. Pads F. Touch Display G. Front & Rear panels
Front Panel - Reloop TOUCH - HEADPHONES INPUT. Connect a pair of Headphones to this socket (1/4” or 1/8”). The Volume of this Output is controlled by the knob at the top panel
- MIC INPUT. Connect your 1/4” Microphone to this Input.
The Microphone Inputs is not part of the USB audio interface, therefore it can not be added to the Audio setup of VirtualDJ, neither can be controlled by the software or recorded. the signal of this Input is routed directly to the Master Ouput
- MIC VOL. Adjust the volume of the Microphone input signal. Hardware operation (not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI).
Rear Panel - Reloop TOUCH - POWER: Use the Power Switch to turn the Reloop TOUCH on/off. Turn on the unit after all input devices have been connected and before you turn on amplifiers. Turn off amplifiers before you turn off Reloop TOUCH
Use the provided AC/DC power supply. While the power is switched off, plug the cable into Reloop TOUCH first, and then plug the cable into a power outlet.
- USB. This USB connection sends and receives audio and control information from a connected computer.
- MASTER OUTPUT (2) : Use standard TRS 1/4" cables to connect this output to a speaker or amplifier system. The level of this output is controlled by the Master knob on the top panel.
- MASTER OUTPUT (1) : Alternative Master Output. Use standard RCA cables to connect this output to a speaker or amplifier system. The level of this output is controlled by the Master knob on the top panel.
MIXER Controls

- CROSSFADER. Blends audio between the channels assigned to the left and right side of the crossfader.
- VOLUME. Adjust the Volume of each channel.
Hold SHIFT down and then use use these faders to adjust the Volume of each channel and at the same time stop the deck to the last Cue position, when the fader is at the minimum position and start the deck when the fader moves from the minimum position to any other. (Fader Start/Stop)
- PFL/CUE. Press these buttons to send the audio signal from a mixer channel to the Headphones Output channel.
Hold SHIFT down and then use tap these buttons on beat (at least 4 times) to manually calculate the tempo of the track
- FILTER. Use this switcher to select one of the 2 available Equalizer modes. (3 EQ Band and 2 EQ Band+Filter).
- FILTER/EQ LOW. When the 2 EQ Band+Filter mode is selected, use this knob to apply a High/Low Pass Filter to the deck. In middle position no filter is applied.
When the 3 EQ Band mode is selected, use this knob to adjust the Low (Bass) frequencies for each mixer channel
- EQ LOW/MID. When the 2 EQ Band+Filter mode is selected, use this knob to adjust the Low (Bass) frequencies for each mixer channel.
When the 3 EQ Band mode is selected, use this knob to adjust the Mid (Middle) frequencies for each mixer channel.
- EQ HIGH. Adjust the High (Treble) frequencies for each mixer channel.
- GAIN. Adjust the Gain of each mixer channel.
- MASTER VOLUME. Adjust the level of the Master Output. Hardware operation - movement not visible on the VirtualDJ GUI
- HEAPHONES VOLUME. Adjust the Volume Output of the Headphones Channel.
- HEADPHONES MIX. Adjust how the Channels and the Master Output blend at the Headphones Channel.
BROWSER Controls

- LOAD. Press these buttons to load the selected track from the Browser to decks 1 to 4. The LED of the button will be on if the deck is loaded.
Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 3 to sort the tracks of the selected Browser view by Artist List.
Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 1 to sort the tracks of the selected Browser view by Title List.
Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 2 to sort the tracks of the selected Browser view by BPM List.
Hold SHIFT down and then press the LOAD button on Channel 4 to sort the tracks of the selected Browser view by Key List.
- BROWSE ENC. Scroll through files of folders. Push the encoder to toggle focus between the Folders and the Songs Lists.
Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to scroll faster (+/- 15 tracks or folders per click)
Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to toggle between the normal and zoomed Browser view
- BACK. Use this button to set focus to the Folders List. If focus is already to the Folders List, use this button to open/close sub-folders.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to go back to the Decks view on the Reloop Touch screen

- PLAY/PAUSE. Plays / Pauses the track. Press and hold SHIFT and then press this button to play-sutter the track.
- CUE. When the Deck is paused, you can set a temporary Cue Point by moving the Platter to place the Audio Pointer at the
desired location and then pressing the Cue Button. During playback, you can press the Cue Button to return the track to this Cue Point. (If you did not set a Cue Point, then it will return to the beginning of the track.). If the Deck is paused, you can press and hold the Cue Button to play the track from the Temporary Cue Point. Releasing the Cue Button will return the track to the temporary Cue Point and pause it. To continue playback without returning to the Temporary Cue Point, press and hold the Cue Button, then press and hold the Play Button, and then release both buttons.
Press and hold SHIFT and then press this button to return to the beginning of the track.
- SYNC. Press this button to automatically match the corresponding Deck's tempo with the opposite Deck's (or the Master Deck’s if using a 4 decks Skin) tempo and phase.
Hold SHIFT down and then press this button to set this deck as Master Deck. When a Deck is set as Master Deck, all other decks will sync to this deck. When SHIFT is held, the LED of the SYNC button will indicate the Master Deck. When the LED is flashing, the Master Deck is in manual mode. To return to the auto-mode selection, press the flashing SYNC button
- XCODER MODE. Use this button to cycle through the 3 available modes for the XCODER. The mode is visible on the Touch screen GUI.
The LED of this button will be off when the Loop mode is selected, on when the Key mode is selected and blink when the CBG mode is selected.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to toggle between Single and Multi Effect modes. See Effects
In Loop mode (default) Use this encoder to half/double the size of the loop.
Push the encoder to enable/disable a Loop of the selected size in Beats
When a loop is triggered, hold SHIFT down and then use this encoder to move backwards/forwards the loop in time by 1 beat per click.
In Key mode. Use this encoder to adjust the Key of the track.
Push the encoder to reset the track to its original Key value.
Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to match the key of the track with the key of the opposite deck.
In CBG mode. Use this encoder to move the CBG (Constant Beat Grid) of the track in time
Hold SHIFT down and then use this encoder to adjust the width of the CBG (same as if adjusting the BPM).
Push the encoder to re-analyze the track and undo all CBG changes (resets CBG and BPM)
Hold SHIFT down and then push the encoder to set current track's position as First-Beat (this point will be steady when the width of the CBG is adjusted)
- PITCH BEND LEFT. Hold this button down to temporary slow down the tempo of the playing track. When released, the track will continue playing at the tempo designated by the Pitch fader.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the previous available % range for the Pitch fader
- PITCH BEND RIGHT. Hold this button down to temporary speed-up the tempo of the playing track. When released, the track will continue playing at the tempo designated by the Pitch fader.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available % range for the Pitch fader
- PITCH. Controls the track's playback tempo.
When the LED is turned on, it indicates that the pitch fader of the unit is on zero (center) position and the track plays at its original speed.
- JOGWHEEL. Touch sensitive platter for scratching (vinyl mode enabled), bending (CD Mode) or Seek mode. In Vinyl mode, use the jogwheel to scratch and the outer ring to bend.
Hold SHIFT down and then use the jogwheel to navigate through the track (seek mode)
- SLIP. Use this button to enable/disable the Slip mode. When enabled, several functions such as scratching, hotcues and loops will act temporary and when finished, the track will resume playing from the position it would have been if those actions never took place.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable Vinyl mode.
- DECK SELECT. Switch Control for the Left decks (1 and 3) and Right Decks (2 and 4). Use the left-side DECK button to assign Deck 1 or Deck 3 (LED will be lit) to the left side of the Reloop Touch and the right-side DECK button to assign Deck 2 or Deck 4 (LED will be lit) to the right side of the unit.
The Reloop Touch offers 2 modes for the Effects control. In the
Multi Effect mode, the effect units offer control for 3 Effect slots with 2 effect parameters for each one, while the
Single Effect mode offers a single Effect slot but more effect parameters.
Use the
toggle between these 2 modes. Each time a mode is selected, the FX units of the default VirtualDJ skins will display 1 or 3 Effect Slots
- FX1 ON.
In Multi Effect mode use this button to enable/disable the selected effect of FX Slot 1.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available effect for FX Slot 1.
In Single Effect mode, use this button to enable/disable the selected Effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable the 1st FX button of the selected Effect (if available)
- FX2 ON.
In Multi Effect mode use this button to enable/disable the selected effect of FX Slot 2.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available effect for FX Slot 2.
In Single Effect mode, use this button to select the previous available Effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable the 2nd FX button of the selected Effect (if available)
- FX3 ON.
In Multi Effect mode use this button to enable/disable the selected effect of FX Slot 3.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available effect for FX Slot 3.
In Single Effect mode, use this button to select the next available Effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to enable/disable the 3rd FX button of the selected Effect (if available).
- FX1 Fader.
In Multi Effect mode the Fader controls the 1st parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 1.
Hold SHIFT down and use this Fader to adjust the 2nd parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 1.
In Single Effect mode the Fader controls the 1st parameter of the selected effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this Fader to control the 4th parameter of the selected Effect (if available)
- FX2 Fader.
In Multi Effect mode the Fader controls the 1st parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 2.
Hold SHIFT down and use this Fader to adjust the 2nd parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 2.
In Single Effect mode the Fader controls the 2nd parameter of the selected effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this Fader to control the 5th parameter of the selected Effect (if available)
- FX3 Fader.
In Multi Effect mode the Fader controls the 1st parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 3.
Hold SHIFT down and use this Fader to adjust the 2nd parameter of the selected effect of FX Slot 3.
In Single Effect mode the Fader controls the 3rd parameter of the selected effect.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this Fader to control the 6th parameter of the selected Effect (if available)
- VIDEO TRANS (Left side)
Use this button to trigger the selected Video Transition. The Video Transition is automatically applying when cross-fading from one side to the other and the LINK or AUTO Video Transition mode is enabled.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available Video Transition.
Use this fader to adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Video Transition (if available)
Hold SHIFT down and then use this fader to adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Video Transition (if available)
- VIDEO FX (Right side)
Use this button to trigger the selected Video Effect on Master.
Hold SHIFT down and then use this button to select the next available Video Effect on Master.
- VIDEO FX FADER(Left side)
Use this fader to adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Video Effect on Master (if available)
Hold SHIFT down and then use this fader to adjust the 2nd Parameter of the selected Video Effect on Master (if available)
Pads (36) offer 16 different modes
How to select a mode:Hold the
PAD MODE (37) button down and then press one of the 8 Pads to select one of the
8 primary Pad modes. When a primary mode is selected, press the same Pad to select its
secondary mode.
The available modes are displayed on the Touch screen while the PAD MODE button is held.
Release the PAD MODE button after your selection.
Each time a mode is selected, a
Page will be selected and displayed on the
Pads section of both the default VirtualDJ skin and Touch screen GUI
Primary Pad modes
Secondary Pad modes How to adjust the Parameters of the selected Pad mode:Hold
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 to 4 to adjust the Parameters of the selected mode. The LEDs of the 4 top Pads will be lit if the Parameter is available
Primary Pad modesSecondary Pad modes (with 2nd Pad press)
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
1st Pad to set the PADs to HotCue mode Release both buttons.
Hotues page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Hotcues mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode each one of the 8 pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 8) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light up.
SHIFT and then press any of the pads to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
VirtualDJ GUI -Hotcues mode
TOUCH GUI - Hotcues mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to
jump to the
next or previous HotCue.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to
jump the track forward/backwards
by 1 beat
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
2nd Pad to set the PADs to Loop mode Release both buttons.
Loop page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Loop mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, each one of the 8 PADs
triggers a loop of a different size (from 1/32 to 128 beats) depending on the selected Loop
page (1-6)..Press the same pads to disable the applied loop or another one to apply a loop of a different size. The XCODER encoder can be also used to half/double the size of the Loop (if in Loop mode).
VirtualDJ GUI -Loop page
TOUCH GUI - Loop page Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 or 2 to
select a different
page (bank) of loop sizes
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 or 4 to select a different Loop
trigger mode (on/off, Hold or Roll)
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
3rd Pad to set the PADs to Slicer mode Release both buttons.
Slicer page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Slicer mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, the 8 pads represent 8
sequential beats/
Slices in the Beat Grid. The playing Slice is represented by the currently green lit pad. The green light will "move through the pads" as it progresses through each eight-Slice phrase. Press a pad to
repeat that Slice (hold it down if you want to keep looping it). Once the Pad is released the track will continue to play from the position it would have been if the pad was never pressed.
SHIFT button down and then use the same Pads to use the Slicer in
Hold mode. In this mode, the slices are
memorized (using the last triggered ones)
VirtualDJ GUI - Slicer mode
TOUCH GUI - Slicer mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to adjust the
length of the Loop applied to the slice.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to adjust the
step of the Slices.
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
4th Pad to set the PADs to Sampler mode Release both buttons.
Sampler page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Sampler mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, each one of the 8 pads
triggers a sample (1 to 8) from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If the selected Sampler Bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of the unit will trigger the same Samples. If the selected Sampler Bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of the unit will trigger Samples 1 to 8 and the right side of the unit will trigger Samples 9 too 16.
The leds of the Pads will automatically get the assigned color of each sample (dark when off, bright when playing).
Press the pads to trigger a sample. Depending on the selected trigger mode, use
SHIFT and the same pads to
stop the sample.
VirtualDJ GUI - Sampler mode
TOUCH GUI - Sampler mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to
select the previous and next
Sampler Bank.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to select the previous/next
Trigger Pad mode (on/off, hold, stutter, and unmute)
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
5th Pad to set the PADs to CueLoop mode Release both buttons.
CueLoop page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
CueLoop mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, each one of the 8 Pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point, but in both cases, it also triggers a momentary or toggle
Loop depending on the selected mode.
The currently selected length will be used for the triggered Loop
SHIFT down and then press a pad to
jump to the Hot Cue Point but leave the Loop enabled.
VirtualDJ GUI -CueLoop mode
TOUCH GUI - CueLoop mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 or 2 to half or double the size of the applied Loop. The size of the Loop can be also adjusted from the XCODER when in Loop mode.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 or 4 to select the
On/Off (toggle) or
Hold (loop will be enabled while the Pad is pressed) mode
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
6th Pad to set the PADs to Loop Roll mode Release both buttons.
Loop Roll page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Loop Roll mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, each one of the 8 Pad triggers a
momentary Loop Roll (while pressed) of a different length in beats as per the images above. When the Pad is released, the track will resume playing from the position it would have been if the Loop was never applied.
VirtualDJ GUI - Loop Roll mode
TOUCH GUI - Loop Roll mode This mode had no Parameters to adjust
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
7th Pad to set the PADs to BeatJump mode Release both buttons.
BeatJump page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
BeatJump mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, each one of the 8 Pads will
jump the track backwards/forward by the amount of beats depending on the selected page/bank (from 1/8 beats to 32 bars)
VirtualDJ GUI - BeatJump mode
TOUCH GUI - BeatJump mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to select a different
bank/page with the desired size of beat jumps
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
8th Pad to set the PADs to KeyCue mode Release both buttons.
KeyCue page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
KeyCue mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode, the 8 Pads
trigger a selected Hotcue point (or the Temporary Cue if none selected or not available)
at a selected Key semitone (from -7 to +7).
8 different pages/banks are offered with various semitone values to use and a 0 value (reset key to tis original value) is always offered in all pages.
SHIFT and then
select a Hotcue for the Key pads to trigger. Each time a Pad is pressed, the track will jump to that Hotcue point and will also alter the Key of the track to the value designated by it assigned value.
VirtualDJ GUI - KeyCue mode
TOUCH GUI - KeyCue mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to
adjust the Key of the track without trigger a Hotcue.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to to select a different
page/bank with different key semitone values.
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
1st Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to HotCue 9-16 mode Release both buttons.
Hotues 9-16 page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Hotcues 9-16 mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode each one of the 8 pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point (9 to 16) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light up.
SHIFT and then press any of the pads to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
VirtualDJ GUI -Hotcues 9-16 mode
TOUCH GUI - Hotcues 9-16 mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to
jump to the
next or previous HotCue.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to
jump the track forward/backwards
by 1 beat
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
2nd Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to Hotcues & Loops mode Release both buttons.
Cues & Loops page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Cues & Loops mode selection
TOUCH GUI view This mode offers a combination of Hotcues and Loops.
Each one of the
4 top Pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 4 or 5 to 8 depending on the selected bank) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light up.
SHIFT and then press any of the pads to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
4 bottom Pads
trigger a Loop at a size in beats depending on the selected Loop bank/page from 1/32 to 32 Beats.
VirtualDJ GUI - Cues & Loops mode
TOUCH GUI - Cues & Loops mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to select the Hotues 1-4 or or the Hotcues 5-8 banks
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to select one of the 6 available pages/banks for the Loops, with different sizes in beats for each one.
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
3rd Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the Pads to HotCues & Manual Loop mode Release both buttons.
Cues & Manual Loop page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Cues & Manual Loop mode selection
TOUCH GUI view This mode offers a combination of Hotcues and Manual Loops.
Each one of the
4 top Pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 4 or 5 to 8 depending on the selected bank) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light up.
SHIFT and then press any of the pads to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
4 bottom Pads offer the following functionality:
- Pad 5 : Loop In. If not in Loop, sets the current track's position as the start point of a manual Loop. If in Loop, jumps to the start point of the current loop.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to half the size of the Loop
- Pad 6 : Loop Out. If not in Loop, sets the current track's position as the end point of a manual Loop.and triggers a Loop starting from the Loop In point. If in Loop, exits the loop.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to double the size of the Loop
- Pad 7: Loop On/Off. Enables or exits a Loop
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to move the triggered loop backwards by 1 beat
- Pad 8 : Reloop. If not in loop, enabled the last triggered loop and jumps to its start point. If in loop, jumps to its start (In) point.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to move the triggered loop forward by 1 beat
VirtualDJ GUI - Cues & Manual Loop mode
TOUCH GUI - Cues & Manual Loop mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to select the Hotues 1-4 or or the Hotcues 5-8 banks
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to ha;f or double the size of the Loop (can be also adjusted via the XCODER if in Loop mode)
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
4th Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to Cues & Sampler mode Release both buttons.
Cues & Sampler page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Cues & Sampler mode selection
TOUCH GUI view This mode offers a combination of Hotcues and Samples.
Each one of the
4 top Pads assigns a
Hot Cue Point (1 to 4 or 5 to 8 depending on the selected bank) or returns the track to that Hot Cue Point.
When a Hot Cue Button is unlit, you can assign a Hot Cue Point by pressing it at the desired point in your track. Once it is assigned, the Hot Cue Button will light up.
SHIFT and then press any of the pads to
delete its assigned Hot Cue Point.
Each one of the
4 bottom Pads triggers a sample (1 to 4) from the selected Sampler Bank of VirtualDJ. If the selected Sampler Bank has less than 9 samples, both sides of the unit will trigger the same Samples. If the selected Sampler Bank has more than 8 samples, the left side of the unit will trigger Samples 1 to 4 and the right side of the unit will trigger Samples 9 too 13.
The leds of the Pads will automatically get the assigned color of each sample (dark when off, bright when playing).
Press the pads to trigger a sample. Depending on the selected trigger mode, use
SHIFT and the same pad to
stop the sample.
VirtualDJ GUI - Cues & Sampler mode
TOUCH GUI - Cues & Sampler mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to select the Hotues 1-4 or or the Hotcues 5-8 banks
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 and 4 to select and load the previous/next Sampler Bank
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
5th Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to Remix Points mode. Release both buttons.
Remix Points page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Remix mode selection
TOUCH GUI view The Remix Points page offers all available Remix Points that have been either automatically analyzed by VirtualDJ or created in the POI Editor. Clicking on an empty pad (N/A) will add a Remix Point to the tracks current position. Remix points are managed in the POI Editor.
VirtualDJ GUI - Remix Points Pads page
TOUCH GUI - Remix Points Pads page This mode has no Parameters to adjust.
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
6th Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to Saved Loops mode Release both buttons.
Saved Loops page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Saved Loops mode selection
TOUCH GUI view This mode offers the ability to
save up to 8 Loops to individual
Loop Slots.
Press any Pad to save the current Loop at the current track’s position (of the selected size in beats) to the relative slot.
Hold the same Pad down for more than 1 second
to delete the Saved Loop.
When a Loop slot is saved, press the corresponding Pad to
load (
prepare) the Saved Loop.
If the track’s position is before the Saved Loop point, the loop will be enabled but the track will not jump to that position (Prepare status). Use the same Pad to disable the Loop.
SHIFT down and then press one of the lower Pads to
load the Saved Loop, but also
jump to that position.
VirtualDJ GUI - Saved Loops mode
TOUCH GUI - Saved Loops mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 or 2 to
half and
double the size of the triggered Loop. The size of the Loop can be also adjusted from the XCODER when in Loop mode.
Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 3 or 4 to to
move the Loop forward/backwards
by 1 beat
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
7th Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the Pads to Manual Loop mode Release both buttons.
Manual Loop page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Manual Loop mode selection
TOUCH GUI view In this mode the 8 Pads offer the following functionality:
- Pad 1 : Loop In. If not in Loop, sets the current track's position as the start point of a manual Loop. If in Loop, jumps to the start point of the current loop.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to set the Jogwheel to Loop In Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine adjust the Loop In position
- Pad 2 : Loop Out. If not in Loop, sets the current track's position as the end point of a manual Loop.and triggers a Loop starting from the Loop In point. If in Loop, exits the loop.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to set the Jogwheel to Loop Out Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine adjust the Loop Out position
- Pad 3: Loop On/Off. Enables or exits a Loop
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to set the Jogwheel to Loop Move Adjust mode and use the Jogwheel to fine move the Loop through the track.
- Pad 4 : Reloop. If not in loop, enabled the last triggered loop and jumps to its start point. If in loop, jumps to its start (In) point.
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to enable/disable Smart Loop. When Smart Loop is enabled (default status), using Loop In and Loop Out buttons to trigger a Manual Loop, will result of a seamless loop (track will stay on beat)
- Pad 5 : Loop Half. Halves the size of the Loop
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to enable/disable Loop Back mode. When Loop Back mode is enabled, and an Auto Loop is enabled, the current track's position will be considered as the Loop Out (Exit) point of the loop and the passed part of the track will be looped.
- Pad 6 : Loop Double. Doubles the size of the Loop
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to enable/disable Quantize Loop mode. When enabled, the Loop In point of a Loop will be snapped to the nearest beat
- Pad 7 : Loop Move -1bt. Moves the triggered loop backwards by 1 beat
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to move the loop (if enabled) backwards by the amount of the size of the loop.
- Pad 8 : Loop Move +1bt. Moves the triggered loop forward by 1 beat
Hold SHIFT and use the same Pad to move the loop (if enabled) forward by the amount of the size of the loop.
VirtualDJ GUI - Manual Loop mode
TOUCH GUI - Manual Loop mode Hold the
PARAM button down and then use
Pads 1 and 2 to half or double the size of the Loop (can be also adjusted via the XCODER if in Loop mode)
Hold the
PAD MODE mode button down and then press the
8th Pad twice (or once if already selected) to set the PADs to Custom mode Release both buttons.
Custom page will be then selected and displayed on the Pads section of both VirtualDJ and Touch screen GUI
Custom mode selection
TOUCH GUI view This mode offers the ability to easily customize the behavior of the Pads and assign VirtualDJ script actions via the Pad Editor.
Read further details in
VirtualDJ Manual -
Pad EditorBy default, the Pads have no functionality in this mode.