Delay sound once according to the beat button’s fraction for each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH) activated (not OFF)
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Delay sound once according to the beat button’s fraction for each frequency band (LOW-MID-HIGH) activated (not OFF)
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
In time with BPM, outputs repeat sound while changing pitch.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Counts loops amongst other things
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Passes the input sound through the low pass filter and echo.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Passes the input sound through the high pass filter and echo.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)
Superimposes sound that has passed through band pass filter onto the original sound with echo circuit before outputting the sound.
Available on : PC PC (32bit)