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Topic: What does the PFL button do? - Page: 1

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Sorry if this is a silly question, but what does the PFL button in Cue do?

a) it sends the audio for that deck to both the headphone and main mix channels

b) it sends the audio for that deck to ONLY the headphones channel, you would not hear it in the main mix

c) Something else??



Inviato Wed 14 Oct 09 @ 9:58 am
PFL stands for Pre Fader Listening. That means you can hear the channel no matter of the channels volume fader.

When you tune up the volume the sound is routed to the main mix volume, too.

Greets, Heiko

So it does not prevent that deck's audio from coming in the main mix?

That is correct. It works the same as the "pfl or cue" button on any physical mixer. It allows you to cue the track through the headphones. anything you do to the track while the pfl is activated will be heard through the main out, unless you turn down the software volume fader in VDJ or the physical volume fader on a physical mixer for that channel.

This may be a dumb statement, but why in the world would VDJ label it PFL? Why not just label it CUE, since that is what it is and that is what my mc-6000 says on it for the corresponding button!

Pre Fade listen = PFL it is a traditional studio descriptive....

It's like that............and that's the way it is............huh.

It's named like that because it is the normal name given to this function on a traditional mixer and also to avoid conflicting with the CUE button on each deck.

The name makes no difference to its functionality.

I always thought a Cue button on a deck did something different.

Cue usually isolates that deck in the headphones and removes it from the main mix. Am I wrong?


You are correct - The CUE button next to PLAY on the deck is usually used to set and jump back to the cue point.

However, both have the SAME NAME as each other, which would result in a conflict in the mapping. So the CUE button on the deck is normally named CUE and the CUE (PFL) button on the mixer section is named PFL to prevent conflict. Both CUE and PFL in the mixer section mean exactly the same thing (Select a channel to pre-listen to in your headphones.)


So I am actually wrong... the cue button does NOT do what I thought it did.

I may be thinking of the patch panel cue on a mixing board. I thought there was a function that would isolate a channel in the headphones and automatically remove it from the main mix.

Am I dreaming or does that function exist in some mixers?

You could isolate the signal from any playing deck to the headphones, now if you need to isolate the pre-listen from the Mix then you will need a Cue/Mix pot or fader on your console/mixer....


im actually quite new to the "dj" scene, and I have always wondered about the preview function with Vitual DJ - and moreso, as I will be "dj ing" a 21st in the next couple of months, I have beat matching down pat, and fading in/out etc etc..

However, I use a laptop with headphones with my own personal use of the software - with the 21st party I'll be (hoping) to use Headphones to preview the next song, with the current song going thru large party speakers.

I understand the PFL button is there for preview, however my "setup" consists of 1 single output for Headphones on the laptop.

What else would I need to use the preview function.

USB Soundcard..?
3.5 MM splitter?


A USB souncard which you can pick up for under $20.00 and make that your headphone soundcard in config, it's easy and faster to setup...

Good Luck,


Thanks Joey,

I am picking one up tonight which will be great.

Just to re-clarify, when the PFL button is highlighted (irregardless of crossfade) the music will NOt come through speakers, when it is NOT highlighted it will come through ONLY speakers?

Cheers, and apologes for both the thread dig, and stupid questions.

tuffcalais wrote :
Thanks Joey,

I am picking one up tonight which will be great.

Just to re-clarify, when the PFL button is highlighted (irregardless of crossfade) the music will NOt come through speakers, when it is NOT highlighted it will come through ONLY speakers?

Cheers, and apologes for both the thread dig, and stupid questions.

Regardless of the state of the PFL button if the cross fade is set to center, BOTH decks will play through your main speakers. The PFL Cutton does NOT cut the output from the main outputs. :(

tuffcalais wrote :
Thanks Joey,

I am picking one up tonight which will be great.

Just to re-clarify, when the PFL button is highlighted (irregardless of crossfade) the music will NOt come through speakers, when it is NOT highlighted it will come through ONLY speakers?

Cheers, and apologes for both the thread dig, and stupid questions.

Okay, an example lets say you have deck 1 & 2 playing and you need to listen to a track already loaded in deck 3 without sending the signal to the speakers and Only listen through the headphones...

1. Turn the volumn level down to "0" on deck 3.
2. Turn on the PFL button on deck 3.
3. Turn off the PFL buttons on deck 1&2.
4. Now play track on deck 3, you should Only hear it in your headphones, and Not the Speakers...or the two playing decks...

Good Luck,


Hey guys!

new to djing.

Im using a friends bcd3000. most of it is already mapped on virtual dj. But the thing I need most but cant figure out is how to pre listen/cue a song in my headphones while another track is playing on the master. I have tried mapping it and theres a button that says " cue a" and "cue b" but when I try and map it, it says the button name is cue a/b. Not sure if that means anything.

If someone could please help me out and run through step by step what to press so I can hear songs in my head phones and play sons on the master that would be awesome! Also which name of the function list is it?

thanks so much!!!

