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Topic: Memory Warning - Page: 3

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turnipHome userMember since 2007
A simple fix for this is to go regedit > HKEY_CURRENTUSER > software > virtual DJ

Change VidMemMaxUse to 1 - which I assume is a logic 'yes' as opposed to the actual size.

Check VideoMemFree is the size of your video card memory. i.e. 512mb or whatever.

That's made it perfect for me.

Inviato Sun 21 Nov 10 @ 6:36 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
turnip wrote :
Change VidMemMaxUse to 1 - which I assume is a logic 'yes' as opposed to the actual size.

"VidMemMaxUse" is a value returned by VirtualDJ so changing it will do nothing.

Please use Registry Tool to modify the values

Inviato Sun 21 Nov 10 @ 12:15 pm
turnipHome userMember since 2007
Change VidMemMaxUse to 1 - which I assume is a logic 'yes' as opposed to the actual size.

"VidMemMaxUse" is a value returned by VirtualDJ so changing it will do nothing.

Please use Registry Tool to modify the values

Does nothing?? Don't think thats true for my system anyway

I have triple checked what I've done just now to confirm and it definately fixes the problem with leaking memory

With value at original setting of '0'. Memory leaks and after two videos, memory warning

With value set to '1' and 7 hours of continous playing of vobs - Flawless, infact, better than v6

Checked it and watched memory useage with task monitor.

I suggest that anybody else this works for, to post here, confirm, to help others.


System details...

Dell Dimension 5100
Intel Quad core Q9300 2.5GHz
ATI Radeon HD 3800 Dual DVI - HDMI both at 1024 x 768
C: 120GB
E: 2TB all vob


Inviato Sun 21 Nov 10 @ 4:19 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Yes my mistake, I have read too fast "VideoMemFree" instead of "VideoMemMaxUse".

"VideoMemFree" is the value returned by VirtualDJ.

"VideoMemMaxUse" sets to 1 means you will limit the VRAM used at 1MB

Inviato Mon 22 Nov 10 @ 2:07 pm
While monitoring the memory usage in task monitor; I tried various "VideoMemMaxUse" settings. I changed them directly into the registry using decimal:

dec setting:

1 - Works perfectly with no perceivable increase in memory usage
2 - Works perfectly with no perceivable increase in memory usage
10 - Works perfectly with only a very small increase in memory usage
50 - Works perfectly with only a reasonable in crease (up to about 2Gb)
75 - Works perfectly with an increase of memory usable up to about 2.4Gb
100 - Works for only about 2 videos before becoming choppy/stuttery and very nearly maxing out at just under 4Gb
256 - Works for only about 2 videos before becoming choppy/stuttery and very nearly maxing out at just under 4Gb

Maybe the value within "VideoMemMaxUse" is actually a percenage of memory to use?

Inviato Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 5:02 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
djgarycarter wrote :

Maybe the value within "VideoMemMaxUse" is actually a percenage of memory to use?

No it's the size of Video RAM in MB

So if you have a 256MB video card, you could use the value of 232MB


Inviato Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 5:18 pm
I have 4Gb of System memory and 512Mb of video memory, so why when setting VideoMemMaxUse to 100 would it max out all my memory?

Inviato Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 5:41 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

Inviato Tue 23 Nov 10 @ 7:15 pm

Inviato Wed 24 Nov 10 @ 9:37 pm
I have read the entire post.... and what I have seen on my system, and reported in this post still stands - there IS an issue.

I am sure it would be a much more widely reported problem if more DJs used video (and karaoke) on hardware acceloration as much as MP3(depending on whether or not its a specific hardware related issue).

It would be a great idea to have a sticky topic of KNOWN ISSUES and ISSUES CURRENTLY UNDER INVESTIGATION so that users dont feel like their problems are either 1. Not taken seriously beacause there are few people reporting it, or 2. Forgotten about due to the understandable amount of time required to fault find, test and release fixes.


Inviato Thu 25 Nov 10 @ 4:33 pm
for me the tip of turnip user solved the problem:
I have a 1gb vga ati 4670 with HyperMemory 2815MB total, I believe that if VDJ miss recognizing the value using the higher the ram, I think with 6GB of ram also solve too.

Thanks for turnip, a big hug!

Inviato Mon 03 Jan 11 @ 8:43 pm
If any of you guys read my post "New Computer, New Problems"....I was experiencing the exact same thing.

I was able to fix, for now, this memory leak issue by deleting my video drivers and downloading the latest drivers directly from the ATI website.

I'll continue to test this new config, and see if anything changes.

Inviato Tue 04 Jan 11 @ 10:53 am
Well you learn something new everyday.

I use video extensively and had not come up against a video issue before.

After reading this thread I checked my regsitry settings and my settings are:

VidMemFree = 237
VideoMemMaxUse = 0

On this setting does Virtual DJ adjust its video memory usage to suit or is
it restricted by VideoMemMaxUse = 0?

for example:

0 = no video memory allocated.

I have adjusted my VideoMemMaxUse = 150 and it seems to be ok at that settings - even playing video on all 4 decks!!!

Not that you would normally play video on all 4 decks at the same time.

Inviato Mon 24 Jan 11 @ 7:13 am
djkrysrPRO InfinityMember since 2010

I too have been unable to play video since getting my new PC using the latest version of Virtual DJ (V7.0.2 Pro b347)

Symptom were as described, my CPU would be at 1-2% but my "physical memory" as reported in task manager, would gradually increase until it hit approx 96%, then video and audio would become choppy and my whole computer unstable.
My system is Intel Core i7 870 @ 3.53GHz with 4GB Ram with an ATI Radeon HD 5700 with 1GB Ram running Catalyst 10.11.
It would seem that the ATI graphics cards using Catalyst software are the common factor here.

Having read what everyone has been saying, i went into my registry to inspect the VDJ keys:
VideoMemFree = 1009
VideoMemMaxUse = 0

i changed these values to:
VideoMemFree = 256
VideoMemMaxUse = 1

Afterwards everything worked fine. However when i went back into the registry VideoMemFree had been reset back
VideoMemFree = 1009
but everthing still appears to be running fine at the moment, so the only change that has stuck is VideoMemMaxUse=1

I am sending this to you in the hope that it helps you work out what VDJ is doing that causes it to work incorrectly on ATI cards. If you need anymore system info please ask.

Inviato Mon 28 Feb 11 @ 1:08 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Setting VideoMemMaxUse tells VDJ how much video RAM it can use on your video card.

By setting it to 1Mb you are telling VDJ to not use more than 1Mb of video RAM.

Try experimenting using a higher value, closer to your real *physical* video RAM amount. It's quite possible from what I've seen that video cards are misreporting how much physical onboard memory they have when asked.

Inviato Mon 28 Feb 11 @ 1:31 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

Inviato Mon 28 Feb 11 @ 6:24 pm
I've been reading and troubleshooting this issue for a couple of weeks, trying to make all the changes I've read about and while I think I almost had it fixed, VDJ proved me wrong last night, so I'll bring it to the boards.

System 1: Dell Studio
i7 Q740
6gb ddr3 ram
ATI HD5400 1gbddr3 dedicated

System 2: Dell Precision
2.6ghz duo core
6 gbddr3
Nvidia Quadro 360x - 256gb dedicated

So after making the registry tweaks and adjustments, roll back video drivers, etc, I was able to get video to play ok on my Studio. However at last nights event, while doing a slide show, every time the picture changed, the music skipped. The studio is (was) a dedicated gig machine with only dj related programs and every unnecessary background application turned off. I did every thing I could think of and finally had to switch out to my precision last night in order to play music and a slide show.

You can clearly see from above that the Studio should far outperform the Precision, however over the course of the last 2 weeks, that has not been the case.

IF anyone has a fix or thought on this, then great. Or if nothing else, a thought on what the issue actually is. I should also add, that over the course of the last 4 years, the Precision has been my main machine. It has worked flawlessly with VDJ, and while I was able to play the slide show and music last night, I couldnt do ANYTHING else with my computer or VDJ would freeze. I tried to open a word doc....and done! Again, these are all new issues, just over the last few weeks.

New VDJ build scheduled soon? Or a resolution? Anything....?


Inviato Sun 01 May 11 @ 8:28 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I'm sure if you've been digging you'll have seen this thread of mine.

Whether this will help or not i don't know, but I found after countless digging around the net that the memory leak was something to do with the ATI catalyst not communicating properly. Every time i loaded up to videos i was using about 1.7gb (81%) of memory and a box would pop up saying that i didn't have enough left. Load up 2 videos, play one of them and check task manager and see what it's using.

I'm not sure if you're having exactly the same issue but i changed my graphics cards to an Nvidia one as uninstalling the ATI catalyst did not work. I'm not even sure that rolling back ATI drivers would help either...well, certainly this didn't help me. Seems that recent ATI drivers have had a number of issues like this with VDJ.

I hope you get something sorted.

Keep spinnin'...(",)


Inviato Wed 04 May 11 @ 4:32 am
is very bad that many people think they are technician, the problems is not virtual dj, the problem are the new controllers and drivers of your video card, uninstall the drivers version you have installed or came with your lap or pc and install an older version(look for an older version by the model of your video card, and you will see in task manager virtual dj never will take all the ram memory, we have been studyng this problem and found several fixes, but the only that works better, was uninstalling new drivers and installing an older drivers version before 2010, all work fine, the probblem is that the new drivers take de ram phisycal memory as videocard memory, mixing the video card internal memory with phisycal, so the virtual dj will take the total, memory detected by the system.
please stop trying to help asking the same all the time dont try to be a technician. this is not a virtual dj software problem is a drivers.
and the next and future version this will be fixed but at the moment this is the only thing we can do.


Inviato Wed 15 Jun 11 @ 5:56 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

Inviato Wed 15 Jun 11 @ 6:33 pm