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Topic: Numark NS6 - Page: 6

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cstoll wrote :
Kenneth06 wrote :
When i look into the folder of Devices & Mappers in Documents/NumarkCue/..., the file stood in... So yesterday i buy the upgrade from Numark CUE to VirtualDj Pro Full to try if that works, but i doesn't...

Please help me...

Run the mapping file installer again - VirtualDJ Pro installs in a different directory than CUE, so you need to run the mapping installer again.

I did this but it helps not... Damn...

Inviato Thu 30 Jun 11 @ 3:17 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Ok, it might have picked up on your CUE install and installed the files back under CUE.

Copy the NS6.xml from the Documents\CUE\Devices folder to the Documents\VirtualDJ\Devices folder.
Copy the Numark NS6 mapping.xml from the Documents\CUE\Mappers folder to the Documents\VirtualDJ\Mappers folder.

Then run VirtualDJ - it should see it then.

Inviato Thu 30 Jun 11 @ 7:41 pm
pskeensPRO InfinityMember since 2010
cstoll wrote :
Changing what mappers? There is only 1 mapper out there.

If you say you are switching what scripts are assigned to what keys then you are changing the scripts.

Since I have no idea what the status is of where you have or have not made changes - delete the files like I recommended then run the mapper install again. Then I will at least know where you are starting from.

Didn't work, so I unstalled the entire VDJ app and installed again, now it works.

have to used Advanced configuration with the Mac but my Win7 machine works fine with None, Headphones, Numark NS6

Inviato Thu 30 Jun 11 @ 8:00 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Mac should be no different - are you using the Itch supplied drivers or the driver install from the Numark NS6 site ?

Inviato Fri 01 Jul 11 @ 8:37 am
pskeensPRO InfinityMember since 2010
cstoll wrote :
Mac should be no different - are you using the Itch supplied drivers or the driver install from the Numark NS6 site ?

I used the downloaded version from Numark.

Inviato Fri 01 Jul 11 @ 12:32 pm
ISSUE RESOLVED FOR 2 DECK SKINS: Remove the " & Deck 1 Masterdeck" function from the ONINIT mapper entry. This will not now set a 'default' master deck and allow the software to intelligently and automatically flick the master between the two available when loading tracks - syncing them perfectly everytime without the need to press extra buttons ;)

Inviato Sat 02 Jul 11 @ 7:53 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004

Inviato Sat 02 Jul 11 @ 10:21 am
Can anyone tell me what the small led's are for that scan across to the right on the NS6 are for?

They do not match the sound or the beat in any way... I would like to set them some other way so they are not so distracting.



Inviato Sun 03 Jul 11 @ 10:05 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
If you are talking about the LEDs in the center above the mixer - they are simply showing the 'rotation' position of the current active deck. Unless you are viewing the Video panel - then it shows you the position of your Video crossfader.

With Itch purpose is to show you if the 2 currently selected 'layers' are in sync - the white LED light by itself would mean they are in sync. if there were to red LEDs lit then it would showing they are out of sync.

I could attempt to replicate this action, but it would require a lot of modification to the definition file and some extremely extensive mapping.

If anyone has a better idea on what could be done, I am open to suggestions.


Inviato Mon 04 Jul 11 @ 9:46 am
pskeensPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Cstoll, If it could be done I think it would help to "sell" VDJ for use with the NS6. Why? Because the more features that we can get on the NS6 as it was supposed to be used the more valid it makes VDJ look as the "Alternative" to ITCH. There are some features that is just different in ITCH and VDJ that we may never see, but the more we can get the better off we wiill be.

One thing I love about itch is the Loop Roll by holding the shift button and loop 1-4. This is an example of one of those features.

It may not be worth all the hassle and time to get these LED's to match ITCH's functionality but it would be a nice fit if you can.

Just my two cents worth.


Inviato Mon 04 Jul 11 @ 11:25 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
You can already add the LoopRoll effect by downloading the LoopRoll effect from TexZK ( and use the following VDJScript action for the buttons.

effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 70% - 1 Beat Loop
effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 80% - 2 Beat Loop
effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 90% - 4 Beat Loop
effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 100% - 8 Beat Loop

You would change the following scripts -

LOOP_IN - var '%loop_num' ? var 'hotcue_delete' ? effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 70% : loop 1 : loop_in
LOOP_OUT - var '%loop_num' ? var 'hotcue_delete' ? effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 80% : loop 2 : loop_out
LOOP_SELECT - var '%loop_num' ? var 'hotcue_delete' ? effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 90% : loop 4 : wheel_mode "loop_move" while_pressed
RELOOP - var '%loop_num' ? var 'hotcue_delete' ? effect "looproll" active while_pressed & effect slider 2 100% : loop 8 : reloop

The way this would work is you need to be in LOOP MODE Manual - then when the Shift is held and you press the corresponding button AND HOLD - you get the LoopRoll effect you are looking for ...

If you want the Wet/Dry to be consistent at the start each time then add - & effect slider 1 50% - to the script for the LoopRoll effect

Btw, I purposely do not add features to the default mappings where people would have to download a specific effect in order for the mapping to work.

Next ...

Inviato Mon 04 Jul 11 @ 12:05 pm
cstoll wrote :
I could attempt to replicate this action, but it would require a lot of modification to the definition file and some extremely extensive mapping.

Yes, that would be great... anything is better than what it is now.... looks terrible in my opinion.

Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 10:07 am
cstoll wrote :
I could attempt to replicate this action, but it would require a lot of modification to the definition file and some extremely extensive mapping.

I dont think it is worth the hassle. I dont think there will be many people who would depend on a visual representation of whether two song are in sync or not. We have our headphones for that. I might be wrong though.

I was wondering if it would be possible to use that array of leds to maybe display the difference in loudness between two loaded tracks. I sometimes find that one song maybe much louder than the other and it is difficult to realize that over the headphones. The average amplitude of the two loaded tracks could be compared and if the left track is louder the left half of the leds could light up. The more the difference in the average amplitude, the more number of leds. In the same way if the right loaded track is louder the right half of the leds are used. Just a thought.

I know that I could just normalize the songs but normalizing software usually lead to a compromise in sound quality and I am a bit finicky about that. If any of you guys know a software application that leads to only a very minute loss in sound quality, do let me know.

Atm I usually have the average amplitude included in the filename but it would be nice if the mixer could display the difference in average amp.


Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 11:19 am
I am having a strange bug where if i hit clone deck on my hotkeys, always cloning deck a...deck b doesnt sound the same...sounds deeper...this has been hit and miss and always requires a reboot of the program.

Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 11:29 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
annihil8r wrote :
I was wondering if it would be possible to use that array of leds to maybe display the difference in loudness between two loaded tracks. I sometimes find that one song maybe much louder than the other and it is difficult to realize that over the headphones. The average amplitude of the two loaded tracks could be compared and if the left track is louder the left half of the leds could light up. The more the difference in the average amplitude, the more number of leds. In the same way if the right loaded track is louder the right half of the leds are used. Just a thought.

Why are you not using the Auto Gain capabilities of VirtualDJ?

Go to Config -> Options tab -> set Auto Gain to Auto (or Auto+Remember) and you tracks will always load to 0.0db. With Auto+Remember it will load to what ever plus or minus db you changed the gain to for that track.

I use Auto as a setting when I use a controller that has Gain knobs on it like the NS6.


Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 12:38 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
djunceen wrote :
I am having a strange bug where if i hit clone deck on my hotkeys, always cloning deck a...deck b doesnt sound the same...sounds deeper...this has been hit and miss and always requires a reboot of the program.

If you have made EQ adjustments on a track then Clone it to another deck - the EQ adjustments do not clone over. Clone is a track+position feature - not a Clone+Position+EQ+Gain+etc.

Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 12:40 pm
cstoll wrote :

I have updated the controller device/mapping download to correct the problem.

i installed this today and remapped the prepare and files buttons and now my vdj is buggy..the fx buttons dont work right..they change or go back to cut automatically...and if the program sits for a few minutes it gets choppy and i have to reboot the program..please help!!

Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 1:40 pm
pskeensPRO InfinityMember since 2010
djunceen wrote :
cstoll wrote :

I have updated the controller device/mapping download to correct the problem.

i installed this today and remapped the prepare and files buttons and now my vdj is buggy..the fx buttons dont work right..they change or go back to cut automatically...and if the program sits for a few minutes it gets choppy and i have to reboot the program..please help!!

I would remove and reinstall again and try it before remapping anything. I installed this and it works as it should now.

Inviato Tue 05 Jul 11 @ 6:37 pm
cstoll wrote :

Why are you not using the Auto Gain capabilities of VirtualDJ?

Go to Config -> Options tab -> set Auto Gain to Auto (or Auto+Remember) and you tracks will always load to 0.0db. With Auto+Remember it will load to what ever plus or minus db you changed the gain to for that track.

I use Auto as a setting when I use a controller that has Gain knobs on it like the NS6.

Didnt know the autogain had a remember feature. This software is full of nice little surprises :). Cheers C.

l8r :)


Inviato Wed 06 Jul 11 @ 4:50 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
UPDATED to Version 2.0

This update corrects the 2 deck skin use issues with Sync and Deck 3 & 4 controls impacting Deck 1 & 2 when Deck 3 & 4 are toggled in PC mode.

No - it does not correct the crossfader assignment toggles for Decks 1 & 3 on the front panel. That requires a VirtualDJ update to fix.

There are some minor changes to some of the actions in this update. So, before you install - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you first download the PDF instruction manual first and read through it.

The primary function changes are with the following controls -

SKIP, BEAT GRID - Clear/Set and Adjust/Slip buttons.

Also, add BeatLock to the Shift+Sync button combination.

If anything - everyone might want to download the PDF instruction manual that was created. It is not just a graphic of the silk screen. It has every control written out with what it does. But remember it is written with this version (v2.0) in mind.

Here is the download link -

Inviato Sun 10 Jul 11 @ 5:26 pm