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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: ASIO support

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ProtoPRO InfinityMember since 2003
ASIO support would be a great new feature.


Inviato Fri 12 Sep 03 @ 10:08 am
ASIO has much lower latency than WDM. Good idea but may not be easy to impliment and support. Mixvibes just added this, and people are complaining that their system skips. It is not the program, it is the low latency that is causing problems on some machine.

Inviato Tue 16 Sep 03 @ 12:30 am
Dev staffHome userSenior staffMember since 2003
It has already been posted many many times before, but here it is again: ASIO doesn't has a lower latency than WDM anymore.
ASIO did had a lower latency than VxD sound drivers, and that's why it had been invented. But that's not the case with modern WDM drivers and DirectX.

Inviato Tue 16 Sep 03 @ 1:55 am
I thought Direct sound is 30 ms, and asio is around 9ms
With Kernel mode on BPM studio pro (using a $300 sound card and a very fast system) I can get 1-2 ms latency but it does skip sometime


Inviato Tue 16 Sep 03 @ 2:10 am

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