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Topic: SAMPLES menu doesn't work!? - Page: 1

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When I was using the demo version of Virtual DJ I was
experienceing a lot of crashes, but the one that troubled
me the most was that from one point of using the program
it always crashed when clicking on SAMPLES menu. And
from that point on it did the exact same thing and is still
doing it though I'm using the full 1.06 version of VDJ.

What do I do??


Inviato Sat 13 Sep 03 @ 11:57 am
I don't belive you'r problem is VDJ's fault. Try to reinstall Windows and check your sound card drivers.

nscode should be right. You're the first to describe this problem.
It's strange.
Check your system and let us know if this problem still on.

Well I did try one thing. I've deleted all records of virtual DJ
form windows (even from the registry), restarted the computer
and reinstalled the program but it still doesn't work.

But the thing is, that as I recall clicking on SAMPLE menu was
working normally (when I was using demo version) before it
crashed permmanently.

By the way: I have Windows XP Professional, and SB Live 1024
with all new drivers so, I'm not really sure what is the problem.


are you using the default skin?
What happen when you click on samples shortcuts?

It's the same with any skin, even the default one.
It shows the massage that the software has crashed,
and that I can send you the description what happened.
Nothing else... The problem can be probably solved
with reinstallation of windows but I really cannot afford
to do that now...

have you sent the error from the pop up box?

I would if the send button would be gray all the time...
It's probably becouse of the firewall, just have to find
how to disengage it for this program only.

You weren;t exactly clear on when the problem happens, but you should probably check to make sure you are allowing enough time in the settings menu for loading a song into memory.

Another thing to check is that you may have a sample loaded that is not quite coesher with VirtualDJ. I've seen samples recorded @ 22Khz cause a problem. 44.1kHz .wav or .mp3 are more suited.

Basically, it sounds like vDJ is not happy about something it is trying to read and does not know how to handle it when it is encountered.

Maybe you could clarify if this happens with all the defualt settings or not.

As I already mentioned, I have reinstalled the program and
the first thing I did was clicking on samples menu.

To be clear: The program crashes whenever you click
on the samples menu (the menu with 12 sliders doesn't
show up at all - it just shows the error massage!)
and haven't changed any of the options at all. I cannot
load any of the samples becouse I can't get to the menu
to load them.

I even tried deleting original samples which came with the
software (if they would be a problem), but still the same.

I really don't know what to do.

Please download virtualdj and install it again.

If you tried others samples (when you could, before it crach), you should delete (or simply move) these one too.

I have the same problem and have reinstalled what can I do?

erxon, you need to upgrade your software.
Are you using version 1.08?

michaelreading, same thing to you.
What version are you using?


I have tried to update to V1.08 but VDJ stops working altogether at start up I just get the windows standard error message and can only solve it by reinstalling 1.07.


I think your Windows-installation is messed up. If you get standard windows messages even before you startup VDJ, you need to re-install Windows.

careful now... some of the newer skins may not work right with the older versons.
see if you still have probs using the default skin.

Hey guyz!

Thanks 4 trying to solve the problem, but I already lost
all hope to resolve this one without the need of reinstalling
the windows... (Yes, I have installed VDJ version 1.08 :)

But if it helps, I noticed another strange thing. Only the
samples 1, 6, 7, and 11 work. How the hell is this possible? :)
Of course I still cannot come to the "samples" menu, but
by pressing F1, F6, F7 or F11 I get the sound of the samples.
The other 8 that are left are of course silent as always:)

Strange, strange...

Again, thanks 4 ur help! Regards, erXon
