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Topic: CueMacro - Page: 2

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Still processing, but have posted here as I am off to start the party soon ;-)

This is a video shot from my phone as I played out my NYE countdown with the Clipbank Macro's in place.

Only the "Happy New Year" video is on loop so the countdown vids play once and then go back to the underlying video whihc is playing from my other (default) clipbank.

The track I am playing is part 2 of the DMC 2008 NYE Extravaganza. Each "dong" is 4 seconds apart and has a countdown voice over on the track. I simply placed a queue point at each of the last 10 "dongs" and let CueMacro do the rest.

I'll put up a more detailed video in the new year, but wanted to get this up ASAP.



Inviato Mon 31 Dec 12 @ 12:39 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
you can also write:

Cue 1 `loop ? nothing :  loop 4`

if you want to keep your loop and exit the loop when you want ;-)

It also works well with goto_cue 1

Inviato Wed 02 Jan 13 @ 3:18 pm
Thanks Cel...

Although I was trying to keep the script simple... ;-)


Inviato Wed 02 Jan 13 @ 3:22 pm
Update request ;-)

Would it be possible to map to a macro stored within the plugin itself or to any predefined mapping from the active mappers.

This would improve on reuse, remove repetition and reduce the amount of potential errors when macros are repeated.

For example:

Cue 1 `Key: P`or `Key: CTRL+NUM*`
Cue 2 `Macro: 'MyMacro'`

Where 'MyMacro' would be defined and stored in an .ini file associated with the plugin, like you do with the ScrollText plugin.



Inviato Fri 04 Jan 13 @ 6:29 pm
jaakkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I haven't tried the plugin yet but already got some ideas to use. When I mix, I both use extended edits and quick hitters (if you don't know what it is, qucik hitter is shortened version of the original or extended version of the song). Some providers like vjpro have always short editions which is nice but some others do not. So, I have the idea now to use this plugin to create shortened edit ' on the fly' by using goto-script. For example, I could always use Cue 98 and Cue 99 to this feature so that when cue 98 is reached, song is jumped further to cue99 (and hopedully no one will hear the jump as the cue points are set to the same place on the structure of the track).
I would also have possibility to have some sort of toggle button. So If i feel like playing only qucik hitter I press i.e. keyboard button S and cuemacro and jumping from cue98 is activated in all tracks in all decks. When I press S button again, the feature is deactivated in all tracks and decks.

If someone really did understood what I tried to explain - will it work in this way? :)

Inviato Mon 14 Jan 13 @ 6:06 am
Yes it will...

No skins will have a button, but you can map a the keyboard or a space key on your controller to activate/deactivate the plugin.

I have done exactly what you are asking i to do but for a different reason. You know how some videos (Gaga/Beyonce - Telephone for example) have a couple of longish "acting" bits in them? Well, I have set cue points down to the millisecond so the song skips those sections and seamlessly continues.

It's easier if you want to skip beats as you can just goto +4,816 or whatever - it takes a while if the gap is not accurate but it will work.

Keep meaning to record a couple of videos, but just don't get the time.

I made a post above that should give you an example of what you are looking for.



Inviato Mon 14 Jan 13 @ 9:25 am
This plug-in brings me another idea:
Is there a way we could create aliases?

The reason is quite obvious I guess. Instead of typing extremely long VDJ Script strings in each cue-point name we could just type a small alias:

Alias: F1A Command: `effect 'echo_efx500' button 4 on & effect 'echo_efx500' slider 1 50% & effect 'echo_efx500' activate on`
Alias: F1D Command: `effect 'echo_efx500' activate off`
Alias: SL4 Command: `loop ? nothing : loop 4`

So, instead of typing `effect 'echo_efx500' button 4 on & effect 'echo_efx500' slider 1 50% & effect 'echo_efx500' activate on & loop ? nothing : loop 4`
we could just type `F1N & SL4`

The main reason I'm asking this is that the cue names are visible on the CBG. If we have long strings they come one over the other and you can't tell their commands. If we use aliases then it would clean up things. For instance "SL4" (Stored Loop 4) is quite easier to read on the screen or even MAP on a button when you want to store an auto loop.
Same rule goes for F1A (Fx 1 Activate) and F1D (Fx 1 Deactivate)

Also it reduces the error prone. If you test an alias and it works as expected you can use it as many times as you wish on as many tracks as you wish without having to type it again or even copy/paste it. Also it would make it much easier to "update" a complex command!

Inviato Wed 16 Jan 13 @ 7:17 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006

At first run v1.1 will create a file in the plugin folder, CueMacro.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Macro Name="ExampleMacro1">loop 4</Macro>
<Macro Name="ExampleMacro2">loop 8</Macro>

Bear in mind this is an XML file, so requires replacement of special characters:

" &quot;
& &amp;
' &apos;
< &lt;
> &gt;

The commands are not enclosed in back ticks `` in the XML file.

I haven't added a GUI editor yet, I may do this depending on time. I included a reread button so you can reread this file without restarting VDJ.

Macros are enclosed in curly braces as part of the cue point name:

Cue 3 {ExampleMacro1}

Inviato Wed 16 Jan 13 @ 12:30 pm
You are my hero!!! Now let me buy you a couple of drinks!!!

Inviato Thu 17 Jan 13 @ 1:48 am

Just what the doctor (or Gadget Man) ordered.

Many thanks,


Inviato Thu 17 Jan 13 @ 2:26 am
I will need to test again tomorrow night, but I think I found a small bug:
The plug-in won't take into account the current pitch of the track correctly!

Quick background info:
Yesterday morning I did several tests with the plug-in and wrote some macros on some tracks. Everything work as expected! The most frequent macro I used wan an auto loop: `loop ? nothing : loop 4` which worked like a charm.
However yesterday night on the club I noticed that most most of my loops would "fire up" earlier than they should.
Given the fact that I always increase the pitch of the slower track in order to match the BPM of the decks I believe that the plug-in won't calculate the current pitch correctly.

Anyway, I'm going to test it again tomorrow night when I get to the club.

Inviato Fri 18 Jan 13 @ 12:24 am
djfufoPRO InfinityMember since 2007
now it works, thanks anyway and thank you very much for this wonderful plugin

Inviato Wed 23 Jan 13 @ 7:46 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
There is a question in the German User Forum. The user wants to know if this is possible with this plugin:

Button A > show_pluginpage "others" (and goto cuemacro1 and activate)

The part in brackets is the actual question and I'm not sure if this is even possible via VDJScript.

So this question goes to you. Hope you have an idea how to realize this.


Inviato Thu 24 Jan 13 @ 3:16 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
There is no way via VDJScript to interact with an "Others" plugin. I can add a command for it though.

Inviato Thu 24 Jan 13 @ 1:24 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
Well, if you got time for that?
I think it has a point of browsing, loading and activating the plugin by one button press.

Inviato Thu 24 Jan 13 @ 3:23 pm
I've just run into this myself.

It would be nice to have an activation lock, so that the plugin stays activated when VDJ is restarted.

Scenario: user wishes to have specific samples load to sampler slots each time a certain track is loaded to a deck.

CueMacro can perform the task, but the user has to remember to activate CueMacro first, each time VDJ is run.

Inviato Tue 29 Jan 13 @ 1:44 pm
While I fully understand what your asking I just don't think it's practical for every user. I don't always run video and I have some video effects attached to the same tracks as the samples. I would just use a duplicate of your skin and on one have the "onit " set to turn on your plug in. And just use Scott's other plugin that saves your settings....... just an idea.

Inviato Tue 29 Jan 13 @ 2:00 pm
I'm not suggesting a permanent thing that can't be turned off, just for it to be an option.

But if it can be done via init or oninit then that's a possibility.

Inviato Tue 29 Jan 13 @ 2:13 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I'll add VDJScript control so you can use init actions or a skin button to turn it on or off.

Inviato Tue 29 Jan 13 @ 9:53 pm
Nice one ;-)


Inviato Wed 30 Jan 13 @ 2:49 am