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Topic: How to turn off Album Artwork - Page: 1

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djspynnPRO InfinityMember since 2011
I was wondering if there is a way to turn off album artwork?????

Inviato Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:56 pm
You can hide the album art in the browser.

The album art next the rhythm view is part of the skin. Custom skins will soon be available with the options to disable cover art.

Inviato Sun 11 May 14 @ 7:58 pm
how do you take the album art from the search

Inviato Sun 11 May 14 @ 8:37 pm
Move just below the album art and drag the panel up.

Inviato Sun 11 May 14 @ 8:38 pm
lincol2PRO InfinityMember since 2011
Please make the Rhythm screen longer, no need for cover art,. Tag editor can be access via track name.

Inviato Sun 18 May 14 @ 3:40 pm
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
ohshit wrote :
Please make the Rhythm screen longer, no need for cover art,. Tag editor can be access via track name.



Inviato Mon 19 May 14 @ 4:22 am
How do you disable the album graphic when dragging files across the application? - it is annoying when you are trying to place a file into a playlist (or whatever the heck you call it these days). In V7 I would rather have the real estate to look at file names than a bunch of crappy covers that are always wrong - who really has the time to go through thousands of files to make sure album art is correct? I certainly don't (but appreciate those that do and have the patience). A simple easy to find way to disable this nuisance would be great thanks...

Inviato Fri 23 May 14 @ 10:32 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
ShoCoverForDragDrop setting (Advanced Settings). Set it to No

Inviato Fri 23 May 14 @ 10:59 pm
ohshit wrote :
Please make the Rhythm screen longer, no need for cover art,. Tag editor can be access via track name.



Inviato Sat 24 May 14 @ 3:38 am
ohshit wrote :
Please make the Rhythm screen longer, no need for cover art,. Tag editor can be access via track name.

+1 +1


Inviato Sat 24 May 14 @ 1:10 pm
When dragging a song to the AutoMix view panel the art work pops up. This makes it VERY hard to see your placement. I can get it close, however with a blocked view of the art work its hard.

Inviato Sat 24 May 14 @ 4:44 pm
i just get rid of it with white-out .......

Inviato Sat 24 May 14 @ 4:47 pm
I agree with the placement, even when you drag and drop to move song 10 to be song 3.

Inviato Sat 24 May 14 @ 7:48 pm
I understand that I am using an LE version of VDJ but having the cover art on the browser is a real pain, I dont see the point in cover art on the PC/Mac Laptop/ Desktop computer.I am using VDJ mainly as a test for compatablity with Windows 10 and the Pioneer XDJ controllers and different desktop and laptops. If I were a standard user new user it may put me off from even considering buying the full version as it makes the browser area smaller and as stated in pervious post when your dragging a file it can get in the way. Not all of use want to use the decks to select tracks. I have just discovered how to hide the cover art its simple but not obvious its just a matter of dragging the track broweser window up, I think it would be better to allow a right click which is more standard to bring up a menu to enable or disable the art work.

Inviato Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 4:59 am
kene1960 wrote :
I have just discovered how to hide the cover art its simple but not obvious its just a matter of dragging the track browser window up

What does that even mean? Drag it? From where?

Inviato Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 8:41 am
DJ Big Cheese wrote :
Drag it? From where?

From wherever it is now. If you have cover art (in the browser) on then you'll see it's displayed above the track lists. Between the art and the lists is a horizontal division. Drag that.


Inviato Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 12:31 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
Only just spotted this thread, more a wish/annoyance than a bug but I agree. How much space is needed for letting you know a loaded tracks identity?
Covers visible, I can see the appeal, it gave a new feature to the skin as to V7 but with covers invisible there's wasted space that makes the skin look unfinished.

Another rhythm panel is needed.

ohshit wrote :
Please make the Rhythm screen longer, no need for cover art,. Tag editor can be access via track name.

+1 +1
& 1 more

Inviato Wed 03 Jun 15 @ 1:19 pm
CrevlmPRO InfinityMember since 2010
So I'm just coming into this forum. I'm just using VDJ8 home for windows how do you disable the cover art completely on the basic skins? I remember from VDJ7 it was just remove cover art from the little radio button in the center. But my files come up in VDJ8 with the cover art on the side and it just takes up a lot of extra space.

Inviato Tue 20 Oct 15 @ 3:47 pm
There are skins based on the default VDJ 8 skin, which do have options for removing the cover art from the rhythm wave area.


Inviato Tue 20 Oct 15 @ 4:48 pm
Good morning to you all
On the previous versions of virtual dj there were some options when you pressed your stop button on your controller, like backspin, or vinyl stop, and also some beat effects (don't know the name but they looked like pink buttons and when they were pressed, a series of beats or silence was added).
How can I find these options on the new virtual dj?Thank you all

Inviato Sat 05 Mar 16 @ 8:52 am