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Topic: How can a split sample banks per deck?

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I want to set banks active but it does not allow me to set them active for individual decks. Right now no matter how many samples are in a bank only the first 8 are triggered on BOTH decks. Ideally I would like 16 samples per bank or two banks of 8 and assign 8 samples to one deck and 8 to the other (perhaps even 4 sets of 8 in 4 deck mode but that's just complicating things heh).

I know I can map samples to pads but this has the knock on effect of not easily being able to switch banks in the sample manager. Ideally I would set a bank of 16 active in the sample manager and it auto splits the bank into 2 sets of 8 samples per deck totaling 16 individually triggered samples.

I am using a Novation Twitch BTW.

Inviato Wed 14 May 14 @ 1:48 pm

currently you can route the sampler only to one deck, or master..

But this is something on the wish list, and I'm sure it will come soon

Inviato Wed 14 May 14 @ 2:04 pm
OK thanks but I managed to work a mapper that does the same thing. However I need help with my syntax as it only works the LED's for one deck. I use the CUE button with a shift key combo to switch from CUE mode to sample playback mode.

The shift goes like this.


"var 'shift' ? set 'mode' 4 : set 'mode' 0"

Mode 0 is hot cues and mode 4 is sample playback.

Now I can get the samples to split so that samples 1-8 in a sample bank play on the left deck pads and samples 9-16 play on the right deck pads.


"var 'mode 4' ? device_side 'left' ? sampler 1 play while_pressed : effect active & sampler 9 play while_pressed"

This worked great. However now when it comes to changing the LED map for that pad I get a problem. I tried using the following.


var 'mode' 4 ? "device_side 'left' ? sampler 1 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : device_side 'right' ? sampler 9 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9"

This also worked great for the PAD LED's in sample mode. However when I switch back to hot cues all the hot cue lights are out and do not light even when setting a cue point (the cue point sets obviously it just does not show it on the pad).

I looked at the LED setting for hot cues and it is

"var 'mode' 0 ? hot_cue 1 ? get constant 0.62 : get constant 0.51 : nothing"

The ': nothing' being the end of the mapper line

For reference here is the entire PAD & LED mapper line which is a bit long winded.


"var 'mode' 1 ? get beat_num 1 8 ? goto -1 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 2 8 ? goto -2 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 3 8 ? goto -3 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 4 8 ? goto -4 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 5 8 ? goto -5 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 6 8 ? goto -6 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 7 8 ? goto -7 & loop 1 while_pressed : get beat_num 8 8 ? goto -8 & loop 1 while_pressed : nothing : var 'mode' 6 ? loop 0.125 : var 'mode' 3 ? effect 'dfv flanger' active while_pressed : var 'mode' 4 ? device_side 'left' ? sampler 1 play_stop : effect active & sampler 9 play_stop : var 'mode' 5 ? sampler 9 play while_pressed : var 'mode' 7 ? loop_roll 0.125 while_pressed : var 'mode' 2 ? loop 0.125 while_pressed : var '$shift' ? delete_cue 1 : hot_cue 1"


"var 'mode' 1 ? get beat_num 1 8 ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.51 : var 'mode' 6 ? loop 0.125 ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : var 'mode' 3 ? effect 'dfv flanger' active while_pressed ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : var 'mode' 4 ? sampler 1 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : var 'mode' 5 ? action_deck 1 ? deck 1 sampler 9 play_stop ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.51 : action_deck 2 ? deck 2 sampler 9 play_stop ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.51 : action_deck 3 ? deck 3 sampler 9 play_stop ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.51 : action_deck 4 ? deck 4 sampler 9 play_stop ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.51 : nothing : var 'mode' 7 ? loop_roll 0.125 ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : var 'mode' 2 ? loop 0.125 ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : var 'mode' 0 ? hot_cue 1 ? get constant 0.62 : get constant 0.51 : nothing"

Can you help me get the LED's to all light up correctly in both hot cue mode 0 and samples mode 4? I hope this is enough info as it could be useful for others who want to split deck sample banks.

Inviato Wed 14 May 14 @ 4:06 pm
DJ_Craig wrote :


"device_side 'left' ? sampler 1 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : device_side 'right' ? sampler 9 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9"

This also worked great for the PAD LED's in sample mode. However when I switch back to hot cues all the hot cue lights are out and do not light even when setting a cue point (the cue point sets obviously it just does not show it on the pad).

I looked at the LED setting for hot cues and it is

"var 'mode' 0 ? hot_cue 1 ? get constant 0.62 : get constant 0.51 : nothing"

Since on your code you don't check the 'mode' variable, how do you expect it to know when it must turn on the leds ?

Witout being able to test it a solution is:
var 'mode' 0 ? hot_cue 1 ? get constant 0.62 : get constant 0.51 : var 'mode' 4 ? device_side 'left' ? sampler 1 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : device_side 'right' ? sampler 9 play ? get constant 1.0 : get constant 0.9 : nothing

Inviato Wed 14 May 14 @ 4:18 pm
Sorry I forgot to paste in the var 'mode' 4 ? for the LED pad. It is there. I will try what you wrote though. :)

EDIT: That works great big thanks!

Inviato Wed 14 May 14 @ 4:30 pm
ima_sykoControlleristMember since 2016
I apologize for resurrecting an old thread - however, this is quite literally the only evidence I could locate that this is possible.

I understand the concept of creating custom mappings, but this multi-faceted process is not communicated in a way that's helpful to those of us with very little experience.

How the alternate deck is chosen is unclear. And are we looking at only half of the solution, the other half involving mappings for "PAD2"?

Further, it was mentioned that the outlined solution is incomplete and requires editing, and I feel incapable of attempting to make use of what's outlined here on my own.

It would be a tremendous service to me - and perhaps to others as well - if this procedure were detailed in full, with complete-and-working code available.

The inability to use a different sample bank per deck (in my situation/opinion) effectively renders half the sample buttons redundant - an oversight I would be extremely excited to circumvent.

Perhaps I'll figure it out regardless, but it seems rather silly to spend hours fighting it when 90% of the work is right here but incomplete. My humble thanks for your consideration,

Inviato Sat 13 Feb 16 @ 7:20 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Sample banks with sufficient samples will already split across multiple decks for pad controllers.

You can only route the sampler output to one place at a time - either a fixed deck, master deck or the deck on which a sample was triggered. In the latter instance the sampler output will move to that deck in its entirety.

If you want to assign specific sample slots to certain places then you need to assign a command like sampler_pad to that. Possibly prefixing it with a deck depending on where you are putting it.

There is no custom one size fits all solution. Like I say if you have a sample bank of 16 samples and a controller with two banks of 8 pads then you will automatically get 8 per side.

Inviato Mon 15 Feb 16 @ 6:07 pm

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