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Topic: stanton scs1d & scs1m VDJ8 - Page: 6

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hi, i'll try your mappings tomorrow and let you know if i'm able to help.

Thank you

Inviato Tue 30 Sep 14 @ 6:12 pm
ok,I fixed the knobs leds on the "loopdeck" preset 2; the knobs light with the loop,cant get "text" to work properly with the decks 1,2 and 3 lcd windows... also added the option for preset 1 when the deck is "paused" the endlessknobs(&jog in controlmode) scrolls spong_position,and when in "play" it pitchbends/nudges
Im getting to know better this scriptting stuff, I think there are still midi commands for scs1m missing in the vdj8 midi list,and there are a few "extra" like decks A/B leds and bank down/up leds,these buttons dont have leds(but should!),there should be commands like "text_enc_1234" ,and or, for the individual knobs ,1,2,3,4, what are the commands/verbs for the Master Effect??

djdad wrote :
For the speed (depending on the tempo), even though its just a cosmetic feature, it may be added in the near future.
I ll take a look for the back spin, but possibly its related to the first one.

Btw, mixx uses DaRouter ?

this is the BOMB! this will be the day I'll delete Traktor Pro 2, Mixxx,and all other dj sw from my mac, VDJ8 FTW!
this is not just a cosmetic feature, its essential for scratch djs, its different to grab the vinyl at -16% BPM or less, than it is at 0%BPM= 33RPM or more, on the other hand, it easier to grab a track at full speed,and the vinyl still rotating at 33 RPM :D
looking forward for this update!!
thank you

edit: ** the Loop Roll on the SCS1d Pads is AWESOME! congrats Atomix Support!great job!

Inviato Wed 01 Oct 14 @ 4:39 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The Leds of the small A/B buttons should have leds according to the documents we have from Stanton, but it seems that its not correct, meaning that they dont work/light up, at any software we have tried.

As for your custom mapping, i have the feeling that you are after a mapping similar to Traktor. Even though i find this approach too much for a mixer (having loops, pitch etc), if you need any assistance pm me with exactly the functionality you wish and i may take a look.


Inviato Wed 01 Oct 14 @ 6:24 pm
hello there, I need some help,
Im almost finished with my traktor like mapping for my scs1m, I can manipulate all knobs and stuff for master fx, on the mapper scs1m "4 decks masterfx test" (this mapper only has the script for the master preset 4)
Im, having problems with these 3 midi commands,

led enc 1234

var '$fxmaster' 1 ? action_deck 2 ? deck master effect_slider 2 : action_deck 3 ? deck master effect_slider 3 : action_deck 4 ? deck master effect_slider 4 : var '$fxmaster' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? deck master effect_active ? deck master effect_slider 1 : deck master effect_select

led enc full 1234

var '$fxmaster' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? nothing : deck master effect_active ? deck master effect_slider 1 : nothing

chan enc 1234

var '$fxmaster' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? action_deck 2 ? deck master effect_slider 2 : action_deck 3 ? deck master effect_slider 3 : action_deck 4 ? deck master effect_slider 4 : var '$fxmaster' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? deck master effect_active ? deck master effect_slider 1 : deck master effect_select

the script works fine, but when I mix the new script with my old script "4 decks masterfx" (4 presets 1deckaxn; 2loops; 3fxdeck; 4fxmaster) , it doesnt work

led enc 1234

var '$axndeck' 1 ? get_rotation : var '$axndeck' 1 ? get_rotation : var '$fxdeck' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? effect_active ? nothing : effect_select : nothing : var '$loopdeck' 1 ? var 'controlmode' 0 ? loop : nothing

led enc full 1234

var '$fxdeck' 1 ? mixer_order 3124 ? nothing : effect_active ? effect_slider 1 : nothing : var '$loopdeck' 1 ? loop_position : nothing

chan enc 1234

var '$axndeck' 1 ? play ? param_greater 0 ? nudge +1ms : nudge -1ms : song_pos : var '$fxdeck' 1 ? mixer_order 1234 ? effect_active ? effect_slider 1 : effect_select : nothing : var '$loopdeck' 1 ? var 'loopmode' ? param_bigger 0 ? loop_move +10% : loop_move -10ms : loop_double : loop_half

can someone check whats wrong? how can I merge the 2 mappings together ?
thank you

Inviato Fri 03 Oct 14 @ 5:29 pm
I ******* did it! here is the mapper for the SCS1m with 4 presets (Traktor like)
preset 1 "deck axn"
press knob = play ; press&hold= sync ; endless encoder: play on=pitchbend/nudge , play off=scroll track; knob leds (rotating) ; leds: deck unloaded=led off / loaded : led blink / text: "play" Led Orange

Preset 2 "deck Loop" (95% completed)
press knob=loop in;press&hold=toggle loop_size or loop_move ; endless encoder= loop half/double or loop move back/forward ; knob leds =full with loop ; led Green/Red=loop on / off ; text:loop

Preset 3 "deck FX"
4 decks Effect Banks (finished by default) + locodog "Post Fader FX" for decks 1 & 2, by default Echoes deck 2 only (switch ON,echo fx decks 1or2)

Preset 4 "Master FX"
knob 1= effect select/effect amount ; knob 2= MasterFX slider 2 ; knob3=MFX slider 3;knob 4= MFX slider 4
I just need a little work on the Loops preset,but all in all works great,Enjoy!

I just wanted to make a request, the EQ knobs and PAN knobs(filter) have a very short curve,the knob in the 9 o'clock position is already at full kill, is it possible to adjust that curve? like the CrossFader curve?
thank you

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Inviato Mon 06 Oct 14 @ 1:45 pm
sad to say that pitch up bug,on the scs1d platter is back, tracks sometimes keep pitching up,I have to turn the motor platter off,try cloning decks and check the drifting up,all builds from 1973 have this bug,
did a long mixing test this afternoon on build 2003, even with the pitch up issue, its random, when it happened I turned off the scs1d platter for a few secs...
had other audio problems,sometimes when loading tracks to decks, audio drops for a milisec, sometimes also when analizing tracks and changing between effects; audio drops glitches and static...
if I load 2 tracks on 2 diferent decks(2 tracks on analyze) I cant risk to do a slow scratch or I'll have stutter scratch because of high cpu, scratching is fine but sometimes on more heavy scratching sometimes I hear a pitch drift,still not sure if it is me or a VDJ8 issue...
track skips if I press play holding the vynil, MWinstantplay on or off, if MWInstP is ON there is also a bug pitch up jump on start when using hot cues or cue, but scs1d always worked with option OFF.
cloning decks doesnt work proper, clone track is 1/4 beat behind, this would be handy if it was 1/2 beat :D
now I'm back to 1970, no pitch up platter issue, but all the above...
looking forward
thank you

Inviato Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 1:53 pm
here on windows 7 32 bit system it's fine.

My cpu is i7 2600k and i tried analyzing several tracks while scratching and cpu usage is low and without audio spikes or glitches.

Also the pitch on the scs 1d is stable when switching back and forth vinyl mode and no skips when starting from cue points holding the vinyl.

Don't know if your problems are cpu or osx related....


Inviato Wed 15 Oct 14 @ 7:17 pm

Inviato Thu 16 Oct 14 @ 5:19 am
djmicron wrote :
here on windows 7 32 bit system it's fine.

My cpu is i7 2600k and i tried analyzing several tracks while scratching and cpu usage is low and without audio spikes or glitches.

Also the pitch on the scs 1d is stable when switching back and forth vinyl mode and no skips when starting from cue points holding the vinyl.

Don't know if your problems are cpu or osx related....

I take it back! the pitch up issue was related to CPU,with the above settings (FPS 25 SLoadPrio=idle) all my problems are gone!!!!back to version 2003! I've been mixing scratching for the last couple hours with no problems, no sound glitches. no audiodrops,no lags, just sometimes a bit of static when scratching very slow, I also raised my latency back to 256! I still have very high CPU if I select to analyze a lot of tracks at once, causing stutter and static, but its ok if I load 3 decks at once,while mixing or scratching. I really cant blame it on the SW, in Traktor Pro 2 is the same,maybe worse...
also cant press play and hold vinyl,or it skips a bit...

Inviato Thu 16 Oct 14 @ 10:12 am
Looks like I'll try out my Denon 5500's tonight and pray I have the same success........

Inviato Thu 16 Oct 14 @ 10:14 am
I'm probably going to buy another SCS.1d deck really soon, anyone who owns a pair of Stantons SCS.1d that can confirm that there is no drift when mixing 2 decks??good performance in beatjuggle??

I'm working on another mapper for the SCS.1m similar to the mapper I have shared before, 4 decks and 4 presets, but with mixer order 3124 instead of 1234, it makes more sense to have that mixer order when I get that 2nd deck, just finishing small details and testing, will upload and share the mapper this evening.

Inviato Sat 18 Oct 14 @ 9:42 am
new mapper for SCS.1m 4 decks & 4 presets mixer order 3124
preset 1 deck axn deck
the Loop preset is working perfect now,it shows the loop size and loopmove(press&hold) when moving loops
preset 3 deck effect
preset 4 deck master effect

I also edited the SCS.1d deck mapping : "Deck Select" switches to next deck 1>2>3>4 and the "Cancel" button switches to previous deck 4>3>2>1, press & hold "Cancel" button unloads that deck. the small fast fw/rw buttons beatjump 8 beats instead of 4.

SCS.1d 4 decks (deck shift)
SCS.1m 4 decks mixer order 1234 change mixer order in options menu to 1234
SCS.1m 4 decks mixer order 3124 change mixer order in options menu to 3124

Inviato Sat 18 Oct 14 @ 1:32 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Please keep this thread for reporting bugs for version 8. Use any other forum to post info about your custom mapping. Thank you.

Inviato Sun 19 Oct 14 @ 12:53 am
I am sorry djdad, where should I post the mappings?can't find a controller mappings forum,you can delete the mapping posts,and I'll post them on another forum section.
thank you

Inviato Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 8:28 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
The Hardware forum should be the most appropriate. Btw, i would suggest you to upload your mapping files to the V8 addon page so others can download as well instead of sharing those with unlicensed users.

Inviato Mon 20 Oct 14 @ 8:46 am
new build 2021: good news! I think static issue is finally fixed! I also raised ScratchSmoothPercent to 100 and the stutter/jitter on the scs1d is much better!almost perfect! have very rare jitters...
looking forward for the SCS1d platter speed+tempo fader,
thank you

Inviato Tue 28 Oct 14 @ 5:34 pm
hello there,I just bought myself another SCS1d deck,but can't connect both decks, VDJ8 only detects one deck,same with other DJ software Mixxx,TP2, in daRouter I see that both decks have same ID 00000, the Firmware updater detects 2 SCS1d decks, I read in stanton forum about a program to reset this ID, can anyone help me out please??
thank you

Inviato Tue 04 Nov 14 @ 10:01 am
hi, i read in the gibson forums that this problem can be fixed with a specific utility, but i don't see any places to download it, so better if you send a message to gibson support, or you may try to connect it to another computer e start flashing again....

Inviato Tue 04 Nov 14 @ 1:09 pm

Inviato Tue 04 Nov 14 @ 1:13 pm
emu_cz on the stanton forum shared the program with me, its winxp only, now I will have to get a firewire adapter to my pc and install winxp! it will be a quest...

if anyone needs this program PM your email,and I will share

Inviato Tue 04 Nov 14 @ 3:42 pm