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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: crashing

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this program crashes a lot seems to happen most when loading videos from content unlimited...also on content unlit. songs to but not as freezes and then i have to force quit and restart the program....i have a gig tonight and this is gonna be a real drag if it starts doing this....
I'm on a 2012 macbook pro 15in. non retina running mavericks
any advice?

Inviato Thu 22 May 14 @ 1:53 pm
I have a mid 2012 15" non-retina but I have to admit I have not even touched VDJ on the Mac side. I use the bootcamp/win 7 version. I have not tried 8 on it yet but have on my previous laptop. If you have a gig tonight plan on using 7.4 until you have 8 sorted out.

good advice but....... i dont have 7.4 i only have 8 i did the $20 a month thing

I think at this early stage you would be better off using a PC if you can possibly do so. You're entitled to run VDJ on a backup machine too, so make it a PC.

There have been overheating problems with the Mac version , and a lot of crashes reported. On top of that, many effects don't work on 8 yet.

Having said that, there do seem to have been a few issues when using Content Unlimited too, so I'd recommend using your own music on either system.


thanks groovindj...i wish i knew all this before...very stressful night last night i can't afford to by a pc laptop right now and i wouldn't have spent the money on content unl. vdj 8 seemed to work fine when i first downloaded it then i upgraded to mavericks and everything went to hell in a hand basket i might try going back to lion idk....also thinking about buying a controller n it comes with vdj 7 le do you happen to know if vdj 7 le supports content unlimited? I'm just returning to djing after a hiatus and the content unl. really is a huge neccesety right now

djmike28 wrote :
do you happen to know if vdj 7 le supports content unlimited?

Yes, all versions do - including the free Home version.

Maybe look into bootcamping your Mac. It's what some of the regulars here do.


honestly if it comes to the point where i have to bootcamp my mac to run windows to get this program to run right then i would probably just switch to a different product that runs better on mac and not use content unlimited.
thanks for the knowledge tho

It's early days for VDJ 8. This is why there's a disclaimer on the download page. It's like a newborn giraffe - still pretty wobbly on its feet!

If you'd bought 8 Infinity then perhaps support would have permitted you access to 7 Pro for this reason.

Unfortunately only version 8 supports the new subscription license.

Give 7 LE a try before admitting defeat...

They should not have released it on the Mac side. PERIOD. I had 4 major bugs reported 8 days before the release and NONE were fixed before the release. All show-stoppers.

Oh well, with no activity from any of the developers on the forums today, they are either working or an early vacation. Either way, I think we are on our own this weekend.

I am sure they will get this straightened out. I am just WAY too impatient, especially since they released it as public.

And throwing your toys out the pram won't help. PERIOD.

Use version 7 rather than 8.

The development team are well aware of the issues surrounding version 8 on a Mac. They are working to resolve them. Just because they have not been present on the forums does not mean they are not here. Ever thought that maybe the issues surrounding Mac aren't a quick fix?

When an appropriate fix is found it will be released - whether that is in the next build or the one after that i don't know - but it will be resolved.

Totally understand being impatient though - but we need to give the team right to get the right fix. ;-)

I agree Dan... Just very frustrating that it was even released with such serious bugs. Bad decision in my opinion. Not a quick fix... AGREED! Reported 8 days ago but still released?

Also, I agree about using version 7 but what about the guys going into the weekend thinking that VDJ8 is fine. What happens if they have a crash, or music stops, etc... All because no one has informed them NOT to use it. Doesn't seem fair to those users.

No doubt they will get it fixed. I have 100% confidence in that but they better get the right people in to get these addressed asap. This could be a PR nightmare unless guys are told NOT to use it. Can you even imagine crashes at weddings when the bride is dancing? I would be sick if that happened.

Again, thanks for all of YOUR hard work and I am hoping for the best... may have to call in an expert to get the Mac problems resolved.

The things is - any Pro DJ should not go out using a new piece of software until you have thoroughly tested it. There is also a disclaimer on the download page (how many have read it don't know). Of course there will be some who don't care, haven't tested and fall flat on their face, IMO this is their problem.

You have taken the time to test, you know it's not right for you as it stands - so you won't use it.
The issues are not affecting ALL Macs (though i agree, there are a few) - for example I haven't be able to crash on my Mac. Granted, i probably haven't tested as thoroughly as you, but i don't rely on my Mac for gigs, so its not so important to me.

Your right though, they will get there, hopefully sooner rather than later.

I managed to create a first crash with VDJ 8.

It happened like this, I was playing one track and opened the Tag Editor and as I tried to select a picture from my disk for the CoverArt Selection, VDJ froze, while still playing the music on the 1st deck. I had to soft kill the application in order to go back to normal operation.

Dan, I get what your saying but the bottom line is, you don't release something that you know has problems that could make the software crash and burn.

The disclaimer says that the software (8) is being used by THOUSANDS of dj's... Really, and no one is having any issues with Mac?

What was the purpose of the pre-release? To find and cure bugs. So much for that.

Oh well... The Facebook page is lighting up with Mac crashes... Most who buy software expect it to be pre-tested and for it to work. DJ's should NOT have to be your beta testers.

That is why it took a few years to get to this point. Now your users are being asked to be testers... not good.

I am with you VDJ... just bumps in the road.

djtouchdan what os are you using on mac?

El Sabroson wrote :
I managed to create a first crash with VDJ 8.

It happened like this, I was playing one track and opened the Tag Editor and as I tried to select a picture from my disk for the CoverArt Selection, VDJ froze, while still playing the music on the 1st deck. I had to soft kill the application in order to go back to normal operation.

me to. also crashed three times in automix . my licence say pay for upgrade, but i'm pro user.

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