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Topic: post fader FX - Page: 10

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Ok when you crossfader even with the video/volume down VDJ still uses the transition even the other deck might be black.

So let's say I'm using LumaKey as a transition parts of the video will be black.

To me personally that would look weird 😜

Like I said though I can work with the way it is now.


How about changing the code for the cue buttons to turn off the transition when they're in use?

groovindj wrote :

How about changing the code for the cue buttons to turn off the transition when they're in use?

That becomes Very difficult as you'd have to remember the old transition, switch to None and then switch back via a multi query,

I believe there is several workarounds at Atomix's disposal, but with user script it gets messy.

Fortunately breaker can live with if, 1 thing to note the Artificial crossfader set up by this is a scratch fader so you'd only have to open it a tiny bit


locodog wrote :
you'd have to remember the old transition

Would you? I mean, turning the current transition on/off is just "video_transition" so can't it just be added on to the PFL buttons as a & video_transition?

You could maybe add it as a right click option, leaving the normal script for left click PFL.

[EDIT] seems to work OK as pfl & video_transition on a custom button here.

Nah that (video_transition) makes it Auto transition,

Breaker must leave the VT on slot but off, so the VT works from the XF

OK how about disabling the video_crossfader_link then, so the transition is not activated when using the audio crossfader?

I don't think that'll do it either, yes or no is easy, it's 'sometimes' that is tricky

Haha! Love the commitment Groovin but it's cool bro, I can work with it the way it is.

Let's just hope Atomix takes the ball and runs with it. Iran this proves VDJ can/does have PFFX but I'm sure they could do better on there side of the table 😜

Either way thanks a million for the time you've put into this Loco!!

No worries, I do this stuff cos it's there to be done. Maybe by V8.1 there'll be PFFX for systems that 'has_master', Hybrids can done with some tricky cloning and cross wiring but 'twould be a lot of effort on my part for something that HAS to be on the Atomix drawing board.

Hey guys, does 4 deck PFFX exist yet?

I have a script for the crossfader for 4 decks, but I haven't written the script to turn it on per deck (volume FX and the echo FX,)

With 4 decks AND including cross fader assign it gets really really long (much longer than a forum post will accept)

It is possible but it includes many steps, it means rescripting the skin, rescripting the HW mapping and in some cases changing audio config. It gets complicated.

I'm hoping with my proof of concept Atomix will take it on (*Hopes for 8.1*) If the HW crossfader sends midi then PostFFX is possible (for 99 decks) BUT it is too much to explain and there are some aspects with HW that I just don't know.

In summary, What I've proved is a massive work around (and I'll admit too much for me to explain per user, per HW), actually getting it as a internal feature is a big task for the developers, ( it will need brand new code not yet in the V8 build) but it's possible.

I'll expect the developers to be tight lipped about the subject until it's released (let's be fair PostFFX is a big deal) but when ( a few months ago) I offered the idea for a volume FX to be able to work around PostFFX, the reply (after 20 minutes) from the lead plugin developer was "It works!"

So (in faith) it's coming (without all the ballache)

Hi all,

I have done a modification to my old mixer and now have a midi crossfader as well. My aim was to add post fader fx so I followed this thread (I have both SSL and VDJ, SSL seems to be an dead-end however).

The scripts provided here worked great (although I just tested for a short period of time), thanks a lot for that. There was only one problem with the volume plugin, it seems to cut the sound instantly.
This leads to a "cracky" sound when doing transformer and alike scratches.
Therefore I wrote my own VST Plugin ("AnDJ Fade") to get a analogue-like fader sound with a limited rise/fall time (This has nothing to do with the curve!). The VDJ Crossfader does a this as well.

I mapped my physical midi crossfader to the AnDJ Fade and leave the fader effect on all the time for now (This will change for special reason, but this is OT now...).
The plugin supports only cut curve so far (fader pos > 0% = full gain). My Crossfader MidiInput is now mapped like this:

param_greater 0% ? param_equal 100% ?
deck 1 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 0% & deck 2 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 50% :
deck 1 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 50% & deck 2 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 50% :
deck 1 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 50% & deck 2 effect 'AnDJFade' slider 1 0%

For the original Script I do actually not really understand, why it uses the crossfader when the effect is of and only during effect uses the volume plugin.
Wouldn´t it be better to always leave the volume effect on and use the physical crossfader to manipulate volume plugin and leave the VDJ Fader out of it?

If you guys are interessted in my plugin please let me know, I will have a stable version around next weekend.
I also wonder if you can comprehend my observations about the "cracky" sound with the volume plugin???
I will probably upload a video showing the plugin in use with postfader fx tomorrow.

If you search for "Focus Fader" on youtube you can find the first modification video. But there was no post fader fx involved.

This is my "baby" but right now I'm drunk, (I can barely read) I'll reply (sober) tomorrow.

you guys are interessted in my plugin please let me know, I will have a stable version around next weekend.

Hi i would like to use Your pluging ,but i use mac its posible to use it?


I used a framework called "juce" to write this plugin. Theoretically it should work under mac as well. AFAIK there is a licensing issue which does not allow me to provide a binary of my plugin. I don´t want to explain in detail as it is OT. But basically it looks like I can grant you the sourcecode and everybody has to compile it on his own (regardless of windows or mac). I will make some research on this toppic...

As promised I will upload a short video later on today, with post fader fx in action.

youtube ->


With a perfect script that took into account XF assign, XF curves and Hamster setting, then yes, permanently using the volume effects in place of the SW crossfader would indeed besimpler, but as these things are not addressed I wrote it in a way that users could switch into post fader mode or pre fader keeping as much functionality as possible.

My understanding of the GNU licence is binaries can be distributed but must have the source available too.

yes, I will release the source code under GPL (following the License of the "juce" framework). But it seems to be tricky to release a binary version of the plugin because of licensing issues (GPL vs VST, as stated I do some research. Plenty of threads on this topic...).

The plugin basically does exactly the same as the volume plugin, except the rise/fall shaping. But it seems essential to me...

The first version of the plugin will probably only support cut curve setting (The slider in the video is a dummy right now). In a later version I may add Curve and Hamster.

I look forward to the release, and shall be researching juce for myself.

Have you figured out external soundcards for the cases where there is no "master" and the actually mixing is done by the hardware?
