
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Search In Browser Impossible - Page: 2

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First thing is, is it working the way you need it to work in v7, try and see to make sure..

1 Disable, turn off all Tag options in v8
2 Close v8 and move v8 database and if you have a backup, move that too to another folder or to desktop.
3 Reboot your computer for clean start.
4 Another thing I would do also is download latest v8 and re-install with the repair option.
5 Start up v8 and then make sure those search options you use in v7 are active in v8, fingers crossed lets hope...

Joey got there before me

Best method would be to try see what happens with a track that is database tagged in V7 that isn't database tagged in V8, find a track that is like that (one from genre Dance/RNB should be easiest) remember it. Now type ' tag ' in advanced options and set everything to no. Close V8. Rename your V8 database so V8 will write a new one. Reopen V8 find the track you remembered and analyse it, see if V8 picks up the V7 database tags. If that works then you'll have to reanalyse everything unfortunately, If it doesn't work, then I dunno.

Well just tried on a complete new machine and did all of the above and this is now the third machine where v8 just does not want to read the information as it is in v7 what in the hell is going on.

It will still not show /rnb in the search or the browser why not? could some one else try a search in the browser with DANCE/RNB please, you may have to rename one file if you don't have a genre like that.

Even with putting no to the tags search it still appears to be reading them.

I'm also not getting any stars showing in the rating field either.

Ticket went in on Wednesday and all I have received is an automated response.

I wish someone could wave a magic wand here and put this right and show what a dumb ass I am just so I can get to use it at a show, waited three years and still can't play with my new toys... who shot Santa!


I've just picked a random song changed it's genre info to DANCE/RNB and once again search stops as soon as I get to this point DANCE/ this happening on three separate machines can't be a coincidence.

i wonder if the "/" is messing with it have u tried with a space instead of /

Could any of you guys please try the example above and report back results please.

I'm having the same/similar problem --- I search for LMFAO for example in my DJ folder, nothing. In VDJ 7, it'll show at least 12 different LMFAO songs. So annoying, I have no idea which subfolders all my music is in!!

Changed a track's genre from 'Electro House' to 'Electro House/qwerty' turned genre to a searchable field (because I don't search the genre field usually) typed Electro House/ and got a single result.
Also tried ending the above genre with /RNB,
searched 'e/' 80 results
searched e/R 8 results
searched e/RN 1 result

Anyone know of a way to get V8 to do a "global" search of the fields as it does in V7, I wish someone could explain why there is the change in search parameters where now you have to select the field into which you want the search made.

tayla wrote :
I've just picked a random song changed it's genre info to DANCE/RNB and once again search stops as soon as I get to this point DANCE/ this happening on three separate machines can't be a coincidence.

Tayla, try this search "dance rnb" see what happens...

Tried that Joey, even without the space same results... zilch!

This is driving me up the wall, lol. Remember it's just not the search criteria that is the problem I'm also missing`"ratings" as well.

Just installed the latest update and somehow it is still getting the info directly off the file tags and not the xml file of V7 even though I have set everything to no concerning tags, the V8 database was also removed before connecting hard drive.

Is there any way users can make V8 search Globally across files as in V7 search instead of having to click a field for search choice, seems an over use of having to click something if you ask me.

Cheers for the input so far everyone.


Just tried changing the genre of a file to DANCE/RNB, selected 'Genre' in the search options, and typed Dance/Rnb, and I found the file I just changed.
Even after restarting vdj, it still finds this file.

Thanks for responding, but everyone is focusing on the dance/rnb which I'm still having no luck with but more specifically I have problems getting a search in genre or any other field if I add the / to the search criteria eg: dance/ all results for dance disappear after the / is included in search field.

Also year does not show up or ratings in search, actually out of over 700 files that I know of that are catalogued for 2014 only two turn up in search results.

This is a major brain scratcher for me as on the same machine all files in v7 are showing and return results when searched for. Would you happen to have any suggestions I could follow to get the missing information back into their appropriate fields.

Or any chance of adding a global search to the fields as it currently stands in V7 please, maybes that will help my current predicament.

If you have any spare time I can be available for a team viewer session if that helps you get to the route of the problem or I can make a quick video of the problems.



Hey Paul, I see that Adion has responded, and since he knows way more than I do, will let him lead the charge. Will keep an eye on your issue, to see how you get this is resolved.

It really sounds as if these fields have not been selected. Could you check again that genre and year are checked when pressing the round button next to the search field?

This it what I did.

- Opened V8
- Selected a track and opened tag editor
- Changed genre to DANCE/RNB
- write tags
- made sure "genre" is checked in search options
- typed DANCE/RNB into the search field
-> found the track

What I did not check:

- Change Genre in V7
- Let V8 convert the V7 database
- Search for DANCE/RNB in V8

Remember guys I'm trying to get a solution not just for myself this may possibly help others in the future, once again don't focus too much on just DANCE/RNB first off my main concern is V8 is not pulling all the information from V7 xml file, I think this is the root cause of all the problems I am experiencing.

V8 appears to be going straight to the folder "Music Dump" and retrieving the tags of all the audio and video files from there, even though I have this disabled in config/settings.

I'd also like to remind you this problem is happening on three separate machines.

Over the years I have filled in the fields religiously to music that I add to the folder and none is missing in V7 as you can see by the images I have posted earlier.

It would be interesting to see you guys make genre and say year searches in V7 make a note of files seen and then make similar searches in V8 and compare results and post your findings here. I tried year search in V7 for 2014 and had a return of 752 in V8 originally there was a return of just 2 tried same search 2 minutes ago and got a return of 8.

Another thing that is missing is the rating stars in V8 whereas in V7 each file is showing a star rating of between 1 and 3 on every file.

I've mentioned it before, but I think this is only going to be resolved if a team viewer session can be set up and someone can then prove to the world I'm a complete idiot or find the solution to the problem I am having.

I would hate to think I've spent all this time waiting for the release of V8 only to find I can't use it, I'd be so disappointed.

Cheers for your help guys.


tayla wrote :
V8 is not pulling all the information from V7 xml file

Over the years I have filled in the fields religiously

Is the data definitely in the VDJ 7 database? Have you opened the XML file and confirmed?

Where and how have you filled in the fields? Was it within VDJ, saving to the database - or using tag editing software and writing everything to the file tags?

Basically, is the data in the VDJ 7 XML or is it in the tags of your files? <--- rhetorical question

If it's in the database then it should be importing to 8. If it's in the tags then you'll need to allow 8 to scan your files so the tags can be read.

If you read what I've posted, all information to all fields was done in vdj 7 and if you look at the previous images it shows all information in all the chosen fields for V7 as filled in, not a tune is missing any information.

Take the year field, V8 shows a hell of a lot of files for 2014 in the browser but not all of them, I put a search in for 2014 after selecting the year field and only 8 results are shown now explain that.

I'm sorry guys but it is now starting to get frustrating, would you please as I've asked try comparing search results in V7 to V8 and noting any difference in file count as I have done above.

Just noted, there is another user come up with a similar problem on the general forums, maybes if a few more users come forward with their results some type of action or remedy will be announced.


Paul, this is what I did, because I don't have all of the fields to search as you do. I opened 8 and looked for Jay Sean, and RnB, and found 65 and 57. I opened 7 and found 67 and 56. Not a big deal, so I opened 7 and there were a lot of files not scanned, a lot. So I scan, and found that one RnB file. I do not use this as a search, and it's a good thing, because I have R&B, and R & B. That's not a priority for me , so I don't care. Next, I had to find the 2 Jay Sean Files. I found that 2 of the files could not be read, so I removed from search, and done (by the way, why can't I delete these files)? This was all done in 7. I don't do the star thing, so can't help you, but would like you to scan a large folder in 8. Now look for something, that you know is in this folder in 8, and then look for the same thing in 7. Even though you see data and values in 8, that came from 7, you still have to scan these files in 8. I have not scanned all my drives in 8 yet, but I will. You will see that some of the bpm's will change, and a lot of the keys will change. You can have them both opened at the same time to compare. I don't know if this will help you, but it is one more task, that we can eliminate. You are sure that you have the same fields selected in both versions?
