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Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

Topic: Not possible to batch relocate missing files

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I've just discovered this whilst dealing with a recent post asking how to relocate missing files...

I can pull up a list of missing files by using a filter folder with exists=0 but selecting the relocate option (via right click on the browser results) only works on single files.

If I select all the files that are missing, I can't right click and batch relocate - the option is missing.

Inviato Tue 10 Mar 15 @ 11:01 am
Vona12Home userMember since 2015
This is not a feature that the software has, unfortunately.

Inviato Sun 17 Jan 16 @ 4:44 pm
To be honest it's not something that should be needed much (if at all) as long as you organise your library well.

Don't go moving or renaming loads of files when outside of VDJ.

If for some reason it's unavoidable then clean your database (removing orphans) then revisit the folder(s) on your hard drive to add the new location(s).

Inviato Sun 17 Jan 16 @ 4:51 pm
This would be very useful if you could batch relocate missing files. It's rather time consuming to do them one by one, but I'll get there eventually I suppose!

Inviato Wed 20 Jan 16 @ 5:10 pm
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I do manage my music library with an external program, iTunes in my case.
I let it organize the library as well. So, when I change a file tag, it moves the file.
I have a smart playlist in iTunes for recently modified. This pulls up tag changes and such. This way I have a list of songs that I have changed. If their are cue points and such that I ma concerned about, I use the relocate feature. Most of the time I just batch reload tags and go to VDJ's not analyzed filter folder and rescan. Then I clean the database.
It's been a good system for me so far, I just keep up with the changes. When I spend a day changing things, I make sure to reflect those changes in VDJ.

Inviato Wed 20 Jan 16 @ 8:27 pm
I keep on top of my music using the 'my library' add on. I find it very useful and I have no tracks that are missing or haven't been analysed. I have some playlists from about 5 or 6 years ago and because I used a different hard drive file path back then they show up as missing. Using the 'relocate missing file' will find the track make it playable. However I have hundreds of playlists like this and it would be great if I could just open each playlist and batch relocate all the tracks that are showing.

Inviato Thu 21 Jan 16 @ 1:09 am
I think there are addons (utilities) for download that fix broken playlists.

Inviato Thu 21 Jan 16 @ 6:17 pm
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
I believe it is possible to batch relocate files.
Well, at least you are able to select multiple files, and choose relocate.
But then, the popup window for each file will open and you have to click on "OK" X times.
Or just press and hold "Enter" until the popping up stops. Possibly you are lucky enough to relocate every file.
But if you are not, VDJ will throw a "file not found message" and you still need to relocate it by hand, or skip that file.

Inviato Fri 22 Jan 16 @ 2:03 pm
Yes you are right PachN and that is exactly how I corrected my 'missing' files. As you said you can select multiple files and click relocate missing files. What I also did was use a program called autohotkey to automate the repetitive task of pressing the Enter key. It worked really well and I have now finally corrected all the files in my playlists.

Inviato Fri 22 Jan 16 @ 7:06 pm

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