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Forum: Video Discussion

Topic: Intel HD 4600 -- Reliable for HD Video Mixing?

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So, I'm building my music video library and working on adding video to my mobile DJ services in the near future. However, my Lenovo Y550p is now 6 years old and has a dead HDMI port -- so it's time to get something new. I realize the recommended configuration is a discrete, dedicated GPU, but there are some very attractive sales on powerful laptops with Intel HD Graphics 4600 only. My question is -- is the HD 4600 a reliable GPU for 720p or 1080p video mixing with Virtual DJ? Does anyone use it *regularly* for their gigs? How about anyone using ANY model of Intel HD graphics? I'm hoping some people can comment on real-world experience with it... we all know what's "bettter" or "worse" on a spec sheet doesn't always translate to the real world.

Thanks in advance! - Jim

Inviato Sat 27 Jun 15 @ 1:38 pm
Yo Jim, I've been using the Intel 4600HD for nearly three years now without a problem. Frankly, I think it works outstanding, and can't figure why some need a fancy graphics card. I'm using an Asus X750JB with the Intell 4700HQ processor. I feel a strong processor is the key. Although I run 30FPS on the skin and the vid, I can run the skinFPS and the vidFPS both at 60, and the CPU hovers around 20%. Cheers......

Inviato Mon 29 Jun 15 @ 9:20 am
Thanks for the feedback mrgrumpy1 ... I found a refurb HP Envy 15 with an i7-4700HQ for $400. I think I'm gonna pick it up!

Inviato Mon 29 Jun 15 @ 4:57 pm
Good for you Jim, don't know much about the lappy, but the 4700 and 4600 will do you well.:)

Inviato Mon 29 Jun 15 @ 7:58 pm

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