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Topic: Automix audio dropout *after* each crossfade upon pre-loading next song

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SlolyHome userMember since 2015
When playing Automix, *after* each automated crossfade an audio dropout occurs just at the moment, when the next queued file is pre-loaded, (which could take as long as 3 minutes with no problems) while the song is playing, but it deliberately tries to load it immediately at the end of the crossfade and that leads to an audio dropout of up to 0.25 sec, no matter how long I set the audio buffer.

I tried both settings: Automix in one deck, or in 2 decks.

The files are FLAC files, coming from my home NAS, or also 720p video files from the NAS, all experience the dropout when after the crossfade the next song is pre-loaded.

I installed Virtual-DJ 7.4.6 on the same PC, and it does Automix absolutely gapless, in exact same conditions, with same files. So it is a Virtual-DJ 8.2362 regression bug in the audio engine.

First I thought the next song pre-loading thread could have a too high priority and is interrupting the audio main thread, but when looking in process explorer I found, that actually the CPU-usage drops(!) during pre-loading of the next song, so it is a global (?) thread locking issue, apparently.

Of course I could stay with Virtual-DJ 7 to circumvent the dropouts, but I find Virtual-DJ 8 appealing in many other ways (visually, usage, FLAC covers working etc.), so it would be nice to have a working Virtual-DJ 8.

I know, I'm a free home user, so my bug fix request has low priority, but I wonder, if no one professional users experiences the automix dropouts in Virtual-DJ 8. (Then they need to admit they are using the Automix, thatswhy they don't report the issue, or they actually don't use the feature. But for home use Automix is actually nice, if it would not gap :-) )


Inviato Sat 01 Aug 15 @ 3:03 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
I don't think it's an issue to admit that automix is used sometimes. We all do.
But very few DJs who do puplic gigs are using a NAS during that session.
I think that is causing the problem.

Have you tried to change the option "songLoadPriority"?

Inviato Mon 03 Aug 15 @ 3:50 am
SlolyHome userMember since 2015
Thanx PachN for the tip with the "songLoadPriority" setting, I set it from normal to idle for testing.
Tried it with the latest VirtualDJ 8.0 b2369 PC and the pre-loaded wave forms actually draw *much* slower now. :-)
But the little audio gap remains, with mp3-320 files a bit shorter than with 720p-videos and FLACs, but it is always there.

I put "songLoadPriority" back to normal and played songs from a local attached USB-drive, and voila - the gaps are gone.
So using a NAS is the problem, which may have a tiny bit higher latency in answering the file open requests, and Virtuaö-DJ thinks it has to interrupt the audio thread to wait for the audio pre-loading of the song which is due only a few minutes later, no matter what songLoadPriority setting is selected.

I thought in a few (stationary) venues also a NAS would be used, so this Virtual-DJ behaviour would be noticed by professional users as well, but apparently my assumption was wrong.

By the way, even the "other" (inferior IMHO) NI-DJ-Software automixes gapless from NAS, Virtual-DJ 7 does it gapless, and foobar2000 also plays playlists from NAS gapless, so it is technically no challenge to implement. (I could apply for the V-DJ-Job-offers, but I'm not fitting the requested 12-aged coding Guru history, and then it was Delphi in the beginning and not so much C++ as maybe needed here .... :-)


Inviato Mon 03 Aug 15 @ 5:33 am
Hi Friends

It is something that had happened a long of time ago with NAS files, but in some version it was solved to the audio (to video it never has been solved) . Now it has appeared again. There is video and audio drops when you are in automix and the next track tries to load... Song load priority has never done anything to this problem. It is like the software tries to load all the song with a lot of priority at first without considering the selected song load priority and that the access time to network files is larger that any unit connected to the computer.

Seem that virtual dj developers do not think that automix with files that are located in NAS is a priority, but I think that yes. In my weeding shows that lasts 12 hours I can not fail and I bring 2 computers one running Virtual DJ 8 to the music, videos and karaoke and other with Virtual DJ 7 as a lifesaver accessing both to the same files that are located in my shows. Not all your costumers are David Getta profile DJ some of us use your automix feature. And when we have time we make our manual mixing that do not seem to fail.
In my last show I have had more than 20 song audio drops and some people comes to ask me what had happened. It is embarrasing and very anoying.

The computer is not a problem now I have bought a asus g551jk i7-4710hq and Nvidia gtx850m 8Gigs of ram and the same failure that in my old computer... Tested with 2 different NAS, activating jumbo frames, all combinations on network card options but nothing seems to solve.

Please solve it!!!

Inviato Mon 10 Aug 15 @ 7:30 pm
Another show with lot of audio drops loading over NAS it was in automix and loading songs manually. I have had one drop of 4 seconds!!! All the people looking at me because of this long drop, it was embarrasing. No video show in this case only audio.
The audio output must be protected more and never drop no mather if it is some problem accesing to a file that software is trying to load. Always the problem appears at the start of loading no mater song load priority is selected. Please correct this problem!!. Are you working on it ?¿ or you think it is not ver important. Please let me know.

Inviato Sun 13 Sep 15 @ 3:17 pm
Is there anybody there¿? Can someone answer me?

Inviato Mon 14 Sep 15 @ 7:41 pm

Inviato Wed 16 Sep 15 @ 12:59 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
VDJ itself has no locks that could cause drop-outs because of delays in file access, so my guess still is that the dropouts are caused by the driver locking up the system.
Updating video and network drivers and trying different network adapters is pretty much the only thing I can think of to try at the moment...

Inviato Thu 17 Sep 15 @ 7:23 am
I'm with all latest drivers/fw of all devices and have tested it with 3 different computers two of them i7 with nvidia adapters and gigabit network interfaces. You have solved this problems in other builds but know the audio drops have returned again, in virtual dj 7 they do not happen never with windows 7 and windows 10. I understand that tuning your software is very hard, because the lot of things it control at the same time. I think that the problem comes by the way files are opened. The software has always a processor peak no matter if files are located locally or network drives and no matter what priority is selected in song load priority.
If you want I can test for you some hidden parameters or some alpha versions to try to solve this. I'm very interested in helping you to solve it and in my work I have lot of experience debuging software.
Best Regards

Inviato Wed 23 Sep 15 @ 10:52 am
"In my last show I have had more than 20 song audio drops and some people comes to ask me what had happened. It is embarrasing and very anoying."

Let me give you some advice. VDJ 8 and this NAS hookup is not working for you. You know it's not working, yet you still continue to use it on your paying clients. If you knew your speaker was blown, would you still use it? Take some responsibility for your actions. Your clients did not hire Virtual DJ, they hired you. How do you continue to play after 2 dropouts? This continues to happen to you over and over again. My advice, do not use VDJ 8 and this NAS hookup until this is fixed.

This message is for anyone that claims to be a Professional DJ. If you have equipment that does not work, and you know it, you are cheating your clients.

Inviato Sat 26 Sep 15 @ 6:22 am
I have had 20 drops in 12 hours... not so much if you think, and only one of them of 4 seconds that was the only one were people look at me asking what is happenning. I'm not cheating my clients. My clients satisfaction is prior to me.
I use NAS in my set ups because I want to access same music/video database from 2 computers easely (one as backup) and I am between the people and I want that all have to look clean with the less cables and devices on the table as possible.

Hope you solve it soon.

I offer to help you to solve it.

Without challenges there is not progress.
Best Regards.

Inviato Mon 28 Sep 15 @ 10:49 am
Have you changed anything in latest version? In a hour small test have not any sound drops mixing vídeos songs over nas and local files . Have to test more but maybe something goes better. I will keep you informed.
Best Regards

Inviato Mon 05 Oct 15 @ 2:08 am
vdj888Home userMember since 2013
I have the same problem. However not using NAS but SD card in PC. Previous version VDJ 7 doesn't show this. BTW lots of identical complaints in the GERMAN forum.
Where can I download VDJ7?

Inviato Wed 30 Dec 15 @ 5:02 pm
vdj888 wrote :

Where can I download VDJ7?

Same spot you downloaded v8. just click on top "Download"

Inviato Wed 30 Dec 15 @ 10:38 pm

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