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Topic: Traktor audio 2 and VDJ8 need help

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maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
guys whatever i do i cant spilt headphones and master on VDJ8 and NI Traktor Audio 2. Please can u help me ? All the time i have master in both headphone and also master out..

Inviato Tue 01 Sep 15 @ 4:49 pm
DJ PhatsoPRO InfinityHercules Support TeamMember since 2005

Inviato Tue 01 Sep 15 @ 6:12 pm
maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
thats what i did, anyway I have master in headphones...

Inviato Tue 01 Sep 15 @ 6:18 pm
Setup in Audio Config:

master Audio 2DJ (asio) channel 1&2
headphones Audio 2DJ (asio) channel 3&4

Inviato Tue 01 Sep 15 @ 7:26 pm
maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
I have only following choices in asio in VDJ for traktor audio 2: main (LR), hedphone (LR),main L (mono), main R (mono)

Inviato Tue 01 Sep 15 @ 7:42 pm
make sure you have the ASIO driver installed came with it.

click on config button, select audio.

delete what you have and start from scratch

master Audio 2DJ (asio) channel 1&2
headphones Audio 2DJ (asio) channel 3&4

Inviato Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 1:48 am
maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
The problem is with NI traktor audio 2 didnt come any software, software is available only via download from NI website. There is only one driver available for download - niothing else so I dont know where to download asio dreiver or if it has been already installed - but probably yes if I choose audio 2 dj asio i have choices main (lr), headphones (lr) . channel 1&2, 3&4 etc.. i have available if I choose audior 2 wasapi - then i have that choices, but whatever I choose i still NOT have separate headphones and main but main is in both headphone and main out of traktor audio 2 soundcard

Inviato Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 3:50 pm
If you load a song on deck 1 and play it, it will be in both outputs (you can see the lights on the NIAudio2) and you will hear this on the Speaker and Headphones. But if you load a osng on the empty deck, the headphone sounds will go away.

Maybe that is what you are having. Also make sure that the headphone cue/mix in on 0%.

I have this same Soundcard.

Inviato Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 5:17 pm
DJ PhatsoPRO InfinityHercules Support TeamMember since 2005

Inviato Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 5:43 pm
maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
I know thats where from I downloaded driver Traktor Audio 2 MK2 Driver 3.1.3 - Windows anyway I cant make it work on win 10 to have separate headphones and main... thats the prob Im talking abut

Inviato Wed 02 Sep 15 @ 8:37 pm

Inviato Fri 04 Sep 15 @ 2:14 pm
No, it's not another guy - it's the same one cross posting!

Inviato Fri 04 Sep 15 @ 5:30 pm
DJ PhatsoPRO InfinityHercules Support TeamMember since 2005

Inviato Fri 04 Sep 15 @ 6:17 pm
maaraPRO InfinityMember since 2020
Yes it looks like it might be more likely some problem between VDJ8 and NI Traktor Audio 2 . Probably VDJ route channels incorrectly..

Inviato Sun 06 Sep 15 @ 3:11 pm

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