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Topic: DN-MC6000

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

With VDJ7 and VDJ8 on machine, my controller works with vdj8, but now try my vdj7 and all the mapping is lost, lights flashing everywhere, i,m starting to think that you can't have both versions available to use.

Another point is my channel two is always about 3Db lower than the left, and both are lower than on VDJ7, struggling even maxing gains on software and mixer to hit 0Db.

Also finding the EFX4 effect is lit and active on activating VDJ8

EDIt. OK it appears the left deck gain (on controller is working on channel 1 (left) and right deck gain is working on right channel. Why is this,

Checking how it was. Left deck used left VU meter and CH2 gain controlled both channels on that deck, right deck used right VU meter CH3 gain controlled both channels on that deck.

But now the decks are using both meters and each gain controls one channel

Inviato Tue 15 Sep 15 @ 7:56 am
Just move to VDJ8. It will save you a lot of pain and hassle!

I've been using it with the MC6000 for god knows how long now and it's faultless.

are you using any mapper for it, i,m getting weird results.

I have my own custom mapper. Should work fine with the default one though .....

P.M. me your email address and I can send it through if you want .....

OK deleted VDJ7 totally, VDJ 8 asked me to log in again (hopefully it knows i am only logged in with one) but i get exactly the same issues

Wiped VDJ8 off too started from scratch
Both VU meters work showing left and right channels and gain 2 and gain 3 (in my case) control each channel.

i want gain2 to control deck 2 both channels and gain 3 to control deck 3 both channels and left vu for deck 2 and right for deck3 (as it has always been)

So not VDJ7 screwing it up

Load song to deck 1, deck 1 pfl light comes on, plays ok but gain on controller only controls one channel, basically gain 2 left, gain 3 right (using channels 2 +3 on controller)

Load song deck 2 does similar.
but i can turn deck 2 volume down, and here it by turning deck 1 volume up on controller.


Something to do with PFL
In options turn this off pflonselect set NO
My deck 1 behaves as i would expect.
Deck 2 though has no output, and using the mixer cue i hear nothing through headphones.

Now click the VDJ pfl on deck 2 with 1 off and it works!!!
Blinking stupid!

Now how do i set it to turn deck 2 on at start up with 1 off, as at the moment it is the other way round?

Is the switch on the back of the MC6000 set for the correct mode you are in? internal software or external sound card?

It all depends how you have your sound setup in VDJ as to which mode is correct.

INT Mix same as it has always been

Oh well short lived now mixer crossfader is affecting same thing (disabled in software)

Complete nightmare.
Now deleted all and reinstalled VDJ7
But i,m getting similar issues.
Put back up machine on and its fine.

What can i possibly have screwed on main machine, obviously not mixer as spare works fine

Delete everything from mappers folder and delete settings.xml

They are the only two things that could be the problem.

Or even easier, copy your users>virtualdj folder over from the backup machine overwriting everything already there

Tried all that but same, tearing my hair out here, everything is going through channel 2, play a track on deck 2 plays through channel 2 not 3

Ruling out mixer as spare laptop is fine, so something on pc, but what

AHHHHHHHHHHHH Sound was not set to external mixer !!!

Ha ha ha ha ha. Infuriating innit?

Thats it, VDJ7 now back as before, and VDJ8 i will have to pass on

I wonder if maybe i had sound set wrong in vdj8,, am i brave enough????????

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