
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: The Advanced Freestyler integration thread - Page: 2

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First of all this plug-in is not currently an official one (it has not been tested and authorized by the VDJ Team)
Second, it all depends on what you want to do. This thread is about integrating (let's say remote controlling) Freestyler, not about sending DMX data on it (there's a quite big difference since the particular software can't be remote controlled by DMX In - it can only resend the received data)
Third, if you had spent 2 minutes reading my entry post you would have realized that I wanted to establish a 2 way communication between Freestyler and VirtualDj and that's why I choose MIDI for it.

PS: If you are the author of the recommended plug-in please submit it on site for review and evaluation in order to make it an official one! :)

Hm..I never knew about this thread..and it looks good. The controller pads for my sampler etc. and a sub controller for the lights. It will work well..but when? A few years?

PhantomDeejay wrote :
Sure I can upload a modified version for VirtualDj Remote once I return from vacations next week

Nudge nudge!


I had to convince my wife to lend me back my iPad first. :P

Most likely next week it will be ready

Let her have it, and buy yourself a new one!

I'm saving to get two new beam moving heads instead... :P

PhantomDeejay wrote :
I'm saving to get two new beam moving heads instead... :P

+1 - Just did the same thing last week (2x ADJ Hex7)

Is there any way to record fs patch changes in real time (similar to recording cue points) and save them with songs. I went through the process with manual programming cues in the fs plugin - but it is cumbersome- i might be missing something here.

I like improvising the lights in sets but some songs are great to have preprogrammed.

But you can program the desired cues for a track in Freestyler and then use action poi's in VirtualDj to trigger them.
Also for some functions (like activating/deactivating a strobe effect or a particular color e.t.c.) you can use action poi's to trigger overrides instead of creating a new cue (in FS) just to have a strobe effect...

PS: Personally I enjoy using Freestyler with submasters / sublists. This way you don't have to worry about cues. You have a dynamic cue that changes on the fly and you can program action poi's in VirtualDj to change anything on a submaster (or an all submasters at once)

So, more or less you need to understand better how FS works and how it can be used for a "dynamic show"
After you understand that part better you can use action poi's to manipulate everything...
Another effect: A song has somewhere in the middle a part with ambient music and then it builds up:
Instead of programming 2 or 3 cues, you can manipulate the existing one: Program an action poi to reduce the master speed (or the speed of moving heads movements e.t.c.) to 20%. Then as the track starts to build up use action poi's to trigger a strobe effect via an override button. Then finally when the track resumes to normal rhythm you can use one last action poi to restore master speed (or the speed you tampered before) back to 100%

The interesting thing with the above approach is that it will work for ANY cue that may be currently running. You will get a more dynamic show and you won't have to worry to load the correct cue. This also means that you program a bunch of cues and adapt them easily to more tracks than just one particular track....

PS: Besides triggering a strobe effect you can trigger overrides for everything that is a static scene (static in terms of commands send by Freestyler). Gobo Disc rotation for instance is a "static" scene for Freestyler but still giving a "non static" visual feedback. The same way you can trigger a static position (all lights on X spot), a single color, color rotation, fixed gobo or gobo rotation e.t.c. All these are the power of override buttons and it's part of Freestyler logic...

Thanks - i think i may not have been so clear in my original post. I didnt mean recording freestyler programs / patches in vdj - i already (like you say) use freestyler to the full with cues, overrides, submasters etc - and most regularly realtime create lightshows - in our part of the world it is called "busking" or real time mixing a lightshow.

What i meant was allowing for the recording of specific cue points in vdj - eg "change to freestyler page and program xx here in the song - like a cue point or poi in vdj terms.

I know the freestyler plugin lets you manually program them but i was thinking if you could create a poi autommatically when a programme change is pressed in your freestyler skin it would be an awesome way to get some "key/iconic" light states during a track. I programmed up sia's chandelier like this and it goes down a treat.

The issue seems to be that vdj script only pops up the poi dialogue box rather than let you record a controller key press - but i maybe missing something.

So - in summary - not talking about creating light states in vdj (they are still done in freestyler) but just be able to automate fs cue selection within a track.

I hope that is a little clearer ?

The only thing I can think off is to remap the buttons to create hotcues as well. Then afterwards convert them to action poi's.
I will try to think a better way and I'll come back on this subject

It is 5am here so i am a little fuzzy - to me it seems that if there was a vdjscript option to auto create an action poi on a button press - Eg action that simulates a skin button being pushed -that would be hugely useful in this scenario :-)

yes, in vdj script there is missing tag for creation action poi with predefined macro.

I spent the last two days in freestyler setting up new lights that didnt have dmx protocol. I love this idea . Is there a way to map this to a custom button or better yet to the sampler? Then i could map the heck out of it.. my only worry is that im going to crash the entire system as I have lots loaded on this.. Is there a video explanation on line?

Map what ?
The overall thread is about mapping buttons (or anything else) on VirtualDj to control Freestyler.
So, give me an example please...
I want to map this button to do that thing...

mapping a poi button so as i play songs i can press a mapped buttons on a controller and set them to that song.. so that as stuff plays i can just press a button and it saves it as we go..


Added a simple pad page to control a few functions and demonstrate better how this plugin can be used.

The pad page consists of 2 pages that you can switch with parameter buttons

On page 1 the top row of pads controls blackout/freeze/blackout&freeze/favourite
The bottom row controls the first 4 override buttons.

On page 2 the pads toggle the first 8 cues of Freestyler

Advanced users can open this pad page on pad page editor and add more pages / adjust them on their needs.

With this page you can control Freestyler directly from your controller so that you don't need to grab your mouse anymore!

We have got to the same place again on this one - the panel macro is awesome - the ability to record lighting cues (ie trigger them from the panel macro) as a song pays is another level again.

The piece that is missing is a record poi with a macro on a button press. (As opposed to having stop and edit every cue manually in the popup. We probably need a switch to turn recording on or off). There no doubt other requirements - but you get the gist

This would kick butt - there is NO dj software out there with this quality of light integration with freestyler orbany other mainstream package.

Just a curious question
I run freestyler and vdj8 together very nicely np. One thing i was curious about was when working in the poi editor in vdj8, is their anyway to duplicate points? Action points? I have a certain light sequence i want to start every time these cymbals hit during a song. Instead of making a whole new action point for every beat, being able to dupicate it and drag to next cymbal beat. This would save alot of time.
