Quick question:
Why does
deck left play ? color 'green' : color 'green' & blink
NOT cause a launchpad LED to blink, when the left deck is not playing? (above is the mapping for the LED, not the pad action)
The pad is green, just does not blink.
Why does
deck left play ? color 'green' : color 'green' & blink
NOT cause a launchpad LED to blink, when the left deck is not playing? (above is the mapping for the LED, not the pad action)
The pad is green, just does not blink.
Inviato Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 8:36 pm
because blink is a query which is on or off depending on time
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green
you may also use two colors
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green : color darkgreen
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green
you may also use two colors
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green : color darkgreen
Inviato Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 9:01 pm
@nicotux : doesn't work :(
Inviato Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 9:37 pm
use with a controller may differ specially with colors some have specific colors only
launchpad X mapping is recent and as said in the other thread update is coming
the above script is for use (and working) with skin pads
(in color tab) which mostly is the same as LED (depending on controller)
launchpad X mapping is recent and as said in the other thread update is coming
the above script is for use (and working) with skin pads
(in color tab) which mostly is the same as LED (depending on controller)
Inviato Tue 16 Feb 21 @ 10:02 pm
Thank you Nicotux
Your solution worked perfectly..
Again Big Thanks
and it was. MG_1978 that said it does not work,........and he never said what the script was for..
I believe everything works well with Launchpad X, the native definition did not also include the capability to utilize its Velocity touch features, and that is being added.
Your solution worked perfectly..
Nicotux wrote :
because blink is a query which is on or off depending on time
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green
deck left play ? color green : blink ? color green
Again Big Thanks
and it was. MG_1978 that said it does not work,........and he never said what the script was for..
I believe everything works well with Launchpad X, the native definition did not also include the capability to utilize its Velocity touch features, and that is being added.
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 4:47 am
That's the problem with multiple questions when tired :=)
sorry mg_1978 i answered the wrong post
as said you can't actually get 2 different samplers banks at a time because only one sampler exist
when selected both side sampler pads are linked to the sampler (always same bank)
i provided 3 scripts examples switching manually sample bank and one auto
which one doesn't work ? All?
They actually all work as expected here, so that maybe as IIDEEJAYII pointed out more explanation about what you are trying to achieve is needed
I agree showing different sample bank pages even not selected and switching on the fly would be nice
the same for pads : a way to display all 4 pages of selected padpage would be fine
sorry mg_1978 i answered the wrong post
as said you can't actually get 2 different samplers banks at a time because only one sampler exist
when selected both side sampler pads are linked to the sampler (always same bank)
i provided 3 scripts examples switching manually sample bank and one auto
which one doesn't work ? All?
They actually all work as expected here, so that maybe as IIDEEJAYII pointed out more explanation about what you are trying to achieve is needed
I agree showing different sample bank pages even not selected and switching on the fly would be nice
the same for pads : a way to display all 4 pages of selected padpage would be fine
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 8:10 am
sorry! i have written ‘doesn’t work’ for Nicotux answer about my sampler question; your script (@Nicotux) yes works well for change sampler_bank....but not for my question; i would change 2 different sampler_bank about 2 decks, but i have understand that is NO possible in Virtual Dj (in Traktor Pro for example you can have one different bank in different deck....but is not Virtual Dj teory).... tanks a lot at all and this is a very 👍 forum
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 2:55 pm
what is possible : a pad for samples 1..8 (standard one) and a pad for samples 9..16
or using pads 16 a sampler pad for 1..16 and a sampler pad for 17..32
with big 32 samples banks
or using pads 16 a sampler pad for 1..16 and a sampler pad for 17..32
with big 32 samples banks
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 5:16 pm
hi, i have made a “fx pad” and in my pad 4 i would have “little slip brake” fx which has a duration of 1 beat...have someone a script for me? thanks!!
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 11:05 pm
look at the padfx script description see what I've done here.
padfx 'slipbrake8' "1 beat:on"
padfx 'slipbrake8' "1 beat:on"
Inviato Wed 17 Feb 21 @ 11:18 pm
Locodog yes work 👍 thanks!!
Inviato Thu 18 Feb 21 @ 10:09 pm
by the way note 'padfx' is LIMITED :
- does not work when used on deck master - wrongly apply to action deck instead
- does not allow to use slots - can't be used for releasefx, sampler, mic, aux, mixfx, colorfx ...
- does not work when used on deck master - wrongly apply to action deck instead
- does not allow to use slots - can't be used for releasefx, sampler, mic, aux, mixfx, colorfx ...
Inviato Fri 19 Feb 21 @ 2:51 am
hi! in my pad_page ‘setting’ i have mapped pad1: browser_gotofolder ‘C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording’ for open VirtualDj Recording folder and have mapped color pad1: get_browsed_filepath ‘C:\ Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording’ ? color ‘white’ : nothing (with auto-dim) for have pad lighting white if i am in VirtualDj Recording folder and pad little white if i am in other folder (like normal color pad with auto-dim)... but color pad is always black :( can you help me?
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 5:43 am
you haven't tested the get action
param_equal `get action` "string" ? true : false
param_equal `get action` "string" ? true : false
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 11:07 am
locodog wrote :
you haven't tested the get action
param_equal `get action` "string" ? true : false
param_equal `get action` "string" ? true : false
the correct script is? color pad1: param_equal ‘C:\ Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording’ ? color ‘white’ : color 40% ‘white’ (without auto-dim)
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 12:02 pm
get action ?
I think this need some explanations ^^
lit of a pad (or button) is only effective when first action is true
browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording' is not a query
as usual warn about correct quotes (maybe wrongly converted by forum page)
get_browsed_header & param_equal 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
or using backquotes (more complex IMO)
param_equal `get_browsed_header` 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
using "C:\Users\Utente\Music" is the same as using generic (not user dependent) "localmusic://"
do you know if there is a way to specify subfolders ?
would help for thing like this
browser_gotofolder ‘localmusic://VirtualDj Recording’
I think this need some explanations ^^
lit of a pad (or button) is only effective when first action is true
browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording' is not a query
as usual warn about correct quotes (maybe wrongly converted by forum page)
get_browsed_header & param_equal 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
or using backquotes (more complex IMO)
param_equal `get_browsed_header` 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
using "C:\Users\Utente\Music" is the same as using generic (not user dependent) "localmusic://"
do you know if there is a way to specify subfolders ?
would help for thing like this
browser_gotofolder ‘localmusic://VirtualDj Recording’
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 12:02 pm
there's this
set 'string' `get_vdj_folder & param_add "get_text '\myString'"`
browser_gotofolder "sampler://recordings"
there's this
set 'string' `get_vdj_folder & param_add "get_text '\myString'"`
browser_gotofolder "sampler://recordings"
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 12:24 pm
Nicotux wrote :
get action ?
I think this need some explanations ^^
lit of a pad (or button) is only effective when first action is true
browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording' is not a query
as usual warn about correct quotes (maybe wrongly converted by forum page)
get_browsed_header & param_equal 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
or using backquotes (more complex IMO)
param_equal `get_browsed_header` 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
using "C:\Users\Utente\Music" is the same as using generic (not user dependent) "localmusic://"
do you know if there is a way to specify subfolders ?
would help for thing like this
browser_gotofolder ‘localmusic://VirtualDj Recording’
I think this need some explanations ^^
lit of a pad (or button) is only effective when first action is true
browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording' is not a query
as usual warn about correct quotes (maybe wrongly converted by forum page)
get_browsed_header & param_equal 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
or using backquotes (more complex IMO)
param_equal `get_browsed_header` 'VirtualDj Recording' ? true : browser_gotofolder 'C:\Users\Utente\Music\VirtualDj Recording'
using "C:\Users\Utente\Music" is the same as using generic (not user dependent) "localmusic://"
do you know if there is a way to specify subfolders ?
would help for thing like this
browser_gotofolder ‘localmusic://VirtualDj Recording’
thanks a lot!!! work s very welle yeah 👍
Inviato Sat 20 Feb 21 @ 4:03 pm
Hello, my question is:
How can I map the preview output of a sampler to channel 4.
For example, I launch a sampler where I have a 1/4 loop snare roll and be able to preview channel 3 to see if when it is launched it is square with the song that is playing, but to launch it again until it is square.
Like when 2 songs are mixed that one you are listening to through the preview before uploading the channel.
In this case it would be to launch the sampler with pad 1, do the preview and if it is well squared with the song, raise the sampler_volume_master.
How can I map the preview output of a sampler to channel 4.
For example, I launch a sampler where I have a 1/4 loop snare roll and be able to preview channel 3 to see if when it is launched it is square with the song that is playing, but to launch it again until it is square.
Like when 2 songs are mixed that one you are listening to through the preview before uploading the channel.
In this case it would be to launch the sampler with pad 1, do the preview and if it is well squared with the song, raise the sampler_volume_master.
Inviato Sun 21 Feb 21 @ 7:11 am
XIVAN MAR. wrote :
Hello, my question is:
How can I map the preview output of a sampler to channel 4.
For example, I launch a sampler where I have a 1/4 loop snare roll and be able to preview channel 3 to see if when it is launched it is square with the song that is playing, but to launch it again until it is square.
Like when 2 songs are mixed that one you are listening to through the preview before uploading the channel.
In this case it would be to launch the sampler with pad 1, do the preview and if it is well squared with the song, raise the sampler_volume_master.
How can I map the preview output of a sampler to channel 4.
For example, I launch a sampler where I have a 1/4 loop snare roll and be able to preview channel 3 to see if when it is launched it is square with the song that is playing, but to launch it again until it is square.
Like when 2 songs are mixed that one you are listening to through the preview before uploading the channel.
In this case it would be to launch the sampler with pad 1, do the preview and if it is well squared with the song, raise the sampler_volume_master.
i have mapped “pfl” button of my controller in this mode (i usually use deck 3 and channel 3 for sampler):
pfl: action_deck 3 ? pad_page ‘sampler’ ? sampler_output ‘headphones’ ? deck 3 sampler_output : sampler_output ‘headphones’ : deck 3 pfl : pfl
in this mode if you have in deck 3 pad_page ‘sampler’ you have pfl about sampler...for other pad_page in deck 3 you have normal pfl...in other decks you have normal pfl
Inviato Sun 21 Feb 21 @ 2:19 pm