
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Script School - Page: 26.8
locodog wrote :
the only fields that update from track on deck are; bpm difference & key difference.
any other field would need a filter writing via plugin, or an unreasonable amount of bruteforce to cover every possibility.
Since you didn't get on with 'sticky', I'd say it's not viable currently.

As it is I have to click on it to update it...and I'm ok with that. I just need the proper script to search the grouping field and collect matches. I have come to understand it doesn't auto update but I'm ok with that.


Djratedxxx919 wrote :
locodog wrote :
the only fields that update from track on deck are; bpm difference & key difference.
any other field would need a filter writing via plugin, or an unreasonable amount of bruteforce to cover every possibility.
Since you didn't get on with 'sticky', I'd say it's not viable currently.

As it is I have to click on it to update it...and I'm ok with that. I just need the proper script to search the grouping field and collect matches. I have come to understand it doesn't auto update but I'm ok with that.


Hey, I want to change the fontsize of the cuenames in the wave-window of the skin.
They are so small that I can´t read them when I´m performing on stage.
So I have to go to the skinfile and change maybe just a number, but WHERE?

I´m using the haunting pro touch-skin by Alex RDZ96.
Thanks in advance for any help

(I posted the question in the skin-area, but didn´t get any answer. Next Gig on Saturday...)

In Skinfile there is the panel [panel name="defaultwave4deck"]
there under "Cue" the font can be changed or resized.

Hi! Why not yet add by VirtualDj team scripts about see in a monitor sample time remaining or sample time elapsed, when a sample is playing? i can see only with script sampler_position a sort of “time passage” when a sample is playing :( is there another solution??

Is it possible to select a deck by using value of variable?

What I want to do is to select "previous" deck. Here's a naive version
get_deck 1 ? deck 4 select : get_deck 2 ? deck 1 select : get_deck 3 ? deck 2 select : deck 3 select

Hi, I'll try here.
In the variable I have the text (name of the effect)
set_var 'DeckColorSelect' "Echo"

How do I change the colorfx effect with this variable?
filter_selectcolorfx '`get_text "ColorFXSelect"`'

doesn't work.

It is very impractical to do that
var_equal 'ColorFXSelect' '`get_text "Cut"`' ?
filter_selectcolorfx "Cut" :
var_equal 'ColorFXSelect' `get_text "Echo"` ?

Mirda Draxal wrote :
Hi, I'll try here.
In the variable I have the text (name of the effect)
set_var 'DeckColorSelect' "Echo"

How do I change the colorfx effect with this variable?
filter_selectcolorfx '`get_text "ColorFXSelect"`'

doesn't work.

It is very impractical to do that
var_equal 'ColorFXSelect' '`get_text "Cut"`' ?
filter_selectcolorfx "Cut" :
var_equal 'ColorFXSelect' `get_text "Echo"` ?

Someone in the FB group answered it

In one combined script for testing:
set_var 'DeckColorFX' "Echo" & param_cast 'DeckColorFX' & filter_selectcolorfx

set_var 'DeckColorFX' "Echo" & 
param_cast 'DeckColorFX' & filter_selectcolorfx

Thanks, it works.
I didn't notice on FB

I think there is an error when loading the name of the ColorFX effect when setting Filter (it loads as Filter). Please try the following script
filter_selectcolorfx "Filter" &
set 'ColorFXSelect' `filter_label "name"` &
var_list & wait 1000ms &
filter_selectcolorfx "Cut" &
wait 1000ms &
set 'ColorFXSelect' 'ColorFXSelect' &
param_cast 'ColorFXSelect' & filter_selectcolorfx

hi, i use Sidelist like a Sequencer…and in my Sidelist i have “Sequencer” samples, but any time i open VirtualDj my Sidelist is empty..so when i use a mapped specific play button in my Pioneer DDJ-RZX….i don’t have samples. I would load a “Sequencer” playlist (i have saved my sidelist like a playlist, and it’s name is “Sequencer”) at first play:
Sequencer Play button: browser_window ‘sidelist’ & file_count ‘sideview’ & param_equal 0 ? browser_gotofolder ‘Playlist’ & browser_scroll +1 & get_filename & param_contains ‘Sequencer’ ? sidelist_load & play : browser_scroll +1 : play

but doesn’t work correctly :( can you help me???

mg_1978 wrote :
hi, i use Sidelist like a Sequencer…and in my Sidelist i have “Sequencer” samples, but any time i open VirtualDj my Sidelist is empty..so when i use a mapped specific play button in my Pioneer DDJ-RZX….i don’t have samples. I would load a “Sequencer” playlist (i have saved my sidelist like a playlist, and it’s name is “Sequencer”) at first play:
Sequencer Play button: browser_window ‘sidelist’ & file_count ‘sideview’ & param_equal 0 ? browser_gotofolder ‘Playlist’ & browser_scroll +1 & get_filename & param_contains ‘Sequencer’ ? sidelist_load & play : browser_scroll +1 : play

but doesn’t work correctly :( can you help me???

solved: for help everyone:
browser_gotofolder ‘Playlist\Sequencer’ & sidelist_load & play
work! i thinked that browser_gotofolder was only for folders, is for file (Sequencer is a file Sequencer.m3u) directly too 👍


Mirda Draxal wrote :
I think there is an error when loading the name of the ColorFX effect when setting Filter (it loads as Filter). Please try the following script
filter_selectcolorfx "Filter" &
set 'ColorFXSelect' `filter_label "name"` &
var_list & wait 1000ms &
filter_selectcolorfx "Cut" &
wait 1000ms &
set 'ColorFXSelect' 'ColorFXSelect' &
param_cast 'ColorFXSelect' & filter_selectcolorfx

Solved. It is better to ask for the current name of the colorfx effect
set 'ColorFXSelect' `filter_selectcolorfx`

This will return the correct name "FILTER"
I still don't understand why when I select the FILTER effect appears as the colorfx name FILTR.


Perhaps a bug in the language file you use?

I want to setup the stems padpage to match seratoDJ stem pad setup...

Adion wrote :
Perhaps a bug in the language file you use?

You're right!!
Translation error.


How to select a deck using a variable?
This script is broken.
set  'a' 1 &
deck 'a' &
(deck action)

That never worked so it can't be called broken. query the var against a value, if true select the deck in long form.

could select accept a param? [it doesn't] syntactically it could, but most cases a bracketed query is a fine solution.

hi at all! i would map a button that pushed “holding” 700ms set ‘variable’ 1 while_pressed, not holding make action1:
button= holding 700ms : set ‘variable’ 1 : var ‘variable’ 1 ? set ‘variable’ 0 : action1

but doesn’t work correctly :(
could you help me? thanks

holding & while_pressed don't work well in the same script and is best avoided
