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Topic: ask the dj ignnoring restricted search

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blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
I started testing using the feature during the last couple karaoke gigs. I've noticed when I have the ask the dj folder selected or when I right click and look up the requested song, my disabling of music and videos is not working. I only have Karaoke enabled in the browser view, but audio and videos show up as well.

From other folders or lists, the restrictions work properly.

Inviato Sat 09 Feb 19 @ 6:15 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
I think that is to see if you have the track at all.

Inviato Tue 12 Feb 19 @ 6:00 am
blckjck wrote :
I started testing using the feature during the last couple karaoke gigs. I've noticed when I have the ask the dj folder selected or when I right click and look up the requested song, my disabling of music and videos is not working. I only have Karaoke enabled in the browser view, but audio and videos show up as well.

From other folders or lists, the restrictions work properly.

I agree this would be useful. I just started using it (past 2 times) for my weekly karaoke as well and it has been very successful.

Inviato Tue 12 Feb 19 @ 1:20 pm

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