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Topic: is the streaming service broken tonight? it was working - Page: 2

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ok so im not the only one having issues.. I was thinking maybe it was my computer with servers since no one else was commenting..
ya I was getting ideas from Adion
I wondering if he can find out if servers failed yesterday maybe.. maybe people were swamping it and that they may have failed.. heck maybe with damn corona no techs there to reboot the servers lol like you do at home when your computer is acting like crap lol I dunno

but least I not only one that had server issues just mine connected it wasn't streaming audio to people

technology is great when it works.. but hey that's ok its not life or death I was doing something for people to hear since we all got cabin fever ):
in Canada people are not self isolating like they supposed to...

Inviato Sun 22 Mar 20 @ 8:26 pm
DJ M.C. Pimpin wrote :

in Canada people are not self isolating like they supposed to...

Same in the UK. They're doing the exact opposite - crowding in public spaces.


Inviato Sun 22 Mar 20 @ 8:41 pm
ya here they lined up at EB GAMES for DOOM and Animal Crossing game..
the one girl lives with her grandparents and said she doesn't know whats wit the game but I have to have it

same with guy waited 15 yrs for the latest doom.. he had to have it..

I dunno if florida in usa is stop letting people crowd on beaches.. it was bad I saw it looked like nascar stands
plus las vegas has drive through strip shows.. so they making money like frig lol

Inviato Sun 22 Mar 20 @ 9:13 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
When you use audio broadcast you are streaming straight to the listeners. There is no server in between, you are the server.

Inviato Mon 23 Mar 20 @ 1:47 am
oh so some how my side failed you mean.. what else do I check for? ?
why does no one on google chrome cant hear it.. nore my side
my computers on IE could hear

but some could hear on IE then it just shut down

so if a bunch of people are listening then they are killing my internet

and here I thought my audio was sending to Virtual DJ site then your site would distribute it

so then if I could only hand 3 people listening.. when I stream to virtual dj site then I figured you guys amplify it so they would use your servers so then 100 200 people say could listen to the stream.. as it be taxing my system..
and how do I se it so virtual dj site is the server? so that I can stream to server.. but the server handles many connections so my internet is not compromised

but ok if that's true.. . whats still wrong why did streaming work for an hour and then shut down... and why doesn't chrome work,, and why did IE work for a while then it shut down and no one could hear
what do I do now to check

Inviato Mon 23 Mar 20 @ 2:29 am
but it cant be totally directy play.. and I use chrome on the cell phone and it used to work

plus the music is buffered on the phone as if you hit pause it resumes where it left off it doesn't actually go from where the new spot it

oh and another thing I noticed when it was working on the cell.. I forgot to mention I heard the audio in a repeat.. its like it got part of the song and it was constantly looping.. so that's hwy I figure you guys had servers that buffer and redistribute the music so it offloads my music to your system and your system handles the work loads

Inviato Mon 23 Mar 20 @ 2:33 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
If you have many listeners using a server is indeed a better option. Virtualdj does not offer this service directly, but it is compatible with SHOUTcast and icecast protocols for which there are many services available.

In the case of direct broadcast the VirtualDJ site only shows a link to your computer basically.
Buffering when pressing pause is done locally by your browser

Inviato Mon 23 Mar 20 @ 2:56 am
oh ok so to use the direct audio you need hell of a internet connection

so for the Server one.. which is considered the best? in your recommendations.. as i have tried facebook but it cuts out and then damn copyright shutting off your stream.. and twitch my internet isnt the best for it...

have you tried any of the services? and if you were to have top 5 or so how you rank them... as i never really done streaming i have a few times on facebook thats about it and twice on twich but my internet isnt the best to do it so i tried the audio streaming friday first time and seemed to work then worked fine saturday for a while

do you know why as i know you didnt answer maybe you dont know
why Google Chrome wouldnt accept audio but IE did...
its weird but probably never find out lol.. but ya ill try the server. that way i only have to send to the server... and never tried shoutcast do you like it?

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 3:08 am
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
try YT, best to keep it simple []

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 3:16 am
oh ok can you stream just audio to youtube and do you have to monitor if they going to shut you down like FB that your song maybe owned by sony

what isn't owned by sony lol... ive never streamed to youtube what kinda speed do you need

I have only uploaded repair videos I been fixing etc..

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 7:13 pm

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 7:17 pm
locodog have you tried the YT and have you liked it..
my current internet connection ius 5mbps down 600kbs up so its not the best so that's why I was just doing audio well I tried lol

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 7:23 pm
locoDogPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2013
No I'm on mobile net connection so streaming isn't an option till I get 5g

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 7:43 pm
ah ok ill try tomorrow with couple friends.. ya my internet slow
I pay 80+ a month for 5mbps while others pay same and get 700mbps or 150mbps damn my friends lol

Inviato Tue 24 Mar 20 @ 10:02 pm
Hallo ,
Begin mei heb ik me voor het eerst begeven op pad van live streaming van een DJ set via VDJ op Facebook, en idd appeltje eitje.
Je start je FB account, vevolgens VDJ kiest voor Video / Facebook waarna je naar wordt geleid om daar je stream key op te gaan halen.
Ik heb zo 2 uitzendingen/video´s kunnen doen, echter als ik nu dezelfde stappen herhaal dan kom ik nog wel op de pagina terecht waarin je de Stream Key kunt ophalen, echter daarna krijg ik een blanco pagina van Live Producer in FB te zien ??
Iemand enig idee wat hier aan de hand kan zijn, ik heb ook al zitten speuren op foutmelding op Facebook maar het is met niet duidelijk of FB een storing heeft op dit moment ??
Graag jullie reactie , met dank alvast,
gr FreddyB

Inviato Wed 13 May 20 @ 7:53 am

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