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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: Colorfx and filter separate...
Hey guys!

I'm setting up an additional button and ran into a problem.

I set up an additional button and slider in this way:
1. Button : effect_stems "vocal" & effect_active "loop roll" & effect_slider "loop roll" 1 0
2. Slider: effect_colorslider "loop roll" while_pressed & effect_slider "loop roll" 1 100% while_pressed

All is well...BUT...when I configure the button and the slider in this way, the ability to control the "FILTER" knob is disabled...more precisely, it regulates ONLY the VOCALs parameter, and I would like to control the FILTER effect...Perhaps you are friends can you help me .. how to separate these settings so that they do not walk to each other ..

Thanks in advance for your reply!

Inviato Mon 14 Nov 22 @ 9:17 am
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do.
Anyway, you can try to put "filter" in front of the slider script, if the rest of the script works "as intended"
filter & effect_colorslider "loop roll" while_pressed & effect_slider "loop roll" 1 100% while_pressed

Inviato Mon 14 Nov 22 @ 9:23 am
I wanted the extra buttons to have a loop roll vocal effect and the filter knob to have a filter effect.

Inviato Mon 14 Nov 22 @ 9:36 am