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Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Linux (Flatpak) Support
Developers, please look into Flatpak as a means of offering VirtualDJ to a long waiting, eager and ever-expanding Linux user base. Flatpak is a framework for distributing desktop applications across various Linux distributions and aims to be as agnostic as possible regarding how applications are built. There are no requirements regarding which programming languages, build tools, toolkits or frameworks are used. Essentially you build it once in a consistent environment and at least 36 different Linux distros can then run it.

Spotify, Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Steam, Discord, Plex, VLC, Minecraft, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Visual Studio, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, OBS, Dropbox, Audacity, Signal, Whatsapp, Bitwarden and numerous other major proprietary/open-source programs all have Flatpak versions of their software.

The future is Linux and you're really missing out on a massive opportunity to capitalize on a technically savvy and eager user base, myself included. I used to pay for Virtual DJ but I just can not cope with Windows' greedy and intrusive business philosophy anymore so you're missing out on my subscription along with many others who have just had enough of Microsoft.

Not only does Linux have the ability to run on lower-spec hardware comparatively which provides VirtualDJ the opportunity to be even more accessible to more users, but it also means said users aren't paying for OS licensing fees which means they have more money available to spend on a VDJ license instead. For businesses who use your software, this is a massive selling point! You have the opportunity to be a 'pioneer' 😜 in the industry, to beat your opposition to the market and to encourage equipment manufacturers to follow you (instead of you following them) in providing driver support.

I love your software, but I will be choosing the first to the market... I really hope that it's you! ❤️

P.S - I have no affiliation with Flatpak, I just really love it (and Linux) that much!

Inviato Thu 27 Apr 23 @ 8:09 pm

Inviato Thu 27 Apr 23 @ 10:42 pm