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Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

Topic: MC7000 mapping question
I would like to use the FX ASSIGN buttons on my MC7000 for a different purpose than the default mapping.

But when I look in the mapper it seems the 4 buttons all map to the same key. On the left side it is 'FX1_ASSIGN' and on the right side it is 'FX2_ASSIGN'. And there is no parameter according to the debug verb.

I can see with a midi sniffer that the buttons send unique notes, so it should be possible to map each button individually -- or?

Here are the midi notes sent by the device:

FX1 ASSIGN (left side)

1 98 05 7F 98 05 00
2 98 06 7F 98 06 00
3 98 07 7F 98 07 00
4 98 08 7F 98 08 00

FX2 ASSIGN (right side)

1 99 05 7F 99 05 00
2 99 06 7F 99 06 00
3 99 07 7F 99 07 00
4 99 08 7F 99 08 00

Is there a way to attach different scripts/actions to each of these buttons?


Inviato Sun 03 Dec 23 @ 11:56 am
device_side left ? script for left : script for right

The problem is that each of the 4 buttons map to the same key.

On, say left side, ‘FX1_ASSIGN’ is triggered no matter which button I press, so I can’t attach actions to each individual button.

There would need to be these keys defined:





then they're not side specified, they're deck specified

action_deck 1 ?

Hmm — am I missing something, or you are you..? 😊

I’ll rephrase: When I press the button labeled ‘1’ on the left side, the ‘FX1_ASSIGN’ key is triggered. The same happens when I press buttons ‘2’, ‘3’, and ‘4’. They all trigger ‘FX1_ASSIGN’. Therefore, I can’t specify different script actions for each button.

The same happens on the right side, where the key triggered is ‘FX2_ASSIGN’.

I think it's you.
If a button has a common definition name it must either be side assigned or deck assigned, that's how it works.
I don't have the gear in front of me, but if I did I'd try this
set a +1 & var_list
try the 4 buttons on one side, see if the variables are deck specific.

you've got 2 definition names, 4 buttons common to each, but each button is deck specified
action_deck 1 ? set someVar +1 & var_list : action_deck 2 ? set anotherVar +1 & var_list : action_deck 3 ? set someVar +1 & var_list : action_deck 4 ? set someVar +1 & var_list :

I can confirm... since I have the MC7000 FX1_ASSIGN buttons remapped.

Use Locodogs suggestion:

action_deck 1 ? SCRIPT FOR BUTTON 1 : action_deck 2 ? SCRIPT FOR BUTTON 2 : action_deck 3 ? SCRIPT FOR BUTTON 3 : action_deck 4 ? SCRIPT FOR BUTTON 4

to map each of the 4 buttons.

And of course similar for the FX2_ASSIGN buttons

Think I have remapped (or added scripting) to every button (those w midi) on the MC7000 :P
(each button/knob has a min of 3 functions and currently a max of 6 functions, now its just..remembering it all lol)
And maybe the dream controller of the future will have O-LED displays for all knobs and buttons, truly making the platform of buttons/knobs even for useful:

Thank you guys! And I apologize for not getting it. I will try these latest suggestions once I get near the gear again.


Additional Note:

the same use of action_deck X is needed for addressing the PFL button mappings individually on the MC7000.

Thanks again guys for pointing me in the right direction. This way of “multiplexing” several buttons on one mapper key was new to me. I learned something — thanks!

I managed to pull off most of what I set out to, except for controlling LED blinking. Enough for today, though.