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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Rane Performer - Page: 2
Thanks to clearify.

Maybe a dumb question:
The mixer-selection is not a midi-one, so prelisten-player won't work, right?

Inviato 5 days ago @ 4:18 am
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
We can't tell at the moment, but we assume it will follow the Rane Four features.

Inviato 4 days ago @ 12:03 pm
djdad wrote :
Pretty much yes, but to be clear ...
"I do not have an ETA on if and when support might be added"
should be ..
"I do not have an ETA on when support will be added"
and that's ^ official ;)

Whew! Yikes I'm following this closely. My previous controllers all just worked when I got them, and I didn't even think about this. Now I've got the Rane Performer, OMG, I hope I can use it with VDJ soon.


Inviato 2 days ago @ 5:00 pm
Not really a surprise considering it has only become available in the past couple of days.

Inviato 2 days ago @ 6:54 pm
I have the Rane performer as well, if the dev team needs help testing I'm a 20+ year veteran user back when it was called Atomix MP3.

Inviato 2 days ago @ 9:46 pm

I have the Performer in hand . I tried to be patient with Serato . Im just too much into the VDJ workflow. I gonna have to put it back in the box and wait. I'll rock out with my FLX10 until then. I'm not comfortable performing with Serato. I just have be honest. So VDJ we're waiting patiently for update. For the record , the performer is the real deal.


Inviato 2 days ago @ 10:14 pm
They will make it ready when it's ready. It takes months sometimes.

Inviato yesterday @ 2:48 pm
Actually , the past few big product releases VDJ was ready within days . REV5 , REV7 , Rane Four. DJAYBis the one who is seriously slow

Inviato 10 hours ago
The problem with DJay is it supports the full featured app on iOS too (that's one of its major selling points on a slim tablet) but iOS currently is a very locked down OS (you pretty much can't install 3rd party anything by default). Since virtually every controller/mixer you can think of needs custom drivers (especially for the ones with screens) and custom drivers aren't installable there, you find these controllers won't readily work there.
It seems that, rather than report a diminished experience on one platform, they probably prefer not to support the device at all
(you can look at the hardware forum for the complaints). Unless Apple releases these restrictions or they start coming up with their own gear (or convince other hardware manufacturers to play within those constraints), I don't see the situation changing.

Summary: (imo) the nature of their device support is directly related to their choice of platform support.

Inviato 10 hours ago
Algoriddim just released version 5.2 today, with support for a few more controllers.

Still lacking in other areas though. It's just the Fluid Beatgrid keeping my attention.

Inviato 10 hours ago
Do they support screens and motorised platters when using Djay Pro on ipads?

Inviato 10 hours ago
groovindj wrote :
Algoriddim just released version 5.2 today, with support for a few more controllers.

Still lacking in other areas though. It's just the Fluid Beatgrid keeping my attention.

So the problem kinda still stands...they need complete class compliance for controllers to work in the iOS space - that's why a fair bit of controllers work in a half baked state there on iOS.

The other thing I sort of don't like is that, because it's an app on MacOS, downgrading isn't a simple process (e.g. in case of an issue) the recommended way of doing this is taking Time Machine snapshops to roll back to in addition to snapshops of thw database library.

Mind you I still think they are doing great work there too.

Inviato 9 hours ago
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
Thank you all for hijacking the Rane Performer topic to discuss about other gear and other software :P

Inviato 9 hours ago
You're welcome! VirtualDJ is still the best.

Inviato 7 hours ago
keh2500PRO InfinityMember since 2008
Following this closely because I bought one as soon as I could without thinking I may not be able to use it quickly with vdj.

Inviato 3 hours ago
Mine is being delivered tomorrow and i do not use serato so i will be patiently waiting.

Inviato 3 hours ago