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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: mp3 naming conventions and played list support FIXED

Questo argomento è obsoleto e potrebbe contenere informazioni obsolete o errate.

Oop.. had to change to /

Ok well maybe this sounds pointless, but read on..

Fact: afaik ID3v1 has 30 character limit (can't see all necessary information related to song)
Fact2: Looks like the ID3v2 is "ok" but updating files to it seems slow (winamp)
Fact3: Joliet imposes a 64 character limit (can't burn cd w/o limiting lenght)

So after these annoying limitations i've come to the following format: Where | = or and () enclose options and ? = optional


That isn't following regular expressions exactly, but you get the point.
To put more simple: To include other information like remix,etc i don't have artist or album name in the mp3 filename itself.

example could be:



Anyway my wish here is that atomixmp3 could have option to _not_ read ID3 tags and instead i could configure it to understand conventions that suit me best. Maybe by regularexpression or something that would suit this purpose.

And wouldn't hurt if it would also understand path like this:


Other option is that atomixmp3 doesn't need to understand the names at all. Instead make it store a list of the played songs with a full path so that dj can later edit it with notepad to suit his needs. It would then have all the needed info without too much programming.

Inviato Thu 10 May 01 @ 10:53 am

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