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Topic: Beatmatching with Atomix - exact ?

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I usually let Atomix match the BPMs automatically (using the pitch) and I match the beats myself.

However, after a few seconds - the beats lose exact sync. I'm sure most of you have noticed that visually, and its not hard to notice by your ears after a minute. Now I'm not the one to press on the magic-bottom once-per-second.

So I tried to play with the pitch - I noticed song B's beats lose Song A's beats after a couple of seconds and *song b's beats show up before song a's*. So I thought - Maybe if I played with the pitch manually,I could find the right match (what FAME didn't exactly do) and re-nudge the beats to the right formation. It could be a nice procedure -- Slow down song b only a bit so it could be as fast as song a,and the problem wouldn't show up anymore.

Ahm it didn't work. The pitch-slider, at least the virtual one, is very not exact, and haunting the right pitch is simply impossible.

Does anyone know how could I, virtually - without a mixer, can solve this annoying problem with Atomix ? How do I keep the beats together for more than a minute, without punching the magic bottom every second ? Can I maybe enter pitch-values manually ? Thanks .

Inviato Mon 22 Apr 02 @ 3:04 pm
Sir, you could set the Pitch control from -34 to +34% and use shortcuts (pitch up or down fine)
Second, select a skin which shows you the local bpm information and I am sure that you will see how does the beats changes during the song.- Maybe you have to move the pitch to sync beats (you can do this before the mix== using preview function).-
DJ Coc "Argentina"

Yeah, I got the same problem. Actually, I think everyone has the same problem. Im not sure if there is a fix for this. I HOPE SO, but I have been struggling with it for some time now. I have heard other users say try this and try that, but nothing is working. I have tried automatic and manual mixing, with the same results. I have tried everything, it seems, but the beats always drift apart after a few seconds. I just have to keep on nudging every few seconds. It works, but you shouldnt have to keep doing it. With Vinyl & dual CD players, it stays put.

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE AtomixMP3 and what it can do, but this problem is a little frustrating at times.

If anyone has a precise way of getting the beats matched without them drifting apart, please let us know!!


I find that most songs that match up will keep sync fine for more than long enough to do a 16 or 32 beat mix.... some of them tend to "de-sync" now and then, I'm guessing that their BPM's change, or are being mis-reported by Atomix. For the ones that venture off sync just a little... I keep hitting the sync button every 8 beats or so, this usually keeps most of them running nicely together, Some however... perhaps as many as 20% or so have to be mixed the old fashioned way. A headphone cup over one ear, the other ear listening to the room, one hand on the pitch bend, and the other on the mixer.

I try not to prolong the mix process more than one minute. I only leave it on when the beats are steady and in the break-down process. Other than that, i just fade it in with the next song as smoothly as possible. I use a lot of EQ to accomondate for sync problem. It works for me

Thats just go-around ways .. Lately I've been trying to cope with the off-sync beat-matching problem, as I tend to mix between two tracks (progressive) for 1.5-2.5 minutes every time. BTW, at least with house mixing, the longer the mixes are the more professional and smooth the mix gets .

I made a try and looped two songs (8) - the beats hung together. However, when I released the looping from the two songs the beats wandered. So I guess its something about the changing BPMs in the songs, or the way they are played by Atomix. I can guess the Atomix Team knows better .

I tried to mix the old fashioned way (thanks to some people here that showed me the way to the shortcuts) - nudging,pitching,all by ear and by ear only. The beats keep wandering.

And I have to say it DOES happen with each and every track - just try it yourself.

I don't know why, but I have no other choice - I'll keep pressing on the sync bottom for a while... :)


Last message was written by me, accuse me :)

how about tryin +/- 8%, on a skin that uses the biggest resolution possible, with the biggest pitch sliders possible. This will make the increments very small, but much more manageble. But however, I suggest using keyboard shortcuts set up for slight increase/decrease. That seems to work for me

djdawson uk ; )


works for you ? How long do you manage tracks to hold together ? I tried the same and it didn't work... Maybe you could describe your exact way of mixing ?

could it possibly be due to how the songs are encoded, the various bitrates, etc ?

maybe thats why they drift, but yeah, it works fine for quick mixes but you cant do true worldclass type dj stuff on it as is.

what i do before i play is let all the tracks that i intend on playing play at least once through atomix. it seems to match the beats more accuratly. the bpm that atomix uses is the overall bpm of the whole song, not the local bpm... just a suggestion.
dj rory m
uct radio

the beats do wander off slightly, but by using the slight pitch up and down, you can get it to hold 4 a while, if you can manage to move quick enough, a quick nudge wit the left/right arrow keys will get it back in sync

dj dawson uk ; )

I can agree with that last post by DJ Dawson:
they might wander a bit but a few touch-ups with shift-plus/minus and shift-left/right gets them back on track for me...

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