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Does anyone know if there is a mp3pro plugin for atomixmp3?
There is one for winamp but not for atomixmp3 as far as I know.

So I cant mix mp3pro songs which are by far better quality that usual mp3s.

Can anyone help?

Inviato Tue 21 May 02 @ 9:49 pm
No mp3pro plugin because this algorythm is no cheap! So, the price of Atomix won't be the same. Besides, the algorythm mp3 is free licence.

So this sucks bigtime!

Sorry, I don't understand. Why?

I don't understand why either. My "non-pro" mp3's sound pretty good to me with Atomix.


What exactly is it u dont understand?
Im just saying that a liitle adjustment has to made so atomixmp3 can support the new mp3pro code

thats all!

Well, if it ain't broke.... don't fix it!!

I agree TOTALLY with phenryll and ImpressionsDJ:
if it ain't broke don't fix it...

My experience with MP3PRO is that they are usually encoded att 64kBps and that makes a clear audible difference in quality no matter what plugin you use...
Standard MPEG-layer3 files with fixed bitrates would do for me.. no friggin input-plugins here.. what's next? do you want to mix midi-files, .MOD/.XM-files and .aiff-clips as well?

This application is doing a GREAT job at mixing standard MP3-files 'cause that is what it's built to do, remaking it to support a wider field of files would make it a whole lot more demanding and the team would pro'ly have a hard time keeping track of all the different filetypes coming up and trying to incorporate them in Atomix.. let's stick with the generally accepted MP3-files :o)

(The fact that Atomix supports VBR MP3's is a plus but nothing I would ever be using to the extreme:
fixed bitrate is easier on the system when mixing MP3's.. otherwise VBR sounds hella sweet if you just listen to one at a time :o)

Besides: MP3PRO is for mainly for portable devices = decreased size AND quality by default... why the f*** would you want to put that in your mix? plug in an 8track and a cassette-deck to your mixer while your at it :o)

Oh...*yes trip, I managed to do it again, a split post* :oP

...just noticed.. do you really mean an ENCODING plugin, as in "recording to MP3PRO-format" when you can only record to WAV with the current version (which is fine by me, WAV = ready to be burnt on a CD).

I first assumed you meant a MP3PRO-DEcoder as that seemed the closest to what would be expected from an application as this one.


Why does ANYONE want mp3"pro" support in the first place? Its crap audio meant for limited memory applications like those little pen sized mp3 players that only have 64mb of memory.

By default, as Tommy pointed out, it encodes audio at 64kbps, in standard mp3 form. Compare a mp3 encoded @ 192kbps to a mp3 encoded @ 64kbps and tell me which is "far better quality".

And the "highs" you hear when you play a mp3"pro" file through a mp3"pro" capable player? Thier not even the original high frequency from the audio. Thier "pseudo-highs", meaning that the audio is faked by the decoder to approximate what the original audio sounded like. Its not even CLOSE to what the original track sounds like.


Atomix cost 69 euros + 19% TVA (in Europeans Community). With mp3pro: hummm... 120 euros? 150 euros? What do you choise? A cheap price or not?


Using WINAMP you can decode MP3pro to WAV and then using audiocatalyst or other encoding software encode to normal mp3

Just want to know if Atomix has been licensed to use mp3.
I think that if you look at the fraunhoffer site you will notice that only about 20 company's are licensed to use mp3.
These company's are merely hardware company's with a couple of exceptions..... like adobe (don't exactly know what they are doing with mp3) ;-))
And now the people of Fraunhoffer and thompson/rca have created a mp3pro plugin for Winamp..... this plugin is very cpu intensive but using a player that fully supports mp3pro like MM Jukebox 7.2 and up..... think it costs about US$ 30 not US $ 100 like you all think is not that cpu intensive.
All I am saying.... maybe the guys from mp3pro are willing to create a cpu intensive plugin for Atomix or Atomix can make their own plugin.
Think that right now they are very willing to make as much players as possible compatible with mp3pro

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