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Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Atomix is great , but,....

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some songs just DO NOT BEATMATCH...for example a couple of songsw just, when "beatmatched", continue to play at 5bpm above the tune playing already. No matter what I change the track currently playing to, the one I bring in will not equal the track playing is at 124bpm....,the one I'm trying to mix will not go above 119bpm, even when I manually move it............................why? Bug surely = money back??? no??

and while I'm here what about this aul "internal data base corruption" story...surely a money back query or what......keeps crashing on me which prevents me from enjoying it to the full, which would be an infringement of consumer rights.....fix it or CREAVANTE shall hear about it !!!!!

Inviato Wed 29 May 02 @ 5:47 am
whos or whats is CREAVANTE?

I'm sure he meant Creavente, the service you've all used when purchasing Atomix.. I can understand his frustration and honestly it's stuff like this that makes you wonder if you really should buy the real deal...

I know! If no-one pays for it the development will stop but it seems that there are a lot of unhappy customers around so I'm not sure if I want to be a potential member of that crowd..
I'll probably stick with the demo as I'm not even close to getting proffesional and paying 60$ for a piece of software that just irritates you might not be that sane :o)

Remember folks, Atomix is not human. It does make mistakes when attempting to identify the correct BPM of a song. What I have done myself is create a beat loop @ a solid 130bpm. If I run a song through Atomix and believe that the detected bpm is wrong (either because I know what it sould be, or it wont match up with another song), I play the song against my beat loop and manually adjust the bpm of the song so that its correct. One of these days I'll create multiple beat loops and upload it somewhere so that everyone can download it.

And as far as the internal database corruption, I've never experieneced it. Although I have seen alot of anonymous ppl that have that problem... hmm...

I too never experienced a database corruption ... BUT I always backup my database file just in case ... so when you've had such a corruption, the problem should easily be solved by restoring the backup ...

Maybe Atomix can add this function to the the program ...
like when the program has fully started with no problems ... it automatically creates a Atomixmp3_Internal_Database.bak file or something and when you start the program next time and the database has crashed, the program ask if you want to restore a previous version of the database ... it's a bit like windows restore ... just an idea of mine ;-) ...


if the beats do not sync, why don't you just move the crossfader manually until they sync... First i thought it was very hard to do and only for professionals, but with the graph it is really easy.... BTW, i know your problem but it happends to me only 1% of the songs.... Good luck

i meant the pitch and not the crossfader of course

oops, i didnt see your manually move part in your text... i dont know that problem

Jeeze! Face it, even if you buy software in a store... once it's opened if you take it back you can only exchange it for the exact same title. Rather than ask for a refund, you should e-mail Atomix and get the way to fix the syncing problem. You may have latency issues between your 2 different sound cards. Also, the pitch will only change to +/- 8% or 34%. Could it be that you are trying to make too extreme of an adjustment?
It's true, if Atomix reads the BPM of a song incorrectly, you can only match them up the old fashioned way... ie, 1 ear on the headphone, and one ear listening to the speakers. This seems to happen in about 10% of the tracks. My experience is that the other 90% match up fine. As for the corrupt database problem, in well over a year now, I've never had this problem so I can't offer any thoughts on it.

This is the shop there you buy AtomixMP3 online.
I just have done that 5 Minutes ago :)

@Anon: Do you have auto-bpm opcion enable ?

what sort of music are you trying to mix. i play mainly uplifting trance to deep-tech house and it works for me, but if you drop a uk garage track the bpm is all screwed up... some times you just have to do it manually



fix it or creavente shall hear about it? wow.. i bet they're just shakin' in their boots.

Thanks to the civilised people out there, no new ideas but well life goes on!

The bpm issue does only occur, at a guess, 1% of the time but IS a glitch and IS annoying - which might explain my "aggressive" post. The music I play is the same 4/4 beat not different styles so Auto Beat matching should work but it doesn't, although easily overcome as people have stated, Thanks for your time.

Internal database prob - again easily overcome via backup - but many a time I've had to really rush off the computer as I've lost track of time using the software=no backup.... Again annoying......Am I easily annoyed??? Is it me??? Dunno. Overall I think it's a superb bit of kit!!

I honestly didn't think people would get in a state about an ANONYMOUS post!! wtf! I, like most of you(or maybe just some) have purchased the full software, £42 of my hard earned cash, so I'm entitled to complain - or am I wrong??
I've forgot my password and there isn't a "forgot your pasword" facility so I stupidly thought that it wouldn't matter...ooops!

Again thanks to the normal folk out there.

For the record and if any team member would want to send me my password - member name - Liamalone

trial n error = password

Ok, as stated before, Atomix is not human. The algorithim it uses to detect the bpm of songs is extreamely well done and there is NO glitch with it. The problem isn't the detection, but the song itself. Most songs done "live" will NOT be an exact bpm and will in fact flutuate by +-1 to 2 bpm. ANY program that tries to detect the correct bpm with something like that will fail and will give incorrect bpms. (BTW, live doesn't neccessarily mean at a concert, but where the bass line [beats] are played manually and not electronically. Electronically is the ONLY way you can get a solid tempo rate [bpm]. Human's cannot keep a solid tempo, and heave will deviate from the tempo slightly. Thier wavaring will cause incorrect bpm to be detected by any software, including Atomix.)

If you download alot of songs from the internet, you dont know how they were recorded. Many songs I have were recorded from vynal records. The speed of a turntable can fluctuate enough that Atomix will detect the bpm +-0.1 to 0.5. And some idiots will actually adjust the turntable speed as thier recording the track. This can completely throw off the bpm and leave Atomix scratching its head.

Another reason that the bpm isn't detected correctly can be because the track was time stretched to shorten or lengthen the track without affecting the pitch. I have yet to find any program which does the effect correctly and all will screw up the bpm of the track. If I were to take my 134bpm track and run it through Time Factory by Prosoniq (the only program I've found which "sounds" almost flawless after a time stretch) and change the bpm to 136, it will sound fine to my ear. It wont sound out of tempo at all. But when I run the altered track through Atomix, the bpm will continually jump anywhere from 134-138 bpm. So what does Atomix (and any other program) do? It takes a guess as to what the correct bpm is by seeing which value is more constant. But generally it gets it wrong anyway.

I hope everyone takes all of this into consideration before they go claiming that Atomix is worthless.

And as far as the corrupt database, I've had Atomix for almost 2 years. Never once have I had a corrupt database, so I cant help you there.

Thankyou for your time n effort Grimm. I understand what you say, as to whether or not this is the cause is upen for debate.

I never said Atomix was useless, far from amazed me when I got the demo with my computer as I'd never heard of it - I think it is brillant!

As for the internal corruption thing - I've had Atomix for 3 months and this has happened twice but seems to be a problem that affects few.....typical to be me!


As far as internal corruptions, since it happens to so few users, the only reasons I can come up with are:

1. Avid overclocker? Possible passed your point of stability with your system. With the cpu or memory oc'd too much, some programs can run fine, while others will have problems.

2. Virus? Its good to keep a anti-virus program up to date.

3. Time to re-install Windoze? Its a known fact, Windoze sucks, but we all use it. After many installs of various programs, Windoze will eventually need to be re-installed again. Hell, I just re-installed Windoze for the third time this year.

4. Errant program running on your system? Many programs when installed, or ran, will load various .dll modules, many of which will stay in memory even if you only run the program once. Some .dll dont behave well with certain programs and will cause problems. Again, a re-install of Windoze is what I would recommend. After the re-install, just install the programs you know you use constantly and forget about the rest.

So my suggestion; if you haven't already, re-install Windoze. Download all the latest drivers for everything on your computer before though. Get the lastest bios for your motherboard. Have that all ready in a safe directory, including any important programs and files you may need. Then boot to Dos, and delete everything (especially the c:windows directory). You dont want to just install over your old copy. Same thing goes for the Program Files directory, where most programs default to installing themselves.

Thats my usual bi-annual ritual of installing Windows. Hopefully I can go more then 2 months without haveing to re-install again.


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