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Topic: new version 2.2? - Page: 1

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i know you guys are working very hard on the background to improve the software, my question is: how far away is a new version + could you tell me what some of its new features will be... I mean it had been a while since the team has spoken out about the future of atomixmp3. Or is a new version out of the question right now? Anyhow here is my wish list:
- sound processor
- improved frequencies for the equalizer (just like a real mixer this time pleaz)
- a third minideck just for adding the possibility to add some acapellas to the mix or something (it doesnt have to be big on the screen, just volume, pitch and some buttons like play and beatmatch)
- a digital font would be nice for the trackinfo to look more professional
- absolutely cool would be the possibility to create an automix macro, so that all songs of the playlist will be mixed exactly as the macro does (including equalizer actions), but i realize this is hard to add and less important also of course so forget it
- perhaps some other things which i forgot to mention, just hope you guys have a better memory than me!

i know the software is close to perfect already, but you know us customers, we always want better...

Thanks, DJ Dickie

Inviato Sun 02 Jun 02 @ 12:46 am
Well ... keep in mind the team released 2.1 just a few months ago ... so you can't really expect much in the near future. Here is what Yan-X said to me in an email:

"Currently we are selling the pro version and so we are waiting to see the first feedbacks about the controller & the pro software. Of course we have to fix some minors bugs in the 2.1 that will be done in 2.2 or in a little patch that we will released. As always we have no release date, indeed for the moment we are not developing a new version, we are thinking and writing all the modifications we have to do on the current version."

So I'm sure the team is working hard and an even better version will be out !

Just Trying to help !


We're working on it, but no date is planned yet.

Nevertheless, guys, very much it would be desirable, that EQ became more professional, that she best worked with frequencies. Probably in many respects it depends from codec.

Good luck! DJ Makc

Although that 3rd Minideck sound FREAKING cool !!!!!! I second that !

I think it'd be cool to have the ability to have right click capability on the play or sync button that the right click would play as long as the button was held, and imediately re-cue to the start point when the button is released. Some of the other stuff that has been mentioned sounds OK... but I think a working DJ would get more use from this type of feature..

Some pretty cool features are being mentioned here.. I hope the teamers are taking notes :o)

The right-click on the play-buttons seems really cool and tremendously usefull.. and about the third deck I'd rather just see a third deck just like the other ones and then it would be up to the users if they want full or partial functionality on that one.. a mini-deck sounds very clever but having 3 decks on top of eachother with full functionality should be a option to us skinmakers :o)

yes tommy you are right, i was just thinking of the space it would take but of course it is best to let the skinmakers decide which functions they should add and how big it should be, so full functionality would be fine, but of course there is the memory problem... Someone of the team once said 3 decks is impossible because of it would take too many memory especially for the users with low-end computers... That's why i just mentioned a third deck with less functions because it would maybe take less memory or something... But anyhow i don't understand the problem because now i just use multiple atomix windows to have 4 decks and it goes great on my pentium 600... I don't mind using 4 decks this way i only hate it that i am not able to beatmatch (magic)... Thats why i want a third deck in the software...

and what about simple pitch bending next to the nudging ...
i find the nudging sounds to harsh sometimes ... a simple pitch bend option would be nice for me ...


Actually, you have a very cool pitch bend featrure... just use the right mouse button anywhere on the pitch slide, either above the pitch for up, or below the pitch for down... the pitch slider will go to your mouse location and stay there until you release the right mouse button. Perfect pitch bend.

yeah i know ... but what i want is a pitching up bend ... i hope you know what i mean ... like the pitch in BPM studio ...


Personnally I don't know what you mean so plz talk about it !

(ok i will also try BPM as soon as possible!)

For 2.2, as Trip ha sposted, the first job for now is to understand all the minors problems, all the details what we missed to fix in 2.1

Besides, we have begin to think about the next improvments but it is still secret ;-)

In fact last year we have talked too early about 2.0 and we will not reproduce the same kind of error !
We will talk about it only when we will have began the beta stage....

Wait and See!


pitch bend to me has always been to either speed up or slow down the song momentarily to match up beats. So in fact if that's not what you mean, then I have no idea what you are talking about.


Also, keep in mind that the team is putting that skipping problem that everyone is talking about in top priority. Surely you should get that fixed before anything else.

And when will begin the beta stage? ;))))

Trip_likeido, you can't talk about the priorities!

I even don't know how you will be able to kno them, of course it is obvious that we will imrpove more and more the software but we can't be sure that in 2.2 we will improve the skipping problems. (besides remember that it depends essentially of your computer and that theses skipping problems are able to be detected in the demo version)

Improve the sound quality in the next update!!!!
The Xaudio.dll-decoder sounds so shitty...
This is the only wish for now. But this is realy-realy important for professional use of your proggy!


The very-very buggy thing in your software is the sound quality. Improve this, change out this crappy Xaudio.dll sound engine!!!

The very-very buggy thing in your software is the sound quality. Improve this, change out this crappy Xaudio.dll sound engine!!!

posting once is enough ;-) ...

about the pitch bending ...

a normal pitch bend is like
your song is playing normal ... you press pitch bend and song plays 4% faster ... let go of pitch bend button songs plays normal again ...

what i would like to see is
song plays normal, press bend, song plays 1% faster, songs plays 2% faster song plays 3% faster and so on ...
stop pressing the bend button songs plays 2% faster, song plays 1% faster, song plays normal ...

So (almost) nobody notices when you are using the pitch bending ...

i hope this is clear ...

regards ...
