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Topic: Question about Turntables .... NEED YOUR ADVICE PLS !!!

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Well ... In the frustration of trying to find good vinyl rips and singles on CD's ... I have decided go buy a (1) turntable to play and rip. My question is ... to all of them have the same SOUND quality ? (That's my biggest concern).

I see alot of the older (from the 80's) Technics on ebay selling for $50-$100 US. Are those sufficient ?

Some of those have pitch controls (the rotary ones) ... Does that mean I can beat-match somewhat on them ?

Most of them direct-drive ... does that mean (in conjunction with SlipMats) I can scratch on them no problem ?

Are the brand-new lower end Numarks and Gemini's good for sound quality and ripping ? Should I get a brand new Numark Belt Drive or an older higher-end Technics ?

Need all the advice I can get (Rick, hopefully you can help me out) ... Thanks !!!!!!!!!

Inviato Fri 24 Jan 03 @ 2:47 am
You definately want a direct drive.. I've had several belt drives over the years, and they all start to slip... you won't really notice too much, but the pitch varies once this happens, and it'll never be right. If you can afford it go with the Technics 1200. It's been the industry standard for decades. I don't know too much about the numark, if it's a direct drive you might be OK... but I would avoid a geminii anything. It's not like you are taking it on the road to work gigs, you'll probably just set it up near your computer, and that's where it'll stay, with that in mind, if you come across a good buy on a numark, or other decent brand, you'll probably be OK. The nice thing about the technics is that I bought mine used for $275 each, when I finally changed over to CD's, I sold them (after using them for years) for $275 each. (I wish I'd kept one of them) Sound quality shouldn't be a huge issue, just when you replace whatever cartridge it comes with, get a good one! If you buy it used, invest in a good cartridge from DAY 1.

Good luck man!


yeah, get a Technics deck with some good quality needles

Ive got a Technics 1200MKII. Very good turntable, not all the fancy features of the new Stantons, but whatever. I dont need those :) certainly not if you only want to record your lps. Decent needles are needed too of course, and you turntable with the right settings :)

Greetz, Ikke

Thanks for all the advice !!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I'll definately go for a Direct Drive (You don't wan't to RIP a vinyl which has the pitch changing a fraction of a %) !!!!!! As for the actual player itself .... I don't care much ... I'll just get a brand new Numark Direct Drive with high quality carts.

I am not willing to invest in 1200's ... As Rick said I'm not taking it on the road, beatmatching or scratching with it ... Im keeping it right by my computer just for Ripping and playing.

BTW: What is the difference between Cartridges, Needles and Stylus ?

The thing is that you must have a great pickup(needle)for the sound quality..
Stanton, some good needles.

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