I've recentltly built my own mini light system, and have added a DMX software interface using a replacment DasHard DLL.
I've set the hardware up so that channels 1 - 3 control the brightness of red, green and blue lights. Channel 4 is configured to strobe 'duty cycle' so 0 is no strobe, and 255 is full white light, values in between will give various strobe effects. All this is tested and working using other DMX software.
I've set these up in the VDJ DMX channels window, and set some resonable values up in the programs window.
The 4 color buttons in VDJ work fine, and the Black button correcty turns off the 3 lights.
But.. The strobe and flash buttons turn on the effect, but don't turn it back off again :(
And I can't workout how to use the chase buttons at all. I assume I would need to configure these to get anything working with the beat of the music.
Any ideas, or shall I wait for the bug fixes??
I've set the hardware up so that channels 1 - 3 control the brightness of red, green and blue lights. Channel 4 is configured to strobe 'duty cycle' so 0 is no strobe, and 255 is full white light, values in between will give various strobe effects. All this is tested and working using other DMX software.
I've set these up in the VDJ DMX channels window, and set some resonable values up in the programs window.
The 4 color buttons in VDJ work fine, and the Black button correcty turns off the 3 lights.
But.. The strobe and flash buttons turn on the effect, but don't turn it back off again :(
And I can't workout how to use the chase buttons at all. I assume I would need to configure these to get anything working with the beat of the music.
Any ideas, or shall I wait for the bug fixes??
Inviato Tue 20 Dec 05 @ 9:03 pm
Post it in the Bugs forum please.
Inviato Tue 20 Dec 05 @ 10:41 pm