
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: DJC Mapper v2.0 - Page: 1

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Now available for experienced edition user and more

Inviato Wed 04 Jan 06 @ 6:59 pm
"Sorry your level is not high enough to download this add-on."
What should i do to get to that level ?

Now the plugin is available for professional edition users ;-)

Thanks !

The name of this plugin is "djcmapper.dll" and you can find it in the VDJ Home (root) folder

If you don't want to use the mapper anymore, simply remove the plugin

Thanks DJcel for the plug-in, it's very good.
Do you think it's possible to map 1 button to have the pre-listen of a song? For example the right click button of controller mouse?
Via mouse I can make right click on a song and push L on the keyboard but in virtual dj the windows standard keyboard right click doesn't work.
I like to map one button with right click and L to have direct pre-listen.
Read my other discussion for new features: http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/44292/New_features/preview_song_already_playing.html

you're right about the right click button on the keyboard: i will send that idea to the dev team

Why If I use my internal 5.1 audio card and I listen the song the little pre-listen tool open and automatic start play and when I use the console audio setup the play doesn't start automatic and it necessary to push play button?
I like to have the automatic play and I think the best it's to have an automatic talk over in headphone of the song selected via headphones channel during the pre-listen.
Sometimes I pre-listen the song and I have the selector in the same channel in play, in this case it's necessary every time to switch to the other channel.

I found some bug in the djcmapper, when I use the effects or the loop the led stay on every time, I can not see the on/off of the led necessary to understand if the effects or the loop is on or off.
Second bug are related of the headphone selector (only for mk2 with audio card), when I use your mapper the program can see the change position of the switch (good), but when I load one new song the headohones listen (like the TAB on the keyboard) switch to the other deck automatic and the manual selector remain in the old status non correct.
If I delete the dll the first problem is solved but for the second virtual dj can not see the switch of the headphone selector but change correctly the listen like the switch.
For me is good if the program can see the change position of the switch (now with dll), it see the same in the screen (now with dll) and I listen the correct deck set via headphone selector (now without dll).

1) I think i can't improve that as i can't test with the SDK if the loop/effect is enabled or not
2) I don't have the mk2 so it was my big problem: i had two choice: either the function select() or the function crossfader_headphone()
I decided select() whereas in VDJ by default it's crossfader_headphone()
I need your help to get the best way: one function or maybe both

For now you don't modify the mapper, nothing change.
Please ask to the dev team to make some modify for new version to solve point 1 & 2.
For the first I really don't like the frequency on/off of the led, for me it's slow, if i select a short loop (like 1/2) is not possibile to see one turn on/off of the led, please ask to have a fast frequency and the enable via dll.
About the second I think it's necessary an option (or registry lose option) to disable the automatic headphone switch when one new song is load but only for user with the DJ console.
If in the audio setup the console is selected the automatic headphone switch is disable.


Hello djcel
I found another bug related to the scratch-nudge with jogs, only nudge configuration work with dll!

No, sure both mode work: scratchwheel() and jogwheel() as it works for everybody and i use it a lot ;-)


I don't understand you. The mapper is totaly independant from VirtualDJ. There is no link with the skin or the VDJ config (except for the checkbox "activate the dj console")

You're right about the fact there is a dedicated part of xml for djconsole in the default skin but i don't know if it works. To test...

Hello djcel
Are there any news for the new version of your plug-in 2.1? Do you know if will be available new function in the future version of VDJ 4.0 about the DJ console?

As someone stole my notebook recently, I lost the source code of 2.1 so it will be longer to rewrite from 2.0 :-(

Sorry for this additional delay and i hope to get free time to do it again

Hi DJCel, sorry to hear about your laptop being stolen... it sucks.. :(, hope you can recover most of your stuff...
A potential "bug" of DJCMapper: Im using VDJ with DJC MK2 and DJCMapper. I just selected mixed mode for MK2 to be able to play an external source, but when i press the "Audio Source" button i cannot listen to the external source (the green light turns on and off, but nothing else happens). If I remove DJCMapper it works ok, so I figure its something with the plugin. What "action" and parameters should I select for the "Audio Source" button in DJCMapper? Currently I have "select" and 0 as a parameter, Absolute Value
Thanks a lot,

Yes i had difficulties to find the good action for that as it had to work with mk2 and control mp3. Led are linked to select() so in mk2 it's nonsense, sorry i didn't think about that. I don't have time to modify the DJC Mapper so if an experienced user want to modify it, he can and i will activate you on the website
