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Topic: TCV/TCCD whish-list for the new version - Page: 1

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As everybody knows now, a new soundengine is on its way, and will improve the sound quality, reduce the latency, and enhance the "scratching" sound.

However, to be sure not to leave anything out, let's list on this topic the features that you think the actual version lacks for tcv/tccd users.

Inviato Wed 11 Jan 06 @ 7:31 pm
I think it might be cool if it was possible to needle drop cue points. Each time you would lift and drop the needle it would advance to the next cue point. A smart needle drop...

No fanfare, just some TCV features I like:

* Accurate record markers on those spinning wheels. I guess this would be for absolute mode only. If those spinning wheels were accurate, then the line on them could be used for quickly locating your points while scratching and back cueing. Currently the sound and the marker on the virtual record will become not sync'd under heavy scratching, making them useless for this purpose.

* Ability to "disengage" the TCV, like when the record runs out but only the ability to do it at will, like with a shortcut. When the TCV is disengaged, the mp3 will continue to play til it ends.

* Able to grab track from deck A and load it on deck B

* Same as above but if in relative mode and TCV is spinning on deck B, load the track from deck A and go to the same exact spot. This feature helps me get my records on the correct side so I can scratch with the right hand.

* Ability to "offset" the start of the TCV (only useful for absolute mode)

* Related to above somewhat, the ability to artificially add some silence to the start of tracks. This is needed so you can scratch beat #1 on mp3s with zero silence at the start of the track. I know this can be done, I've seen *other* software implement it expertly.

* Pitchlock while adjusting pitch on turntable. This currently does not work in VDJ, or any other software that I know of, so I don't know if it is physically possible to do this. Be nice if someone figured it out though.

Listen2 had a pretty catchy idea above too. It seems completely doable to me and I like it.

I won't get into non-TCV features. Keeping it all on topic here folks.

I second all the above. Better sound, load deck a to deck b, and a faster reacting needle drop would make me smile. L2's idea is interesting too. Would have a lot of possibilities with a smart needle drop. Thanks for asking Dev Team. I'll think of a few more next time I play.

Would be nice to take a track OFF the deck. When making cue points, If I put a track on the deck, I can only replace it w/ a new one. If I have a track on both decks, I can't see what i'm doing anymore and I have to close VDJ down and open it again in order to clear the decks. Can we have it so we can maybe grab a track Off off deck, like we would with a real turntable?

I like all these ideas. The main thing for me would be a more realistic scratch sound and better overall sound quality, but that has already been mentioned. The idea of being able to clear a deck without loading another track would be nice also and being able to load and autoplay the same track in the opposite deck at the exact same spot (like anewsome sugested) would be really good. I can't wait for this update! Great to see (as always) that the dev team listens to its users.


I would like the needle drop function to be optional. This way I can turn it off, and no matter where I drop the needle, it will start playing the track from the beginning. Now I have to drop the needle at the beginning of the TCV and wait for it to hit the tone before I can start.

* smart needledrop: will be done, as an option

* accurate markers: I don't really understand.
In absolute mode, the marker are completely accurate of course (that's the definition of absolute mode).
In smart mode, the best way to get the marker where you want is this: turn the vinyl to have the marker where you want it to be, then call back a cue point on vdj. This way, the cue point will be synced on the exact point you want, and it will stay that way as long as you don't needle-drop or loop (and as long as the pitch on vdj is set to 100% of course).
You can of course do this on both decks, so that the markers are aligned on both turntables.
Let me know if there is something I didn't understand there.

* disengage: the shortcut to do that is called "timecode_active" and has been there since v2.0.

* grab track A to B: done

* clone deck A to B: done

* offset the start of TCV: it's actually already offseted by 0.5s (1/3 rotation). Do you mean you'd like the offset to be longer?
With the actual 1/3 rotation of offset, it means you can scratch the first beat accurately, as long as you don't go more than 1/3 rotation back from the beat.
The only difference with other software is that in vdj, this offset doesn't show on the screen (that means, the curve stop moving while you scratch before the actual start of the music). But technically there is still timecode on the groove, and the software knows exactly how fare your are from the start (you can make the test by using a marker and scratching on the first beat, the beat should stay on the marker as long as you don't scratch back more than 1/3 turn).
If it doesn't, then it's a bug, not a missing feature ;) Please let us know if you feel there's a bug there.

* pitchlock: will be done

* unload track: done

* optional needle-drop: if the disc is playing when you drop a new song, it should start playing from the start (I need to check, maybe there's a bug here and it goes to the needle point, if it's the case it will be corrected in next version). Anyway, you can still press "stop" to get the disc at the begining while staying where your needle is

OO can't wait ............ just tell us that it will not require more system power and i am happier then Cheech and Chong in Amsterdam

L2...U a funny guy.

I have another IMPORTANT development idea..............

GET AN ENGLISH MANUAL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Put Everything in it so we know what all the features are, where they are, how to access them, how to use them, if they relate to tcv or tccd or controller or keyboard, and how they may be helpfull to certian users.

Maybe even split the manual. one manual for tcv's one for tccd's, one for controllers, and one for computer keyboard and mouse users.

Just an idea............


Good to see most of this is done, will be done or is being considered. I almost suggested adding the ability to select songs using a special timecode but then I realized that I don't really care too much for this feature and I'd never use it anyway. But I suppose *someone* cares about this feature or else it would not exist.

With regard to the "disengage" feature, just curious if this feature can be used to start a song playing on deck A, disengage, swap the timecode decks (so the turntable controlles deck B now), and then play a song using deck B. Not that anyone would ever want to DJ a TCV application with only one turntable but if a TT dies on you at a gig, this might help you get out of it. Just curious if this would be feasible or not.

New manuals will be done ;) and more....

Back to the topic of TIMECODE & cd/vinyl use :

- relative mode option (guess thats added for sure? )

- timecode signal quality censor, possible to indicate in skin (by lights, levels etc) - to indicate warnings of loss in signal quality ( needles are not clean, ground wire need reatachment etc)

- invert pitch sliders possibility in FAME settings

- latency detection (possible???) and could it be added as a "calculated delay" for the waveform, so that waveform is more accurate in timecode mode?

- bypass mode improvements (so that turntable users can use bypass in software, with higher sound quality, without having to reconnect cables or use cable splitters)

- correct pitch/bpm readings when using sync in software / pitch on turntable (When beatmatching or sync is used along with timecode the vdj displays the pitch % in a wrong way, and BPM value)

- timecode CD use improvements (for use with Denon/ Pioneer. Not sure what the "bug" is, but some talk about it... )

some ideas:)


Some kind of revolution here: This is probably the first time the dev team has an open discussion. Very good idea in my opinion. Thank you for this.

The offset mentioned could be helpful. For example if you have a kind of cue burn (worn vinyl on the start) or a scratch on your vinyl. You simply could set it to 1 second. This would mean that playing will start after 1,5 seconds after the start of the timecode signal (1 seconds added to the the 0.5 seconds that's already there).

I wonder if this 0.5 seconds is also working on tccd. I'm using Denon dn1000 players and can't get the cue working properly. I also tried to add some additional empty sound at the start, but without success. Some others posted similiar problems with the denon decks before (WirelessDJ?).

@anewsome: yes that's exactly what the timecode_activate action was meant for in the begining.

- relative mode: the default vdj mode is a "smart" mode, that's half-way between relative and absolute. The absolute mode in vdj is called "CD mode" (you can select it in speed-settings, along with 33RPM or 45RPM), and you can have true absolue mode in CD mode when you unchecked the "anti-skip".

- if you have a tcv, there's no point in using brake effect, just brake your turntable...

- timecode quality on skin: goode idea, will be done

- invert pitch slider: ?? don't understand

- waveform fluidity: already there, that's what the "reactivity" in general option stands for

- bypass: maybe in a future version, not a priority because with new hardwares (U46DJ, and other coming soon), it is not a problem anymore

- pitch/bpm reading: what do you mean by it displays in a wrong way?

- timecode CD: please be more specific.

@ superstorm: it's far from being the first time, but it usually takes place in the VIP forums ;)

Timecode Related:
Option to turn off waveform on default skin
Option to Turn BPM off (so the BPM 'counter on the skin is not shown)

This then always a user to mix the 'traditional' way with the other benefits of useing VDJ/computer.

Both off = Vinyl simulation
Wav off, BPM on = most CD decks
Both on= VDJ's advantage

Good for practice and those that claim VDJ'ing is cheating.

Thanks, Bag.

@dev staff - I was going to say try and do something about the bypass timecode for people who want to play real vinyl on their turntable, since I tried doing this once and the sound was noticeably degraded. I've posted about this in the forum before. Since I already use Y adapters though, and I my mixer has enough inputs to deal with this, it's not that big of a deal to me. I think the point was, if the feature is in there then it should function at the highest quality. Although, I'm not really actually sure where the sound degradation is occuring, since it is just bypassing the sound through.

What about packaging the boxed version of VDJ with 2x timecoded Vinyl and 2x timecoded CD's?, like SSL, very nice touch in my opinion.

If there is to be no 'official' CD's sold with the boxed version, then why not offer an 'official' Disc template so we can press the logo with the VDJ colours onto the CD?, and a CD cover?.., users can then print their own. (forgive me if this has already been done but this would be a nice touch also).

i would NOT print any label on a disc unless it's ink directly on the cd itself, they unbalance the cd and sometimes jam iinside players, there's no need to label them, they spend most of their time inside anyways. just helping prevent an accident

There is a proper way of doing it, but even so it's optional.

please don't go off-topic.

@bagpuss regarding wav off: there are already skins doing that I think

@anewsome: the quality problem in bypass comes from two things:
1) people plug the phono-level output of their turntable on a line-level input on the soundcard, thus the dynamic of the signal that gets into the PC is very very low
2) the invert RIAA filter used in vdj is fast but not very accurate (mostly because timecode doesn't need more, and since point 1 prevent a good quality anyway there's no point working on it)
What I was saying is that now the MAYA44 has been replaced by the U46DJ, and the U46DJ has built-in phono-level inputs and invert RIAA filter.
Of course, the bypass mode in vdj when using a line-level signal is in perfect quality
