Hi, new to VDJ, and I need some help. Last night I entered many of my song's genre (using the comment field), but this morning most are gone! eeks... I really do hate doing all this typing over...how do I get my comments to stay put...is it a setting?,,,please any help would be greatly appericated...please use laymans terms when answering as I am not the top notch puter geek that I aspire to be...lol... thanks...dj dawn
Inviato Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 5:31 pm
How did you enter the data? I have stuff in there that I did not enter, but was done automatically, from the sites I download from. I think if you enter the data like this; Artist - Title - Comment, it should work. Alternately, right click the track, select edit comment, and see if that works.
Inviato Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 7:34 pm
Ah,,I figured it out, it was my settings, after reading the manual..(which I hate to gripe about, but it could be more informative,), I figured it out, my settings for anyone else that might be having the same problem are as follows: In the configuration, under the General tab, Multi users enabled - Max load Always - Read ID Tags Title & Comment - Write VDJ Tags Enabled (note* I just named the 4 options I thought here that cleared up my problem,the other options there in the General tab are up to what you need the VDJ software to do for you). I have a new laptop that is pretty loaded up eg. speed, memory,graphics, etc.., so not sure if these settings will work for everyone......ah,,,,one more step towards the puter geek status....lol...hardly...just puttering along like everyone else... :) thanks for this forum site, it's very helpful!
Inviato Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 8:32 pm
Don't worry, I don't know shit about computers either, but managed to build one. Everything I know, I learned from this, and other forums. I will be building another one in June or July because of new technology. My machine is using AGP x 8. I'm 2 steps behind PCIx and SLI.
Inviato Wed 01 Mar 06 @ 8:53 pm