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Topic: What´s the BEST controller for Virtual DJ - Page: 2

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I had no trouble setting up the BCD2000 in other software. I did not know VDJ don't know the difference between Control Changes and Note-on/off which is kinda silly really. Using CC codes for knobs and sliders and note-on/off for buttons is actually nothing abnormal and if indeed VDJ does not distiguish between the two I would think this is not Behringers fault.

Inviato Thu 20 Apr 06 @ 3:44 pm
Slash4PRO InfinityMember since 2003
No, Behringer's fault is not to provide a small soft to manually remap the MIDI messages sent by the BCD. (like control4lab with Ecler NUO4).

But this situation will change, let some time for developers of Atomix and Behringer to fix this.

Inviato Thu 20 Apr 06 @ 3:48 pm
Midi mappers are widely available.. And why would anyone have to compensate for the lack of support by others is what they do is not anything out of the ordinary. It's not Behringers fault if the MIDI implementation of VDJ is lacking.

Inviato Thu 20 Apr 06 @ 5:22 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
(totaly aggree)

Inviato Fri 21 Apr 06 @ 1:23 am
Ah to hell with it, I'll join the club!

I bought the Hercules MKII today! Yeah!

Would be nice if we had a forum topic strictly dedicated to the new and old consoles where all the questions and answers are in one spot.

Thanks for the advice. I'm enjoying the Hercules console as we speak!


Inviato Fri 21 Apr 06 @ 4:35 am
Slash4PRO InfinityMember since 2003
@ paulheu

Yes, I agree, I'm not telling that VDJ is totally right on this point. But it is not the only software to act like this. I saw several sofwares self-telling "MIDI controlable" that don't implements this functionnality (N-track, Audition...).

It's a matter of time now. I think VDJ will be improved for MIDI (Its not an official statement, just my thoughts) and I think that in the interval, Behringer is certainly going to develop a MIDI mapper for the BCD.

Inviato Fri 21 Apr 06 @ 9:04 am
Why would they.. there's some excellent midimappers available like MIDIOX and Bome's MIDI translator..

Using these it's easy to get the BCD2000 going with VDJ

Inviato Fri 21 Apr 06 @ 5:22 pm
I just got my Behringer today and played with it for a while. I'll tell you about the unit itself and the software since I don't have VDJ yet. I'm going to try the trial version to see if it will work.

The unit itself is lightweight. Seems a little fragile if you ask me. You might want to use it in a heavy duty case. The dials, sliders (all of them) generally are less than solid plastic dials; I guess that reflects the price. If you're a hard core DJ and play a lot you might wear it out, Anyway that's my opinion....

However, the functionality with it's software is good. All dials, buttons, sliders work flawlessly with the software and midi controls although the software is poor. You can't do a hard drive search for all your music for one, the bpm can be matched but you hear chipmunks when you speed up the pitch . Certainly no match (not even close) to VDJ nor Atomixmp3 (which I still use).

If the unit can be used with VDJ, (with the midi controls working) It should satisfy many since the funtionality seems good especially for the price.

I'm going to continue testing and try to map some basic controls to see what I can get working. (I'm a novice user and play maybe 4 or 5 mid-sized parties a year so I don't need all the scratch controls and effects anyway)

If it works out, I'll get an official full version of VDJ and post what I discover....



Inviato Sat 22 Apr 06 @ 5:53 am

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