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Topic: ultimate guide to controllers - Page: 4

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Many of you seem to be in the know so hopefully someone can help me out a bit here. To date, I have only been using my VDJ at home on my desktop PC. I recently decided to go fully digital for DJ'ing without using CD decks. I purchased a mac book and am now looking to get a mixer and soundcard to be able to DJ live using the laptop. I looked through a bunch of the topics in the forum and didn't see any that address fully setting up with a laptop. I obviously would like to get a mixer and possibly 2 sound cards so I can play and monitor at the same time. As noted earlier, can someone suggest reliable hardware solutions to effectively use a laptop. I am not so interested in getting a midi controller but am not closed to that option either.

Some of the questions I have:
1) Is there a soundcard I can purchase where I can listen and play independently and at the same time without using the VDJ cross-fader or will I have to purchase 2 cards?
2) If I have to purchase the 2 cards, how would this be set up using a mac book?
3) Would I have to get a usb bus to use both soundcards independently?
4) Would I need to buy a separate mixer or is a midi control surface a better solution?

Money is not a huge concern but I do not want to break the bank as I am justing getting back into the scene and do not have any income coming in yet from DJ'ing.

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread but as I noted, you guys seem to be all over this stuff and I figured you could help. Also, thanks in advance for any help you guys provide.

Da' Kwik One
Spreading the disease one beat at a time!

Me again - one last clarification - I do not plan on using timecoded vinyl in my set-up or any other audio play-back devices, however, I am very interested in using a Kaoss pad with the set-up. Thanks Again!

Did you look at the first page of this topic? You have all controllers described there.
You can get Hercules MK2 or Numark Total Control/DMC2 and some external sound card like Maya 44 or Numark DJ|iO. I think all of them have drivers for Mac.
You can check Mac forum also, might be better to ask there.

I checked through all of the info there and decided to go with the Total Control and DJ IO. Still having some performance issues with the soundcard but I have posted in the mac section for that. Hopefully I can get an answer there soon and give my impressions on the performance of both on here soon.

Initial impression of the Total Control - Great control surface. The only drawback that I see so far is that it is difficult to control the pitch precisely. I find that I am still using the mouse and on-screen display (pitch on the TC seems to move in .2 intervals around the initial BPM setting, that is say if the song is 128.0 BPM, when I move the control on the TC, it goes to 128.2) other than that I am very happy

anybody can tell me a good sound card for use with vestax vci?
and how can i use vci with tcv?

suitable cards for tcv include:

maya 44 usb
Virtual Vinyl package (2 tcv + pro version of vdj + hardware soundcard)
u46dj mk2

or any sound card with dual stero inputs

Thanks Skyfxl, you're always there
can i find any draw of connection for pc soundcard+tvc in this forum or any blog?

it varies from card to card

here is an example for a maya

the general setup is you connect

turntable one to input one , turntable two to input 2

then on the software ,

inputs: timecode
Outputs: Simple
Card: Asio
Driver : your card


Hello Gents (and Ladies) Has anyone tried the Denon DN-HC4500 controller with the new V5 VDJ? I've tried the included software with the device and I'm not nearly as happy with it as the VDJ. Can anyone help? Thanks.

I guess with the version you own is not possible, download the demo of latest version 5.0 rev 4 and try, regards.

Ok I am looking to upgrade from my hercules mk2 to something better.

I currently use laptop(Pc), virtual DJ, and MK2 at home and when in a club I use laptop, virtual dj, mk2 and then use the clubs mixer as an external.

I was thinking about getting the Vestax vci which looks great (for using at home- I already find it a bit cramped for space with the laptop and mk2 in clubs without the bigger vestax) but if it has no soundcard I will need to buy one.

Would it not be better to buy a decent (normal) mixer and keep using my hercules as a controller? Or could I buy a soundcard and normal mixer and control Virtual Dj with that (Do I need a specific midi controller)? Is there a really compact and simple controller that I could use.

Ideally I would like to get a good quality normal mixer (so that i have the option to get some cd decks and use it with them later) and control it from my laptop in the simplest way possible. The only downside from this would then be recording mixes with the external mixer which I presume I can't do with that configuration (i.e looping back into the laptop).

That may be as clear as mud but if you understand what I am rabbiting on about any suggestions?




if you use an external mixer with the hercules some features will not work such as headphone preview or crossfading , if you want to add cd players later it might be a good idea to get a full mixer with midi support like the no04 and a sound-card like the maya 44 usb that way you will have full control of the software and be able to use the features of an external mixer.

Some recommended full midi mixers are shown here :

"if you use an external mixer with the hercules some features will not work such as headphone preview or crossfading"


I have used external mixers and use the external mixer for previewing (unless you mean something other than listening to the cued track?) and the crossfader on the mixer. I normally use two channel inputs on the mixer and crossfade between them.

Mind you that has been using Pioneer DJM 800's in clubs....

Do other mixers not allow this?

Would say a Pioneer DJM 500 allow this function? 800's are a bit pricey.

Ok been looking into this a bit more.

I like the idea of the Midi-controller and traditional mixer combined so that I could add CD decks later and have a nice little home set up. The NU04 looks good but I'm not really familiar with that brand mind you so not sure of the build quality. Pioneer DJM 800's are too pricey for me although thsi would be the ideal solution for me as they seem to be a good industry standard.

My reservations are that I would have a good mixer and controller for home use but for playing out in clubs I would still need a midi controller. I could buy a maya 44 usb soundcard but would need to control Virtual DJ.

To date I have generally found that bars and clubs have had Pioneer DJM 800's in London. I hook up my hercules and laptop and then use the house mixer for fx and crossfading etc. Last week I played out at peak time and the herc sound card didn't really handle the job very well.

Also I won't always be able to rely on the house mixer being midi compatible and I would like a better soundcard than the herc has. I clearly would want to be bringing my own NU04 with me to a gig.

So is there a really small midi controller that I could use with a maya soundcard for playing out and have my home midi mixer (or I guess normal mixer) set up with cd decks later?

I would like to keep the spend to about £500 but could push it up in theory.


Just thought of another option to add into the equation and that's timecoded cd's.

I would then have a set of cdj's, a mixer and a laptop.

How much does it cost to get timecoded Cd's?

Starting to get well expensive if I am buying a mixer, cd decks and timecoded cd's.

Oh I dunno I am getting myself confused now with all the options available...


Oh brilliant.

Ok so that's a possible solution then.

Hmmm just need to find the cash for a mixer, cd decks and a usb soundcard.



kotdb wrote :
Hmmm just need to find the cash for a mixer, cd decks and a usb soundcard.


No need to buy external mixer and soundcard then, u can use ur mk2, just get the cd decks for starting out n use TCCD.

After u get few more $$ u could upgrade n buy the external mixer n better soundcard;)

Yeh thats true.

I think I am going round in circles a bit though.

Initially I wanted a more streamlined method of playing out and better mixing ability at home. Broken down as:

- a better soundcard for playing out
- possibly an easier setup in a club that didn't involve connecting into the back of two channels of the house mixer (while the previous DJ is playing) and setting up my laptop and herc in a cramped space
- a better more robust mixer for use at home
- possible ability to add CD decks at a later date.

Now after doing some research into the million possibilities I will end up with the cd decks and nothing else!

So confusing but exciting at the same time!


I'm turning into a right annoying pestering poster now...

This is probably a very stupid question but if I did take SpinnaJ's advice and just get CD decks only and plugged them into my herc would I be able to use it to mix normal cd's too and not just TCCD's?

Just use it as a budget mixer?
