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Topic: Crackles & unexptected error when changing latency or performance presets

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xspotxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Hi guys,

okay well to be honest virtualdj is starting to drive me nuts. i'm usually not the type of guy that likes to complain, but if i pay good money for a peace of software i expect it to work proberly. i feel i've spend more time configuring and finding out faults than enjoying a proper djing experience. anyways, here's another problem after i supposedly setting up a seemingly working system:

after not doing ANY changes to my working system (neither hardware nor software), i now get crackles all of a sudden. they sound sort of like the latency is too low (cpu load is fine). whenever i try changing the preset or the latency on the "performances" tab to 23ms, VIRTUALDJ SHUTS DOWN WITH AN UNEXPETED ERROR. i get crackles on all other settings below 23ms, and i can't choose 23ms cuz then virtualdj shuts down...

some more infos on my system:

- i run a good amd athlon 3000+with 1.8ghz, 1 gig ram (hardware should be way more than sufficient)

- esi u46dj with latest drivers (1.16), latest version of virtualdj installed, tc vinyl on 33rpm

- all installed on on a pretty fresh, clean and working system

even when i supposedly had my system set up straight, no crackles and a good latency, i still had dropouts, or the software would just stop and then start play back the track that's currently running on a totally different position. or, oftentimes the track would start to grind and vary in speed all of a sudden, sort of like the sound you get when playing an old cassette tape. these accidents also make it impossible to mix obviously.

now, as i'm planning to use this in a club environment, i'm seriously thinking about spending the extra money and switching to SSL, and if that works proberly without all the hustle, reinstalling and configuration changes that i had with virtualdj trying to set up a running system and STILL having problems with it, then i guess it's time to want my money back for virtualdj. but i've seen a dj (magda, quite known techno/minimal dj on richie hawtin's minus label) having dropouts during her set even with SSL, so i guess maybe it's time to switch back to the good ol reliable wax, ha ha ha.

if somebody is actually gonna make me enjoy this software for a 1hour set straight without any problems than this guy is gonna get the "saved spot's faith in the proper virtualdj djing experience before 2007" award ;)


Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 12:54 am
xspotxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
oh yeah what's also strange, the presets on the perfomance tab seem to be labelled incorrectly: on the right, it's "best quality", and when i put the slider there, the latency goes down to 5ms. this is not "best quality", this should be "fastest", shouldn't it?? When i put it on "fastest" to the far left, it's levelling the latency up to 23ms, ... there's certainly something strange goin on there...

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 12:58 am
xspotxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
you won't believe an instant of inspiration I TURNED OFF MY WLAN CONNECTION. the crackles are gone. WTF?! well i guess i'm just gonna shake my head for now and mix a bit...

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 1:13 am

Not very uncommon :)

In fact, most audio cards makes suggest you disable WLAN,WIFI, Bluetooth ... because they are notorious for making IRQ issues (causing crackles) for audio cards:)

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 1:30 am

As for audio dropouts, Virtual DJ or SSL, the cause is most often IRQ conflict on the USB port, resulting in audio buffer running out while the audio cards waits for its turn to talk to the CPU.

Disabling not needed hardware, or fixing the IRQ stack, fixes this :)

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 1:33 am
Here is a check list from M-Audio that is really good:

The most important part for USB soundcards, is the IRQ sharing part:)

More tips here:



This fixes issues with more pro soundcards, because this uses the internal latency for the card, and is needed for the u46dj!!


Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 1:35 am
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
xspotx wrote :
oh yeah what's also strange, the presets on the perfomance tab seem to be labelled incorrectly: on the right, it's "best quality", and when i put the slider there, the latency goes down to 5ms. this is not "best quality", this should be "fastest", shouldn't it?? When i put it on "fastest" to the far left, it's levelling the latency up to 23ms, ... there's certainly something strange goin on there...

Well i don't see the problem:
* the lower is the latency the better is the quality of the scratch
* fastest: the higer is the latency, the less CPU is used so it's faster (CPU view)


Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 2:02 am
xspotxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
ok well i'll get into the irq sharing etc. once i have find a quiet moment (still mixing well here right now hehe).

hmm well i'd interpret "fastest" for quickest response of the turntables (just as you state low latency as "fast" on midi keyboards by the way).

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 2:23 am
xspotx wrote :
ok well i'll get into the irq sharing etc. once i have find a quiet moment (still mixing well here right now hehe).

Just keep on mixing.. Chances are HUGE that your WLAN caused the issues ;)
Your not the first to run into that ... ;)

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 2:29 am

I have the same specs as you do, with maybe a few diffrences, I have a 64 processor and. I use TCVs with my set up, and for shure, u must disable your wireless lan. I've been using VDJ for about a year and a half now, and for the most part, it works flawless for me. And like DJ-IN-NORWAY pointed out, using the auto option in the performance tab is the way to go, at least for me. I use a maya 44 usb sound card, and or A M-Audio conective interface. I've had no problems setting them up with the auto config. Good luck, and enjoy!!

Inviato Tue 12 Dec 06 @ 8:41 am
xspotxPRO InfinityMember since 2005
bumping this thread - TURN OFF YOUR WLAN EVERYBODY! :D

Inviato Mon 22 Jan 07 @ 1:12 am
Just think, you were ready to go out and spend the extra money for SSL. Sometimes we move so fast, and think we have done everything, we want to blame the software. Well, sometimes it is us and our machines. A quick story. When I first started the digital DJ thing, I didn't know jack about computers. I still don't know jack, but what I do know, I learned from forums. My first software would freeze for a second, and then continue. When I say freeze, I mean stop for a second, and then continue from the same spot. Some days, it didn't happen and some days 2 to 3 times. There was no way I could use this at a mobile gig. Then one day it hit me, while swiping a credit card, my music stopped again. I shared a phone line with the credit card machine. Sometimes I would be online, in the forum, learning about the software and computers, while I was playing. So every time we swiped a credit card, my music would stop. I didn't get the correlation, because it happened even when I wasn't online. Just having the phone line hooked to my modem, caused an IRQ conflict. I didn't even know what an IRQ was. Disconnected the phone line, problem solved. I have not looked back, and have learned to check me and my machine first. No software is perfect, but I figure if it works on someone else's machine, it will work on mine. Was this a quick story?

Inviato Mon 22 Jan 07 @ 3:11 am

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