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Topic: Backspin with ICDX activating VDJ Video---> causing crash - Page: 1

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I use my Virtual DJ in conjunction with my Numark ICDX and i am having a persisting problem. For some reason, when I backspin on my ICDX, on occasion, this activates the Virtual DJ Video. This sometimes causes my entire program to crash. Why is the backspin activating the video, and how do I rectify this problem. All my drivers and such are up to date. Please advise

Inviato Fri 05 Jan 07 @ 2:34 am
I'll try to recreate your problem later with my iCDX, to check if it also activates my video.

¿should I understand that you are mixing mp3, and it activates some video plugin such as sonique?

tell me as much as you can so I can reproduce it in the same way to check if its software or driver related.

Yes i exclusively mix mp3's.....

The little box that would normally play the VDJ video pops up with the name of the song that is currently playing. This happens (not always however) when I backspin the platter on the ICDX, and it sometimes causes the music to stop playing and the message, "Virtual DJ has encountered a problem and needs to shut down".

Thanks for the help

First, I'm sorry for the delay DJFocus, but I finally reply....

I tried yesterday to reproduce your problem without success,Maybe it's a install problem. have you tried to reinstall DirectX and, in a last chance, VDJ?


under your video you have the video output and the the "show song title" deactivated?

maybe you have the following option selected in settings?

"Crash unpredictably when user performs a backspin"

Yeah I have everything deactivated and I also have tried re-installing updates of virtual dj...still with no success. Could be a conflict with my video card and the usb connections since the ICDX plugs into the usb?

You think i should just completly re install VDJ and try that? I dont understand though how an install issue would cause this

hey, it happen to me too sometimes. The video window pops up all of a sudden. I didnt get a hold on under what conditions yet. fortunately my system doesnt crash. if i know more ill let you know.

FINALLY....SOMEONE ELSE HAS THE SAME PROBLEM!! I've been waiting for it come up with someone else for a while now, because no one seems to have this problem. I have been waiting for Virtual DJ technical support to get back to me for over a month now on how to rectify this issue, and they still havent responded to me.

This is a true problem, It has happend to me several times, about an hour into my mixes, I turn the platter to nudge forward or backward and boom, the video screen pops up. I close it and vdj is not normal again. A few things I noticed, the three auto cue buttons are assigned and activated at the same time and I have to delete them, both deck play @ different speeds and pitch. I tried changing the the pitch setting maybe that will reset but did not help. @ this point I cannot mix the songs properly as the tracks never play @ the same speed eventhough the bpm is correct and I know that the songs have the right bpm. I have always had to shut down vdj and restaart again. It really needs to be fixed.

If you are ever unfortunate enough to listen to my mixes on the radio, anytime you notice that I dont blend the songs anymore, I'm probably sweating and trying to find a solution to the problem. I will eventually stop broadcasting and and restart vdj.

I have updated my ICDX to the latest patch from Numark. I begining to get worried cuz summertime is around the corner.

Wow Manixx......see I dont have those plethora of problems with the pitch settings. Just the activation of the video and the crash. I too REALLY wish someone would address this issue. Going on a month and a half now since I let the technical team no about it and still no answer. This is a BIG issue for ICDX users, because although the features are fantastic, this bug makes it almost like playinG Russian Roulette when you are at a party.


just a thought, what skins are you guys using? i just picked up a pair of iCDXs and have encountered these problems yet...but i want to stay away from experiencing them, it's not something i'm looking forward to... =/

okay i have officially experienced what you guys are talking about....not so much the video popping up but after a short period of mixing, the icdx's both crap the hell out and matching beats for two songs is 100% impossible!!!!!! after trying to load another song, both decks just swapped on me, the music stopped, the internal crossfader went 3/4 of the way left, and deck one leaves deck two in the dust no matter what bpm you set it at or try to match.....this is a serious problem and VDJ or NUMARK needs ot come up to plate and fix this crazy F**kED UP ISSUE!!! please guys!! we perform live with this software and equipment!! these are not minor things!! don't allow me to convert to SSL!! i need a program that will be loyal to me as i am loyal to it!

I totally agree Dizzle!

Yeah...I have events coming up and i'm freakin scared of using vdj just 4 this reason...I rarely complian about vdj...but this is really killing me. It's a real issue for the few of us that used our hard earned mony to invest in the ICDX.

We are working on it since the first message posted here but the only way to open the video window for us is to press the rotary button at the top left...
Do you have midi activated too in VirtualDJ?
We are going to test again according to these new data

@ DJ_Manixx

You seem to have a special case: verify midi + shortcut keyboard

We will give you a reason as fast as possible

I guess it's beacuase i'm a special I have also a Nuo4 mixer with the midi shortcuts I downloaded from this site but nothing to activate video. I deleted the activate video keyboard shortcut. Another thing I noticed is that if the activate video option is selected, when I maximize vdj, the video also pops up and then I close it. When I minimize vdj, the video also pops up.

DJ_Manixx wrote :
Another thing I noticed is that if the activate video option is selected, when I maximize vdj, the video also pops up and then I close it. When I minimize vdj, the video also pops up.

Yes it's normal because the fact to close the video window doesn't disactivate the video module (you can see in the video pannel that "activate" is still enable)
