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Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

Topic: 100 Euros for a VDJ midiclock signal

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hahn11PRO InfinityMember since 2004
I would pay 100 Euros if I could get VDJ working as a master to sync other appl. to VDJ.
The request in the forum has been there for i think longer than three years.
A lot of poeople want it to sync applikation like Reason, Ableton or synths .............and....
No reaktion of the team .Please I don't have the skills to do the programming but I hope some more
Users of VDJ would donate such a plugin or converter from OSC sync to midi sync.
texzk is capeble and working on a midi mapper. If you find a way that works the money is yours.
(would be the best to send it to a virtal midiport for ex. maplevirtual midiport)
Please if anybody has made resurch on this item post all the info you have that could possibly help to devellop such a tool.
Also to the team: is it possible to disclose more detailed info how to monitor or catch the signal,
what kind of signal is there and exist any progamm to convert it into a midiclock?
If we make a list with donations we might be able to make somebody interrested.

Inviato Sun 18 Feb 07 @ 10:46 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
a rewire or midi clock system has been sugested as an update for a future version

Inviato Sun 18 Feb 07 @ 11:11 pm
hahn11PRO InfinityMember since 2004
yes about 100 times but ...nothing.
No concreat promise or anything. Is sombody working on it.?Please disclose some more info.

In the meantime my offer pays.
100 Euros for a functioning sync signal.
Who else needs it urgently and is willing to donate.
Found a little programm that turns osc into midi massiges but cannot get it to work.

from there manual:

• The fourth mode is a sideeffect and not very comfortable in its implementation, but both MIDI control and OSC control offer the option to transform
and output received data to the other protocol. To convert MID to OSC set the appropriate checkbox in the dialog window. To convert OSC to Midi
select a MIDI output port in the main window's OSC page. MouseTrap must be in remote control mode to do format conversion!

Inviato Mon 19 Feb 07 @ 12:24 am

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