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Topic: questions about mk2 setup on vista

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Ok, i knew there are thousands of threads now regarding vista, and mk2.

i can say that i got it to work with the help from the vdj team about a month a half ago.
Now my question is regarding audio quality and i guess the right buffer settings on vdj to work with mk2
I have my laptop dual booting between xp and vista, here are the specs:

Dell XPS M1210
Core duo 2.0 ghz
1024 ram ddr2
120 gb hd @5400 could be the culprit of some skipping, only on vista though)
geforce go7400
sigmatel hd audio (doesnt apply here since i use the mk2
hercules 2mk2.2007 drivers (released about two weeks ago) For both vista and xp
vdj 4.3, installed on both vista and xp

As you can see, it is no low end laptop, its supposed to be fine for anything you drop on it. i am a computer animator and i use this laptop for animation and it works fine for light to medium work type.

Now, the problem that i have noticed more in vista than xp, is that my audio is not that clean. i hear cracks and pops sometimes, i thought it was the audio files, but they play fine on xp. Granted i have been playing with my buffer settings to see if i can improve it but i have not been able to do so. I also know that vista is more demanding on memory, so i am thinking of upgrading to 2gb in a few months.
When i use it on xp it works better, but i truly believe that with what i have know i should be able to use vdj on vista, and to be honest, i really dont have stability issues with vista, and it works super fast on this laptop. So i credit my problems to END USER PROBLEMS, that means....ME :-( i believe that VDJ is an excellent app and I give a thumbs up for all the Dev guys and support guys for everything.

Any help from anybody is greatly appreciated. I am a newbie on the dj field, but my experience has been a good one so far. I just need to get the things running fine on vista so that i can say goodbye to xp.

Keep spinning


Inviato Fri 13 Apr 07 @ 3:21 pm

Thanks, i will test those settings on xp and vista when i get back from work today. I really like vista to be my default os for everything. What else would you recommend? I should leave the ASIO mode on for vista right?


i do , its higher quality

ok, considering you might have a config more or less alike to mine, but knowing you its a lot better, what are your suggestions for my issues.



Well I had the same issues on my Vista before I dumped it. First try Latency on Auto if that doesn't work try Safe Mode. For me that made the pops and crackles disappear.


Why did you dumped vista? what problems did you had?
I will test those settings this afternoon. i will post my results.
Oh, i almost forgot, i downloaded the tccd files, how exactly do you burn them on the cd? as an mp3 file? or convert it to a an audio cd?

ok, i got another issue, why when i try to adjust the pitch, it doesnt it decrease or increase in an order of numbers, what i mean is that it drops by .5 or .3 or whatever, instead of doing it in order ,like .1 .2 .3 .4. 5. etc etc.
any ideas?


I dropped Vista as I was having video issues and also had horrible audio so I went back to XP as I had a gig on Fri and Mon, I am now in the process of doing a multiple OS setup so I can work with Vista a little more to check it out. I will let you know.

mindtwister3d wrote :
ok, i got another issue, why when i try to adjust the pitch, it doesnt it decrease or increase in an order of numbers, what i mean is that it drops by .5 or .3 or whatever, instead of doing it in order ,like .1 .2 .3 .4. 5. etc etc.
any ideas?

If you want to have fine pitch adjustments - go to Settings/Pitch Range and change it to -8% to +8% or -12% to +12%

thanks, that helped for the pitch settings, well i am happy to report that the audio issues where gone on vist after the tweaks that you guys recomended me

a friend of mine, gave me his extra mixer, so that i can learn to use it. how would i set it up, i will still use the jogs on the mk 2 to cue the decks and suck, but i want to use the mixer as well. how would i set it up?

I think i have it working

outputs 1/2- 3/4 from the mk2 to the ext mixer input channels, output master channel to my speakers,

on the mk2 cpanel, set it for ext mixer (although the cross fader from the mk2 still works, i left it dead on the center)
inside vdj, i use ext mixer settings.

is there anything else to do?

thank you guys, you are the best!


A friend of mine is an MS Sys. Engineer (works for MS)in Seatle. He told me that the dou core processors that start with 2 have a habbit of freezing up all the time. We spent quite a while going back and forth before I purchased mine but I digress, He did say to me XP Pro seems to run better on the 2Dou Core machines. Hope that helps. T

Well, on my laptop, vista runs fine, in certain aspects a lot better than xp, i do encounter my windows explorer timing out while i am at my works network. but other than that its stable. I know eventually with time vista will be a lot better, but so far i am happy with the inital results! It does however need more ram, i will upgrade to 2gb then 4 if possible.

As far as vdj, since the tweaks, everything is working good. I will keep practizing my dj technics this week, so i will post about the performance. but so far so good.

Any suggestions as to where to upload my mixes? i want my friends opinion on my learning sets as i call them.


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