Can both of these be ued at the same time? In other words, can I attach one to the the other indirectly through use of an external mixer or just though the the MK2?
Inviato Mon 23 Jul 07 @ 9:02 pm
what are you ultimately hoping to achive?
Inviato Mon 23 Jul 07 @ 9:12 pm
Just want to make sure al works perfect with VDJ. No more glitching ,perfect sound quality etc. I almost got everything working perfect with VDJ, Vista , TCCD and MK2. After extensive research and tweaking, but it's still slightly off just a hair. Sliiiight glitch , and virtual decks freeze up a load up of a track. And also video glitching when all used at once. Just want my system in perfect working condition is all I was told to buy the Maya 44 usb. And use it with my set up for better response, sorry I don't know much about all this im learning as I go.
Inviato Mon 23 Jul 07 @ 9:31 pm
why not use the maya as your main soundcard
and use the mk2 as a controler only
aslo , on options look at performances choose on this fastest , untick safe mode and over clock and try to set auto latency
and use the mk2 as a controler only
aslo , on options look at performances choose on this fastest , untick safe mode and over clock and try to set auto latency
Inviato Mon 23 Jul 07 @ 10:56 pm
That is exactly what I would like to do! How do I set that up? If the Maya connects to the laptop where do I connect the Mk2? I have 2 DENON 3500's an external mixer and MK2 how do I configure it all together , thank you?
Inviato Tue 24 Jul 07 @ 3:25 am
connect the maya to one usb port
the mk2 to another
in options go to remote control tick the mk2 box
then attach turntable 1 to 1/2 input and turntable 2 to 3/4 on maya
then attach channel 1 of the mixer to the 1/2 output of the maya , and channel 2 to 3/4 output
then on sound options choose
inputs : timecodes
Output: external mixer
Card : asio
Driver : maya 44 usb
and hit ok , now reopen the sound options
hit configure timecode
then on this press "auto Configure " 2 x on each deck
all will now should work :)
should it be laggy go to performance options set like this
and try this on the maya console
one it works , you can aslo try ticking overclock to give more resources to the card to make its performance increase :)
hope that helps
the mk2 to another
in options go to remote control tick the mk2 box
then attach turntable 1 to 1/2 input and turntable 2 to 3/4 on maya
then attach channel 1 of the mixer to the 1/2 output of the maya , and channel 2 to 3/4 output
then on sound options choose
inputs : timecodes
Output: external mixer
Card : asio
Driver : maya 44 usb

and hit ok , now reopen the sound options
hit configure timecode

then on this press "auto Configure " 2 x on each deck
all will now should work :)
should it be laggy go to performance options set like this

and try this on the maya console

one it works , you can aslo try ticking overclock to give more resources to the card to make its performance increase :)
hope that helps
Inviato Tue 24 Jul 07 @ 1:34 pm
Ok , I connected turntable to 1 to input 1/2 and turntable 2 to input3/4 on MK2. Then I conncted channel 1 of external to output 1/2 and channel 2 to output 3/4 on MAYA . I setup all configurations as you instructed. but I doesnt read my timecoded cd's. Ichecked all volumes and cables. Did I setup something wrong?
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 2:26 am
NO -
Connect the TT 1 to Input 1/2 of the MAYA
Connect the TT 2 to Input 3/4 of the MAYA
Everything else you list is fine. Just change how the TT are connected.
Nothing should be connected to the MK2 other than the USB cable to the PC.
Connect the TT 1 to Input 1/2 of the MAYA
Connect the TT 2 to Input 3/4 of the MAYA
Everything else you list is fine. Just change how the TT are connected.
Nothing should be connected to the MK2 other than the USB cable to the PC.
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 2:30 am
ok i did that it seems to be working but it doesnt show any signal ?? weird but it is playing it. but now i have no audio only timecode signal im not sure i have it all correctly setup? do you think you could help me put this together?
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 3:05 am
Open the MAYA Control Panel from your task bar - yellow USB lookin icon.
Mute the MONITOR for INPUT 1 through 4 and close the panel.
Set the INPUT to about 2/3 Full Volume and the OUTPUT at MAX.
Now go back to the VDJ Timecode config and follow SkyFxl's recommendations.
Mute the MONITOR for INPUT 1 through 4 and close the panel.
Set the INPUT to about 2/3 Full Volume and the OUTPUT at MAX.
Now go back to the VDJ Timecode config and follow SkyFxl's recommendations.
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 3:26 am
HKNYC wrote :
Ok , I connected turntable to 1 to input 1/2 and turntable 2 to input3/4 on MK2. Then I conncted channel 1 of external to output 1/2 and channel 2 to output 3/4 on MAYA . I setup all configurations as you instructed. but I doesnt read my timecoded cd's. Ichecked all volumes and cables. Did I setup something wrong?
sorry should have been more clear ment the maya
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 11:59 am
Ok ,all seems to be working but , im getting way to many weird things happening??
Im guessing by connecting the external mixer connections channels 1 and 2 to the Maya outputs 1/2 and 3/4. It would split the channels from the MK2 , right? Becuase now I get crackling my cpu usage is high and if Itry to play both decks one cuts off audio. And where do I preview headphones from now , my external? And also on the maya setup it won't let me change to 16 bit it's set at 32 and when I change it to high it changes back to normal. I still think I dont have this all right
Im guessing by connecting the external mixer connections channels 1 and 2 to the Maya outputs 1/2 and 3/4. It would split the channels from the MK2 , right? Becuase now I get crackling my cpu usage is high and if Itry to play both decks one cuts off audio. And where do I preview headphones from now , my external? And also on the maya setup it won't let me change to 16 bit it's set at 32 and when I change it to high it changes back to normal. I still think I dont have this all right
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 6:12 pm
I think part of my problem is that in timecode configuration it doesnt acknoledge my tt's. Its not showing a signal percentage? but they are working!
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 6:17 pm
First off - Take the MK2 out of the picture for now.
So we have the TT straight.
Second your MAYA 1/2 & 3/4 outputs go to the LINE IN jacks of your mixer for which ever channels you want - if 1 and 2 have a LINE IN connection then lets stick with 1 and 2
Please post the make and model of your mixer so I can see what we are working with.
So to answer the PFL (Preview) - YES, all preview will be using the external mixer as you normally would with CD or TT connected.
Now to address your performance issues -- lets start with the Config -> Performance tab -
Move the Performance slider to the far left and change the LATENCY DropDown to the AUTO choice.
Let's start there - once you make these changes - close VDJ and open it back up.
Go to the Config -> Sound Setup -> ASIO button. Select the ASIO tab and now change the System Performance dropdown to the second fastest option - Highspeed
So lets start there -- we will add the MK2 back in once the TCV is working.
So we have the TT straight.
Second your MAYA 1/2 & 3/4 outputs go to the LINE IN jacks of your mixer for which ever channels you want - if 1 and 2 have a LINE IN connection then lets stick with 1 and 2
Please post the make and model of your mixer so I can see what we are working with.
So to answer the PFL (Preview) - YES, all preview will be using the external mixer as you normally would with CD or TT connected.
Now to address your performance issues -- lets start with the Config -> Performance tab -
Move the Performance slider to the far left and change the LATENCY DropDown to the AUTO choice.
Let's start there - once you make these changes - close VDJ and open it back up.
Go to the Config -> Sound Setup -> ASIO button. Select the ASIO tab and now change the System Performance dropdown to the second fastest option - Highspeed
So lets start there -- we will add the MK2 back in once the TCV is working.
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 6:21 pm
are you on vista or xp?
on vista there is only a limited shareware driver lacking some settings
on vista there is only a limited shareware driver lacking some settings
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 6:21 pm
Alright, I have the outputs of the Maya to the inputs of my external mixer/DENON DNX 500. I have my cd tt's connected to the inputs on the Maya. I configured evrything like you said , definitly much better more rapid better response altogether. But it seems the channel are split and I can only preview what I am playing in the moment. I cant preview the other deck unless I move the slider which in turn you hear it coming thru the monitors. And, I am running on Vista.
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 8:06 pm
which version of the driver does it say you have
basic / shareware
basic / shareware
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 8:56 pm
OK - So in VDJ for now - Go to Config -> Options -> click on the button for the Crossfader settings until it says DISABLED - trust me for now.
Now you will use your mixer for all PREVIEW functions. Headphone plugged into the jack on the mixer and use the PFL/CUE button on the mixer to listen to the channel. Use the mixer as normal.
--- Now once we get the MK2 functioning then we can talk about changing the way previewing is done - if necessary. And as for the MK2 SkyFxl will have to work with you on that as I don't have one.
Now you will use your mixer for all PREVIEW functions. Headphone plugged into the jack on the mixer and use the PFL/CUE button on the mixer to listen to the channel. Use the mixer as normal.
--- Now once we get the MK2 functioning then we can talk about changing the way previewing is done - if necessary. And as for the MK2 SkyFxl will have to work with you on that as I don't have one.
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 9:14 pm
Ok the Maya control panel says its the 4.3 version. And as for these decks when I start one, then the other one starts going really, really fast its scary. And for previewing I get both songs playing at once and still comes thru the monitors
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 10:27 pm
I went and downloaded new drivers for the maya seems to be working ok now. And I disabled the crossfader so whats next?
Inviato Wed 25 Jul 07 @ 11:48 pm