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Topic: Xponent Mapper Update... - Page: 15

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SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
v1.30 for PC and Mac has been uploaded, and is awaiting approval.

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 11:40 am
Hi Scott , that's great news , thank you , Paul

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 12:42 pm
great job thanks you scott

Inviato Tue 09 Dec 08 @ 2:10 pm
moramaxPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2005

Available the mapper 1.30 for the M-AUDIO Xponent.

to download (pro user only):

ver. 1.30
Implement touchpad effect control
Implement touchpad button effect control
Implement 3-stage flashing progress meters for track remaining warning
Implement Browser/Effects/Sampler/Recording tab control
Fix problem with new beat detection slider
Fix problem with jogwheel which may cause decks to run at different speeds
Fix disabling of scratch mode whilst jogwheel held causing deck to stay held
Fix effect button control
Change browser panel control method

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 6:52 am
Hi Scott

Thank you bro good work man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 7:08 am
Big props to you, Scott! Thanks a lot.

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 9:17 am
Thanks a lot for great day you made

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 11:01 am
Love the new features and stability. But I seem to be having a little problem, jog bending with scratch-mode is quite unorthodox. Is this intended?

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 11:19 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Could you be a little more specific?

It should be the same as prevous versions?

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 3:40 pm
Well, jogbending at a steady pace while not in scratch-mode causes the same effect as using the bend-buttons, that is to say the intended way.

However, if scratch-mode is on, moving the record backwards at a steady pace makes it come to a complete stop for the duration of the movement, moving it faster increases the effect, actually, trying it out just now, it is almost exactly the same as putting your hand on the platter and spinning it it back without the hold-effect.

Also, I've noticed it's still somehow possible to lock a deck from playing sometimes, will look further into it, I've noticed it's considerably harder to get it there, but also harder to get it out of it, it's a lot more stubborn.

Or is it just me having these problems?

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 4:30 pm
hello, here is the same plroblem with the bending when scratch is active, and another thing than i note, the christmas tree mode works just fine when just one side is playing when the two sides are playing the lights turn one side or the other,
and happy hollidays everyone!!!

Inviato Wed 10 Dec 08 @ 8:44 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I can confirm the problem with jog-bending in scratch mode, however I've found no issues with the christmas tree light mode?

Inviato Thu 11 Dec 08 @ 12:52 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
I have fixed the jogwheel issue and uploaded v1.31. Download is appending team approval.

Sorry guys ;)

Inviato Thu 11 Dec 08 @ 1:16 pm
Woah, fast work Scott. Greatly appreciated yet again, most likely just about perfect now.

Edit: can also confirm I have no problems with the christmast tree mode. It working perfectly, try it on songs with more pronounced bass and lower the sensitivety to confirm it really isn't working, Alf.

Inviato Thu 11 Dec 08 @ 4:08 pm
Great great job Scott , much better than before , one small prob is in my playlist not browser or open folder i cannot select the song with the the browser all is ok , in the middle my open folfer is all ok but on the right hand side in the playlist i am unable to select the song , eg make it change colour ready for loading , any else had this problem ??

Cheers Scott , wonderful job , Paul

Inviato Thu 11 Dec 08 @ 6:57 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, any chance you could explain step by step?

Inviato Thu 11 Dec 08 @ 9:01 pm
Hi Scott...ok when i open my vdj i have three colomns in front of me.
On the left the browser,in the middle the songs from the folder that i've opened from the browser and on the right a playlist that i load before the night from a previous set list or randomly.
Now my vdj is in italien and i don't know if the names are the same but i'm talking about the temporary list on the estreme right hand of the monitor.
Any folfer or song that i want to open (from any column) or load must first be highligted , just click on a song once , the song (that line) changes colour and then you can load it onto the deck using the buttons on the xponemnt.ok so far ?

When i click on a folder in the browser (left hand column) or a song in the central column all is fine BUT when i click on a song in my temporary playlst column (right hand column) the song will not remain highlighted , sometimes the last sond does remain highlighted and if i
scroll up and down using the + e - buttons on the xponent there is no problem BUT if i click randomly in that temp list (right hand colomn) the song refuses to remain highlighted and therfore is not ready to be loaded , , i do hope you understand the problem it is difficult to explain , let me know if you understand all , anyway i had a great nite with the 1,30 it's GREAT !
Cheers Paul

ps. i've just had another go here with my laptop (no xponent connected) and there was no problem , something i did , do or happened during the night gave me this problem , i repeat , just tried again and there was no problem , how strange...

Inviato Fri 12 Dec 08 @ 12:51 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004

Inviato Fri 12 Dec 08 @ 1:24 pm
I'm sorry, Scott. But for me the problem persists.

And also, if you're touching a platter when turning on scratch for it, it will get locked.

Really loving and appreciating your work, but it's hard to work with this.

Inviato Fri 12 Dec 08 @ 1:47 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
DJ Binky wrote :
I'm sorry, Scott. But for me the problem persists.

And also, if you're touching a platter when turning on scratch for it, it will get locked.

Really loving and appreciating your work, but it's hard to work with this.

I'll have to do some more testing then. I stuck it in scratch mode, and was able to bend with the edge of the jogwheel fine.

I'll have a look at the getting stuck thing.

Inviato Fri 12 Dec 08 @ 6:26 pm