This is a very basic skin which delivers nice clear visuals with seperate and overlapping waves at the same time making it easy to see each track as well as verify your beatmatching. The basis for this skin is to let you focus only on the mix and your hardware. There is a hidden button to activate/deactivate timecode mode in the very center of the spinner, as well as a pitch reset by double clicking pitch%. Consider this a beta version. Thanks and enjoy.

Inviato Mon 21 Jan 08 @ 8:50 pm
cool skin m8
Inviato Mon 21 Jan 08 @ 9:38 pm
yeah it is a nice Skin, Listen 2.
I think it would be alot better though if the Waveform and "spinners" where at the top of the skin, and the file section underneath.
But thats just my view.
Jimmy b
I think it would be alot better though if the Waveform and "spinners" where at the top of the skin, and the file section underneath.
But thats just my view.
Jimmy b
Inviato Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 12:38 am
It's a very good skin for me .
Inviato Tue 22 Jan 08 @ 10:41 am
small update coming: if anyone thought the waves were a little fast moving by default i adjusted the zoom buttons. Now the 1,2,3 buttons zoom a little more out and slows the speed down some, of course you can just move the slider on the other side waves to where you like and everytime you open VDJ it will save that position.
Inviato Mon 28 Jan 08 @ 12:35 pm
Update I finally changed the default zoom amount and you can change it but using the red #2 in the wave panel.
Inviato Sun 10 Feb 08 @ 6:46 pm