
Forum: Old versions


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Today when I tried to open VDJ I got a message that says THE INTERNAL DATABASE IS CURRUPTED. What does it mean, how did it happened and how can I fix it? If possible, can I get step by step direction on how to fix it. Thanks.

Inviato Sun 05 Dec 04 @ 5:06 am
I think you have many problems . Maybe you have a bad config of your PC .
Try to reinstall all from the beginning- Don't forget direct x 9 -
What SO do you have ?

Did you back up? Always back up. However, Yes, I to do agree there must be issue there. I would aslo start fresh if you can..

Yes, I did backup all my tracks on an external hard drive. I'm running WINDOWS XP. Are you suggesting that I do a complete system restore on my computer?

I would make that !
If you have one hard disk you have to make a partition (10 GB for SO and the rest for the music)

1 - Reinstall Windows from the beginning -(new installation - a fresh one)
2 - install direct x9 (latest)
3 - Install your soundcard
4 - Install Virtual dj 2.06 ( you can request to the team the complete installation not the upgrade)
5) make a back up - and if everything goes well begins to install other programs -

I have had some problems with the upgrade 2.06 ...for that reason I requested to the team : send me the complete installation and then everything was well -

Search this on the forum, been there.

Reinstall Windows?????

shinobi16 has many problems and I think it's a Windows problem -

i have one question......whats a SO.....is that the same as an OS.....just curious

Well I had this same problem and wondered why I didn't need to wipe my SO to get rid of it.
What other problems has he got?

I agree Rick. He should not have to reinstall windows just because the database is corrupt. Its overkill and needless. Just my 2 cents...

Solved the problem by re-installing windows again. Thank GOD for external hard drives. Backed up my music on the external HD. Installed windows. Ran an antivirus program, ran a spyware program. Then I removed these programs, did a disk ERROR CHECKING and finally DEFRAG. It's back to normal again. Anything different you guys and gals would've done? Please, let me know. This time I'm not going to play around with the TWEAKS suggested on this site. Everytime I do, something else comes up. I'm going to leave it alone, IF IT'S NOT BROKEN, WHY FIX IT. So far the program is running fine. Last night I ran it for 5 1/2 hrs. with no problems. After that it froze, this has happened before and I don't think I'm the only one out there with this problem. Re-started the computer and back to normal again. The frozen screen is another issue that ATOMIX has to address.

reinstalling windows???? or you're bored, or ...ok , i said enough. just backup your virtualdj internal database, uninstall vdj, then delete the folder ! reinstall the hole damn thing, and copy your bcackup database into the fresh folder of vdj.
reinstalling windows.......:)


As some others have suggested in this thread, it is good practice to not only backup your audio files, but to backup your vDJ settings, including Playlists, the internal database file, keyboard settings file etc. These settings files are all found in the vDJ program folder... (\Program Files\virtualdj)

Unless there are other problems using Windows, there is no need to reinstall Windows.

Internal Database Corruption message from vDJ usually means that vDJ has a problem reading the Internal Database file or a conflict with the data in the file. This can for example happen if you have a USB sound device configured as one of the SoundCards in the vDJ settings, then you remove the USB device. Upon startup, vDJ expects the USB device but it is not there. Replacing the hardware and restart vDJ it will launch normally.

There may possibily have been a conflict like this, or even a permission problem if you are using NTFS type of file system.

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