
Forum: Old versions


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Is there a way in WINDOWS XP that I can check my laptop's CPU temperature? Or do I need a software program to do that? Thanks in advance.

Inviato Tue 21 Dec 04 @ 12:04 am


The SPEEDFAN site is up for sale and I didn't see the DOWNLOAD.



What should be the desire CPU temperature on my laptop? What about CPU usage while running VDJ? Thanks.

Thanks to SPEEDFAN and your advise I found out that one of the fans on my laptop is not working. Can I fix or replace it myself? How hard is it? Please advise me. Thanks.

No problem
Yes you can replace the fan yourself its a simple plug in type(most of the time)
Even having it replaced by a tech cant be that expensive (if your not sure)
Normal temp is 50 degrees celcius

Kind of depends on how hard it is to get at.
If you can get at it, it just unplugs.

Got to the fan and disconected it. The problem now is that the laptop manufacturer (HP), doesn't carry the OEM fan anymore. There's a lot of companies online that carry the fans but they need the size in millimeters. There's nothing on the old fan that indicates it's size. How in the world do I figure out what size fan I need? I was also told that to make the CPU run cooler I should put some type of thermal greese between the HEATSINK and the CPU. The brand recommended was ARTIC SILVER 5.

Measure across the fan's diameter with a vernier (calibrated C-clamp).
Any machine shop will have one of these, most good verniers will offer a digital read in both " and MM.

I would recommend a laptop cooling plate. Do a search on google. They run about $40


I already have one of those CHILL PADS. The problem is one of the two internal fans on my laptop stopped working. It's impossible for the CHILL PAD to compensate for the defective fan. I'm afraid to run it with only one fan working, it gets really hot, so I'm afraid to fry the CPU. Yesterday I e-mail a photo of the fan to the company that manufactured it to see if they carry it. I got my fingers crossed but I don't think I'm going to have much luck since HP doesn't even carry it. My best bet is an aftermarket one, but like I said on my previous post, the problem is trying to figure out the right size fan. I'm hoping somebody on this forum is familiar with the type of fan that I have and will guide me on the right direction. AGAIN, the laptop is an HP PAVILION ZX5180US. Thanks.

Found this on ebay at bout 50 bucks us Listing has pictures HP Pavilion ZE5170 HEATSINK W/ 2 FANS.
I believe it is the same unit as the 5180

The heatsink unit looks different than mine, but I'm not sure about the fans. I'm e-mailing the buyer to see if the fans have the same numbers as mine. Thanks a million ANDRE. Happy New Year.

The heatsink unit looks different than mine, but I'm not sure about the fans. I'm e-mailing the buyer to see if the fans have the same numbers as mine. Thanks a million ANDRE. Happy New Year.

I doubt HP had a special fan made just for them. I would do a search on google for small muffin fans and se if you can find one the same sixe and voltage. I doubt is has a thermal sensor inside the fan as in probable runs all the time.

Can't you rip the dead fan out of your laptop and take it down to a local computer store to match up the size?
